Officer Megure, who was named, pondered for a while and then said: "After sorting out the whole thing, I think at least four forces were involved in this incident."

"First of all, our police, and now Kosuke Mizutani and Kazuki Motogami, the suspects, are being questioned."

"Then there is the third force, the man named Ireland and the organization behind him. After preliminary interrogation of Ireland, he disguised himself as Manager Matsumoto in order to get one of the victims before the police. , which stores the memory cards of the undercover agents they sent to various organizations."

"However, according to what he said, the memory card had been physically destroyed by snipers of their organization."

"According to my theory, the tire blowout of Sato's car on the road to Hachioji City was also the work of an organization affiliated with Ireland."

"Then there is the fourth force, which is also the most mysterious force among them. They seem to have a clear understanding of the whole thing and are driving the development of things intentionally or unintentionally."

"They successively impersonated me, Sato, and even Minister Odagiri to guide our police operations, and their ultimate purpose is unknown."

"However, judging from the results, I have reason to suspect that the fourth force is not friendly to the Irish organization, and may even be hostile."

When Officer Megure said this, he temporarily stopped talking.

Odagiri Akira silently listened to Officer Megure's narration, looking thoughtful.

Naturally, the people present did not dare to disturb Odagiri's thoughts.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a moment of silence, and suddenly there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

Odagiri came back from his thoughts and said calmly: "Come in."

Officer Shiratori opened the door and walked in, saying, "The Miss Shindo who has been missing has just come to the Metropolitan Police Department and said she has important information to report to us."

"What did you say?" Officer Memu couldn't help shouting, and the expressions of others also changed to varying degrees.

"Yes! She is already waiting in the office of Search Section 1 and can start questioning at any time." Officer Shiratori replied.

Upon hearing this, Odagiri immediately said: "Okay! Let's go there together and see what information Miss Shindo can provide us?"

When the boss spoke, the subordinates naturally had no objections. Then, a group of police officers moved from the conference room to the Office of the First Search Section.

Shindo Sumire was sitting on a rest chair and was shocked when she saw so many people pouring in.

Officer Shiratori quickly stepped forward and explained: "These are my colleagues and superiors. They are very concerned about your experience after your disappearance, so they came to observe."

"Oh! That's it!" Shindo Sumire's expression softened slightly and she accepted this statement.

She had long thought that this case was not as simple as it seemed. Seeing the police's behavior made her even more firm in her judgment.

Subsequently, at Odagiri's signal, Officer Shiratori began to question Shindo Sumire.

In addition to the incident about the Tanabata fire that year, the focus is naturally Shindo Sumire's whereabouts after reporting the crime.

Shindo Sumire recounted her experience.

She had been placed in the hotel designated by the mysterious man for the past two days, and it was not until last night that she was notified that she could move freely.

However, she was still a little worried. She stayed in another hotel for one night and only came to the Metropolitan Police Department today after confirming that the mysterious man really no longer restricted her movements.

"Did you report the crime at the suggestion of that mysterious man?" Odagiri asked with a frown.

"Yes." Shindo Sumire nodded: "He suddenly visited that day and told me the whole story of what happened back then. He also told me that I am the only survivor now and that the murderer has targeted me."

"Then, he found several bugs in my house that were installed at unknown times... It was really scary!"

"Don't be nervous, you are safe now." Officer Shiratiao reassured.

"Sorry!" Sumire Shindo calmed down for a while and continued: "At the suggestion of the mysterious man, I called the police and hid in the mysterious man's car."

Shindo Sumire stopped when she said this. She had already said what happened next.

After hearing this, Toshiro Odagiri looked at Officer Shiratori: "Go and prepare and let her identify the suspect. The others will go back to the conference room to continue the discussion."

"Yes!" Officer Shiratori followed the order, while the other police officers followed Odagiri back to the conference room.

As for Shindo Sumire, other police officers will naturally entertain her.

In the conference room.

Odagiri rested his elbows on the table, folded his hands in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Let's talk about it."

"Then I'll go first." Matsumoto Kiyonaga stood up first and said:

"The cause of everything should be the Tanabata fire that happened in Kyoto two years ago. The murderer wanted to avenge his dead sister... let's call it revenge, and then he started killing other passengers who were riding in the elevator at that time."

"However, one of the passengers happened to be a member of Ireland's organization, and this member also carried important secrets of the organization, and the murderer happened to take away the carrier of the secret-the memory card."

"That's why the Irish organization took action to retrieve the memory card containing the undercover list before the police."

"And the way they chose to intervene in the case kidnap me, then change my identity, and pretend to be me to lead the process of the case."

"However, they did not expect that besides them, there was another force that got the news that they organized this operation from somewhere, so that force also took action."

"They used their information advantage to guide the actions of all parties, and finally everyone gathered at the Tokyo Tower."

When Matsumoto Kiyonaga said this, he showed a hint of confusion: "But why are they working so hard?"

"I'm also a little confused about this." Officer Megure also said: "According to Ireland's confession, the helicopter was used by their organization to kill people, and the memory card was also destroyed immediately by the sniper on the helicopter. "

"In other words, that mysterious force was so busy that it got nothing in the end. Instead, it made wedding dresses for our police. It really doesn't make sense!"

"Could they have obtained benefits that we don't know about in this process?" Officer Sato guessed.

"The possibility is very high!" Officer Yamato agreed: "However, they have been like ghosts from beginning to end. We have no idea who they are, what their purpose is, and what they can obtain." It’s hard to guess the benefits.”

"The only trace that can be traced is that they should have an antagonistic relationship with the organization they belong to in Ireland, right?" Henggou said in thought.


Odagiri knocked on the table lightly, and all the police officers immediately stopped talking.

Odagiri said: "As for the third and fourth forces, it is better to be more cautious. Megure, you don't have to be responsible. I will arrange another person to investigate."

"You and other police officers, continue to follow up on the serial murder case! You must close the case as soon as possible and give the public a satisfactory explanation!"

"Yes!" All the police officers responded loudly.

Odagiri had already spoken, and no matter how curious he was, no police officer would ask more questions without opening his eyes.

At this point, the meeting ends.

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