Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1151 Confusing clues

In the conference room, everyone was sitting upright.

Officer Shiratori of the Metropolitan Police Department is responsible for introducing the case.

"Except for the sixth case, what the first five cases have in common is that they were all stabbed with large knives. Judging from the shape of the wounds, the murderer should have swung down with his right hand."

"These five victims were all suspected to have been knocked unconscious with electric shock batons and kidnapped. The murderers then took them to the place where they were found, killed them, and dumped the bodies. This raises the question of why the murderer kidnapped the victims, What about deliberately taking them to other places to kill them?”

"Then, mahjong tiles with red circles, English letters written on the back, and vertical black lines were found next to the six bodies. According to our speculation, this is obviously a message left by the suspect."

"Of the four circles below the seven-tube cards, only the upper right and lower left are not painted red among the six cards that are painted red." Officer Ogino muttered, staring at the information handed out to him.

Next to him, Henggou Sanwu also touched his chin and said, "Yes, and the English alphabet has two A's, EHZ, and what should be an upside-down L."

"Also, the victims in these homicides all had something taken away from them." Officer Shiratori added.

"Necklaces, girdle bags, amulets, motorcycle key rings, makeup mirrors, and character dolls." Officer Sato introduced the six items.

"Did the victim lose it when he was kidnapped?" Officer Chiba asked.

Officer Shiratori shook his head: "The possibility is very low. If it is a lost item, it is unlikely that all six people just lost one item, so I am more inclined to think that the suspect took it."

"So, the key is still those messages." Officer Megure said.

Officer Shiratori continued: "In addition, what Ryuzaki, the victim of the sixth case, said before his death was [Nabata Kyo] is also concerning."

Megure police said: "Ryuuzaki's brakes suddenly failed at that time. According to the investigation, it was because the brake fluid was leaked. It should be that someone's hands and feet were touched at Dajianshan Station before the intersection. Ryuzaki may have been there with him. The murderer met him."

"I asked, are you thinking too complicated?" Mouri Kogoro suddenly said.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at him.

Mouri Kogoro stood up and talked eloquently: "Since the murderer left mahjong tiles, it should refer to mahjong. The reason why he left one tube and seven tubes means that the murderer's targets were eight in total."

Officer Memu's eyes froze for a moment: "Brother Maori, do you mean that the murderer will commit another crime next?"

"That's right!" Mouri Kogoro said with absolute certainty.

"But. If there are eight targets, wouldn't it be easier to use eight canisters?" Officer Shiratori asked puzzledly.

Mouri Kogoro replied: "Because one tube and seven tubes have another meaning, that is, you can use one tube and seven tubes to listen to cards, and they are also excellent cards that can be reversed in one breath!"

"Uncle Maori." Yu Gongming couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but said: "Can I ask a few questions about your speculation?"

"Oh? What's the problem?" Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully.

"Excuse me, if the motive for the murder was mahjong, why didn't the last deceased just say mahjong before he died, but instead said [Qixi Kyo]?"

"Well..." Mouri Kogoro's expression froze.

Yu Gongming continued: "Also, on the surface, there seems to be no intersection between the several deceased people, and the place of death and usual residence are different. What is the chance that they got together and all played mahjong with the murderer? high?"

"'s not impossible, right?" Mouri Kogoro felt a little unsure.

"Then why did the murderer leave a mahjong tile? If he wanted to provoke the police to play a code game, does that mean he looks down on the police's intelligence?"

"If the motive is really mahjong, then the police only need to investigate whether the deceased loved to play mahjong. Then wouldn't the suspect be able to hide?"

"Who knows what the murderer thinks? Maybe the murderer is stupid?" Mouri Kogoro said harshly.

"Then why does the murderer leave English letters on the back of the mahjong tiles? And every time he commits an attack, he has to move the victim to another place?"

"This...that..." Mouri Kogoro hesitated for a while, unable to explain why.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming did not continue to question, saying: "I personally have reservations about this speculation, but it would not be wrong for the police to investigate the circumstances of the deceased."

"Judging from the murderer's actions, the murderer and the six deceased people must have a common intersection. Finding the common points between the six deceased people will be of great help to us in identifying the suspect."

"Well!" Matsumoto Kiyonaga stood up and said loudly: "Everyone!"

After everyone turned their attention, Matsumoto Kiyonaga continued: "As Brother Hanomiya said, finding out what these deceased people have in common is the shortcut for us to find the suspect."

"Those six crime scenes may have special meaning to the murderer. Unraveling the meaning behind them may lead us to find the suspect."

"Also, please think carefully about the red circles, English and vertical black lines on the mahjong tiles, as well as the death message of [Qixi Kyo]."

After a pause, Matsumoto Kiyonaga's face darkened, and he said solemnly: "According to the current situation, the murderer is likely to continue committing crimes. It is related to the prestige of the police. We must nip it in the bud!"

"I hope you can put aside your unnecessary sense of jurisdiction and selfishness of competing for credit, be sure to share all the information you have, and go all out to arrest this serial murderer!"

"Yes!" All the police officers agreed.

Later, after Matsumoto Kiyonaga announced the adjournment of the meeting, everyone left the conference room one after another.

Police officer Yamacun took the lead and kept shouting: "Toilet! Toilet!"

Looking at his mountain village passing by like the wind, Conan on the bench couldn't help but twitch his lips: "The Gunma County Police will have a worrying life in the future..."

At this time, Matsumoto Kiyonaga and Officer Megure also came over.

"Manager Matsumoto!" Xiaolan stopped Matsumoto Kiyonaga. After he turned around, she asked a little embarrassedly: "How is Sayuri-sensei doing now?"

Matsumoto Kiyon glanced at Xiaolan and said: "Oh! You are from Maori... My daughter is still the same now... By the way!"

Matsumoto Kiyonaga looked at Kogoro Mori and Akira Hanomiya, who were walking over with a group of police officers: "I hope you can do your best to cooperate with the police in solving this case this time."

Mouri Kogoro immediately saluted: "Yes! I will definitely live up to your trust!"

Akira Yumiya nodded and said: "Of course! No one wants a serial murderer to continue to be at large."

"Yes!" Matsumoto Kiyonaga nodded slightly, and then he and Officer Megure turned and left.

Hanamiya Akira looked at Matsumoto Kiyonaga's leaving figure, his eyes flickering slightly.

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