Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1140 Doubts at the scene

"The deceased was Mr. Tanba Katsuyasu, 32 years old, who worked as a physical education teacher in a junior high school. The first person to find the body was Miss Masaki Subami, who worked as a physics and chemistry teacher in the same junior high school. Is that correct?" Officer Megure asked.

"That's right." Masaki Sububa nodded.

"Can you please recount the process of discovering the body?" Officer Megure asked.

"Okay." Masaki Sububa began to narrate:

"Today, Mr. Tanba and I, as well as Daozi, who teaches at the same junior high school, made an appointment to come here to play bowling, but he was drunk in the car drinking beer."

"Because I was worried that he might cause trouble on the street, I took him to Daozi's car and came back after he sobered up."

"Then, Suba and I played bowling for an hour." Michiko Mennai took over the conversation: "Later, I wanted to leave Mr. Shanbo alone in the car. I felt uneasy, so I went back to the car to look for him."

"Who knew he wasn't in the car, so I panicked and ran back to the stadium to look for him with everyone."

"What do you mean by everyone..." Officer Megure asked.

"It's just a few of us." Yu Gongming said: "All of us present are participating in the search."

"Initially, we searched around the parking lot and found nothing, then went to a nearby izakaya to search, but still couldn't find anyone. Finally, we returned to the parking lot, and then Miss Suba found the body in the toilet. "

Officer Memu frowned: "Did you go looking for it together? Did anyone leave alone during this period?"

"Except for the last time we returned to the parking lot, we all searched together." Mouri Kogoro replied: "I was with the two ladies, and Hanomiya boy and the others also worked together."

"By the way," Seriang said, "When we first searched the parking lot, the toilet in the parking lot was marked with a malfunction sign and was locked."

"But after we went to the izakaya to search for it and came back, the toilet door could be opened, and then Ms. Asahami discovered the body."

Officer Megure's expression changed slightly: "In other words, the murderer probably carried the body to the toilet when you went to the izakaya to search for it?"

"Officer!" The forensic officer ran over: "After autopsy, the time of death was roughly between one and a half to two hours!"

Officer Megure nodded: "I understand."

Mouri Kogoro rubbed his chin: "So, it happened to be the time when we went to the izakaya to find someone... so we all have alibi!"

"That's true." Officer Memu frowned when he heard this: "But this would be a bit troublesome. If it weren't for everyone present, the murderer might have escaped."

"It has been raining heavily until now, and all traces have been washed away by the rain. It is undoubtedly very difficult to find the murderer."

Mouri Kogoro's face became a little gloomy when he heard this: "It's indeed a bit difficult..."

Officer Megure thought for a while, then looked at the two women Menna and Masaki: "Excuse me, do you know who Tanba-sensei has an affair with?"

"This... I'm not sure. He tends to pester others when he drinks." Menna Michiko replied.

"Oh? Pestering others? Did he pester anyone while drinking this time?" Officer Memu asked.

"Yes." Mennaichi nodded.

"Well, that's him!" Akira Hanomiya pointed at Kyogoku Makoto: "But police officer, he was with us the whole time, and there was no time to commit the crime."

"That's it..." Officer Megure suddenly looked disappointed.

"Police officer! Traces of impact were found on the abdomen!" the forensic officer said again.

"That... was probably caused by me." Kyogoku said, "The man looked drunk at the time and said that I was glaring at him, and then he wanted to attack me, so I punched him."

"Oh." Officer Memu understood.

He looked around at everyone and said, "Before new clues emerge, let's go to the gym to take shelter from the rain. I also need to inquire about some further information."

"I want to stay and check out the scene. I always feel that there is something incongruous about the scene." Yu Gongming said.

"Then I'll stay and hold the umbrella for you." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"I'll study with Brother Hanomiya!" Conan also said.

Seriang originally wanted to follow everyone back to the gym, but after hearing this, he immediately changed his mind and said, "Then I'll stay and help too!"

Officer Megure hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, let's go to the gym first. Brother Hanomiya, please be careful not to damage the scene."

"Okay, we will pay attention." Yu Gongming nodded.

Afterwards, everyone left except for the four members of Yu Gongming and the forensic personnel.

Sera looked at Hanomiya Akira: "Hanomiya, what did you find?"

"Look at the vent above the toilet." Yu Gongming reminded.

The other three people looked there at the same time.

"Eh? The rain at the vent..." Shiliang gradually showed surprise.

"It's in the form of a band-like retention. It seems to have been stuck by something like tape." Conan said.

Yu Gongming walked around to the front of the toilet and said, "There are also traces of rainwater retention around the toilet door."

Seriang suddenly frowned: "Did someone seal up the entire toilet? But didn't the deceased drown?"

"The toilet i is not completely sealed." Meng Yu said: "There is no trace of rainwater retention in the vent below."

Seriang went around and took a look, and it was indeed the case.

"One more thing, I wonder if you have noticed?" Yu Gongming continued: "When we found the body, there was actually a strange smell in the toilet."

Seriang raised his eyebrows immediately: "Did you notice it too?"

"It's the smell of kerosene!" Akira Hanomiya, Conan, and Sera said in unison.

"Is there any connection between this?" Shiliang looked thoughtful.

"Actually, in addition to the smell of kerosene, there is also a faint burnt smell in the toilet." Meng Yu said.

"Burned smell?" Hearing this, Yu Gongming immediately looked at the forensic personnel at work and asked, "Mr. forensics, did you find any signs of burning during the inspection?"

The person in charge of forensics shook his head: "No, no such traces were found in the toilet."

Yu Gongming looked thoughtful, and then asked the forensic personnel to help open the toilet door.

Shiliang glanced at the inside of the toilet: "At first glance, there are indeed no signs of burning. Could it be that Meng Yu made a mistake?"

"My nose has never been wrong." Meng Yu said lightly.

"Perhaps the scorch marks were blocked?" Conan suddenly pointed to the ceiling of the toilet.

There, is a shelf with toilet paper.

The eyes of Yu Gongming and Seraang both lit up!

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