Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1178 Xiaolan’s shyness

Nagano Prefectural Police, who received the report, rushed to the scene.

"Eh? Detective Hanomiya? Why are you here?" The police officer leading the team looked at Akira Hanomiya who was guarding the bathroom door in surprise.

Akira Hanomiya was equally surprised: "Oh? I didn't expect that it was Officer Uehara who led the team. Didn't Officer Yamato come?"

Yes, the police officer leading the team was Yui Uehara.

Yui smiled and said: "No, he has other jobs, so I am the only one here."

Yu Gongming nodded lightly and stepped aside: "I understand, I'll trouble you next."

Yui nodded: "It's my duty, no trouble."

Then, she directed the forensic personnel to begin investigating the scene.

About twenty minutes later, the preliminary autopsy and scene investigation were completed.

After receiving the report, Yui came to the bathroom and asked about the situation: "How is it?"

"Yes!" the forensic officer said: "The deceased is Mr. Bogu Changjia, 28 years old. After preliminary autopsy, the deceased should have been hit on the back of the head by a blunt object and fainted, and finally he was sunk into the bathtub and drowned."

"It is said that the deceased went to this holiday villa with a group of friends for a party, separated from the friends after lunch, and was killed while cleaning."

"Later, when his friend was about to take a bath, he found the deceased sinking in the bathtub of the bathroom, lifeless."

After listening to the report quietly, Yu Yi nodded slightly: "I probably understand. By the way, I saw there seemed to be blood stains in the bathroom before. What's going on?"

"Oh! That was left by a boy in the villa." the forensic officer replied.

"Boy?" Yui was stunned.

"Yes! That boy was with Detective Hanomiya. He seems to be feeling unwell. He should be in the room not far from the bathroom now," the forensic officer said.

"Okay, I'll go take a look." Yui said, turned and left the bathroom.

While the police were investigating the scene, Akira and others temporarily stayed in a room not far from the bathroom because Conan was "unwell".

Xiaolan lowered her eyes slightly and wiped Conan's nosebleed with great concentration.

Of course, she actually didn't want to be so focused, mainly because she didn't dare to turn around and face everyone.

She was afraid that when she turned around and faced everyone's gaze, her face would turn red with embarrassment.

It's okay for Yu Gongming and Meng Yu who know about Conan's situation. They are relatively considerate in this regard, but Sera and Sonoko, especially Sonoko who don't know, will definitely gossip about her if they see her reaction!

How could she survive this?

Xiaolan suddenly wished that she didn't know Conan's identity and regarded Conan as an ordinary child.

This way she won't feel any embarrassment at all.

However, now that she knows Conan's true identity...

When she thought that Shinichi had seen all of her body, Xiaolan really wanted to cover her face and find a crack in the ground to crawl in!

This is really embarrassing for her!

She could only comfort herself now. Although she was exposed, he was her boyfriend after all, and they even took a bath together before. Now it was just her body that was exposed, which was nothing...that was weird!

"Ahhh! The more I think about it, the more embarrassed I am!" Xiaolan was going crazy in her heart, and this tangled state of mind was not reflected on her face.

From Conan's perspective, Xiaolan's expression looked extremely stiff at the moment, and her delicate facial features would occasionally tremble unnaturally.

Conan, who had already calmed down, suddenly felt a drumbeat in his heart: "It's over, it's over! Xiaolan won't be angry anymore, right? Will he be punished by karate when he goes back... Or should he go to Yumiya to hide?"

The two of them had their own concerns, but on the surface they still looked like a gentle elder sister trying to stop the bleeding of her younger brother. At least Sonoko, a thick-headed person, didn't see any clues.

Sera noticed something was wrong, but she was more interested in the murder case now, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

For a long time, Xiaolan was still trying to stop Conan's bleeding. Even though Conan's bleeding had been stopped long ago, Xiaolan still kept wiping Conan's nose with tissues.

Seeing this, Conan felt that he had to say something, and said weakly: "Xiaolan...sister?"

Xiaolan was startled by Conan's sudden voice: "Eh? Ah? What's wrong, Conan?"

"That... that's enough. Give me some tissues and I'll put them in my nose. Can you bring me the glass of water? I'm a little thirsty..." Conan said cautiously.

Xiaolan stood up immediately after hearing this: "Okay! I'll get it for you right away. Just wait!"

While counting the total, Xiaolan left the room almost as if she was running away.

After Xiaolan left, Yuanzi looked at Conan with a joking face: "Yo? Is the kid so excited to see Xiaolan's body?"

Conan glanced at her, turned his head, and ignored her.

"Don't say that! Maybe Conan was frightened when he saw the corpse?" Sera laughed.

Yuanzi looked like you were kidding me: "Him? Every time a case happens, he is always the first one to rush over. He rushes to the body more anxiously than anyone else. Will he be frightened?"

"Okay, okay! Xiaolan didn't say anything, so don't be such a gossip!" Mengyu said.

"Yes, compared to Conan's matters, the case is more important." Hanomiya Akiya said.

Sonoko curled her lips: "Hey! Xiaolan is Shinichi's wife! Is this your attitude after she was spotted by other boys?"

Akira Hanomiya was speechless: "What kind of attitude can you have? Dial Shinichi's number and listen to the phone ringing in Conan's pocket?"

Meng Yu complained directly: "What attitude can you have? Should you call my brother and tell him that Xiaolan was accidentally spotted by a seven-year-old kid? Or should you let Conan take responsibility?"

"Uh...well~" Yuanzi's expression froze.

She rolled her eyes and was about to say something, but Xiaolan had already opened the door and walked in: "Conan! The water is here!"

Seeing this, Yuanzi curled his lips in displeasure and could only give up.

"Thank you, sister Xiaolan!" Conan took the water glass from Xiaolan's hand and drank slowly.

"So, can we talk about the case now?" Seriang asked.

"Yeah! It's really time to talk." Yu Gongming nodded.

"It seems I came at just the right time!" A voice interrupted the conversation between several people.

Yui opened the door and walked in with a smile, looking at everyone: "Do you mind if I listen to the famous detective's reasoning?"

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "If so, as the first discoverer, it is our obligation to cooperate with the police investigation."

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obey your orders!" Yui nodded slightly, walked into the room, pulled up a chair and sat down, and asked: "The forensic officer said that the blood stains in the bathroom were left by a little boy with a nosebleed. It turned out that Is it Conan?"

"Yeah! I'm sorry! Because I was a little scared when I saw the corpse..." Conan said a little embarrassed.

"Hey! You kid, you really dare to say that! It's obviously..." Yuanzi showed disdain, but before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Meng Yu: "Okay Yuanzi, there seems to be nothing wrong with this kind of thing. Promote it, right?”

Akiya Hanomiya said: "Officer, don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with Conan. During the incident, Conan and we were always investigating in the forest."

"Oh? Investigation? Did Detective Hanomiya come here to receive any commission?" Yui asked curiously.

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