Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1194 Sincerity (two in one)

Mary pondered for a while and then said: "If they don't ask anything later, then you can just pretend that nothing happened. If they smell about me..."

After a pause, Mary continued: "Just tell them that I am...the sister outside the realm."

Sera's expression moved slightly: "That's it... okay then."


Kudo House.

Akira Hanomiya and others sat around Subaru Okiya, looking at the tablet in his hand.

On the tablet, the scene of Sera's room was playing.

At the end of the picture, there is a slipper that gradually enlarges.


After an unusual sound, the screen went completely black.

"It seems like it's been scrapped!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"But, is this enough?" Akira Hanomiya looked at Subaru Okiya.

Okiya Subaru pushed up his glasses: "That should be right."

"It seems that your family and organization have added another debt." Conan said calmly.

"Sooner or later I have to settle the accounts with them." Subaru Okiya said with a cold look in his eyes.

"Now that our identity has been confirmed, should we also reveal some information about you to Sera and the others? With you here, our cooperation should be smoother."

Okiya Subaru frowned, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Reveal a little appropriately, but you don't need to show everything at once. If you reveal too much at once, it will make people suspicious."

"Is this a common problem among you agents?" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Being sick is better than being dead, right?" Subaru Okiya replied.

Yu Gongming shrugged: "Okay, leave this matter to us? Or you can contact it yourself?"

"Come on," Okiya Subaru said, "Now Sera and you should be considered good friends, and she has also released a signal of cooperation. It is more appropriate for you to show your sincerity."

"No problem, but I may need a little help from you." Yu Gongming smiled.

Okiya Subaru was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay."


On this day, Sera returned to his room at the Abeido Hotel as usual.

"I'm back!"

Mary was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine. She raised her head slightly when she heard the sound: "How is it? Did they ask about me?"

"Not until now. They seem to act like nothing happened." Sera replied.

Mary nodded slightly: "They are quite calm."

Sera smiled and said: "What I'm more curious about is, why can they remain calm? We destroyed the bug in time, and the only thing they can analyze is what they came to the room to observe and what the pinhole camera captured. .”

"With their brains, they should understand that they may be able to get further clues faster by asking me directly than by aimless analysis. After all, I showed them the photo first."

Mary raised her eyebrows slightly: "So, do you think they have other information channels?"

"Yes." Shiliang nodded.

Boom, boom, boom!

A knock on the door suddenly interrupted their conversation.

The mother and daughter stopped talking at the same time. After looking at each other, Sera turned around silently and opened the door, while Mary returned to the bedroom.

After Serian opened the door, a waiter appeared in front of him.

"Hello, is Miss Mary here?" the waiter asked.

Sera's pupils shrank suddenly, and he finally controlled his expression. He shook his head slightly and said, "Sorry, I am the only one who lives here. There is no one named Mary."

"Oh! Then you must be Miss Sera, right?" the waiter asked again.

"Yes, I am." Sera replied.

The waiter handed an envelope to Sera: "Just now, a gentleman came to the front desk and asked me to give this envelope to Miss Mary who lives in this room. He also told me that if Miss Mary is not here, I can also give it to Miss Sera. .”

This is a blank envelope with no information filled in and no postmark stamped.

Seriang stared at the envelope and frowned: "What does that gentleman look like?"

The waiter recalled: "That gentleman was probably in his twenties, right? He was tall and thin, wearing glasses, and kept squinting his eyes. He looked polite."

"Did he just say those words?" Shiliang asked.

"Yes. He handed us the envelope, gave us a small tip, and left directly." The waiter replied.

Countless thoughts passed through Shi Liang's mind, and he said calmly: "I understand, I'll accept the envelope."

"Then I won't bother you." The waiter nodded slightly, then said goodbye and left.

Seriang closed the door, locked it subconsciously, and returned to the living room with a serious expression.

The bedroom door also opened at the same time, and Mary came out with the same serious expression.

"I heard the conversation between you and the waiter just now." Mary said calmly.

Seriang's light flashed secretly: "This room is checked in in my name. It is impossible for the hotel to know the name [Mary]."

Mary glanced at the envelope: "Since that person just asked the waiter to deliver the letter, it means that all the information he wanted to express is in this envelope."

Sera nodded: "Yes! I guess this is a return gift from Hanomiya and the others."

"It may also be new information given to us by the mysterious person who originally contacted us... Anyway, let's open it and take a look." Mary said.

Seriang nodded, cut open the sealed envelope, and reached into the envelope to dig through it.

"Huh?" She raised her eyebrows slightly and took out a photo from the envelope.

Seriang placed the photos on the coffee table.

The photo is a group photo of two boys, two girls and four children.

Sera immediately recognized one of the children, who was almost the same model as the current Conan, except that he was missing a pair of glasses.

And Mary recognized the other child immediately.

She clicked on the short-haired girl and showed a smile: "This is you when you were a child, right? It's so nostalgic! You already had some tomboy demeanor at that time."

Shiliang also smiled knowingly: "Yes, the photos of my childhood...even I haven't seen them for a long time!"

Mary looked at the other three people: "Of the three children taking the photo with you, one of them should be Conan, right? Are the other two the two girls that day?"

"Yes, one of them with slightly raised hair should be Xiaolan, and the other one should be Mengyu from the looks of it." Seriang replied, and then showed a trace of memory:

"Looking at the background of the photo, it should be the time we met at the beach ten years ago, right?"

"Is that that time... I remember that time it seemed that you and those children were involved in a case." Mary also had an impression.

"Yes! At that time, Ke... no, it should be said that Kudo Shinichi had already demonstrated a very strong reasoning ability, and the way he reasoned was really handsome, wasn't it?"

Mary glanced at Sera: "So, you have been obsessed with this kid until now?"

"This is a very precious memory for me! I can become a detective because of the impact of this incident!" Sera smiled.

"You..." Mary shook her head helplessly, and then brought the topic back on track: "Is there nothing else in the envelope except this photo?"

"No more." Seriang took the envelope and looked inside for a while: "There is nothing special in the envelope, seems that this photo is thicker than ordinary photos..."

Sera rubbed the edge of the photo with his fingers for a while, then gently picked it up.

One corner of the photo was lifted up, revealing another photo underneath.

Seeing this, Sera immediately tore off the photo above.

Another photo appeared in front of the two of them.

When the two of them saw this photo, their expressions changed!

The background of the photo is the rooftop of a building. At the guardrail of the rooftop, a figure dressed in black and wearing a knitted hat is standing there. The figure is holding a can of black coffee in his left hand.

"Brother!?" Shiliang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Mary's face darkened slightly, and she pointed at the photo and said, "Look, is the building opposite the rooftop the hotel we are staying in now?"

Sera recognized it as soon as he saw it: "It is indeed the hotel we are staying in! And it looks like this is the side our room faces!"

The two looked at each other and suddenly fell silent.

Mary narrowed her eyes slightly, her expression a little uncertain, while Sera lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Shiliang breathed out softly: "This is...what a great gift!"

She stared at the back: "The news from the FBI, he should have... But, this back is really similar. He is left-handed, likes to drink black coffee, and the way he holds the coffee..."

"As long as the intelligence is collected well enough, it is easy to imitate." Mary said lightly: "However, that kind of stubborn and somewhat withdrawn temperament is difficult to imitate."

Seriang nodded and said: "Moreover, the back of this figure happens to be facing the hotel where we live, or even the side where we are now. I don't think there is such a coincidence."

"This photo may have been taken after visiting us! In other words... the eldest brother is probably still alive!"

"I probably understand what they mean." Mary said: "The first photo is to tell us that they already know your identity and your relationship with them."

"The second photo tells us that they have a close connection with that kid, and may even be partners."

"The most important thing is that eldest brother is still alive!" Shiliang said with a slightly excited tone.

Mary nodded, feeling a little mixed.

She was very opposed to Akai joining the FBI back then. She didn't want Akai to be like his father and disappear for many years after performing a mission.

However, Akai has always been worried about her father's disappearance, and her persuasion had no effect in the end.

After learning through the FBI that Akai had died in the line of duty, Mary still felt a little unacceptable even though she had been mentally prepared.

I just didn’t expect that my eldest son might still be alive!

She stared at the back, carefully searching for any flaw.

She didn't want to find out in the end that everything was just a dream.

However, no matter how much she observed, she still found no flaws.

No matter how you look at it, this background belongs to her son Akai Shuichi who has died in the line of duty!

"Mom! Is he really the eldest brother?" Shiliang looked at Mary expectantly.

Mary was silent for a while, then nodded slightly: "Judging from the back alone, I'm 90% sure it's him."

"Ninety percent is enough!" Shiliang showed a bright smile: "I think that since Hanomiya and the others dare to show us the photos, they will not be vain, but..."

She frowned slightly: "If brother is still alive, what's going on with the FBI?"

"It's not yet certain whether this is the work of the FBI or his own plan." Mary analyzed: "I received the notification as a relative. If it was the FBI's plan, there should be no need to notify us. .”

"I think it might be Brother's own plan, right?" Seriang said, "The first photo is the evidence. If he contacted us as an FBI, he probably wouldn't have used this photo."

"Sera pointed to the photo of the four children: "Since they chose this photo, it represents the [private] relationship between us. "

"Putting the two photos together means that Conan and the others have a close relationship with their eldest brother, and there is no information about the FBI in them."

Hearing this, Mary said noncommittally: "Maybe, but based on this photo alone, it's still too early to draw a conclusion."

"That's true! But I stick to my judgment." Sera smiled.

Seriang picked up the group photo: "Then this photo belongs to me! This is an important memory for me!"

"Then I'll keep this photo." Mary picked up the photo of the back.

After the two of them collected the photos, Seriang said: "As for the person who sent the photos, do you think he is the eldest brother? After all, if the eldest brother faked his death, it would be reasonable to disguise himself, right?"

"I haven't seen a real person, so I can't make a conclusion," Mary replied.

Sera nodded his chin: "Hmm... How about secretly checking the hotel's surveillance system? Since he didn't cover his face when he went to the front desk, he shouldn't cover it up when he entered and left the hotel, right?"

"You can go, but don't get discovered. I don't want to change my place of residence again." Mary reminded.

"Okay, okay! I'm already familiar with the security of this hotel. It's no problem to check the surveillance for a short period of time!" Sera said confidently.

"Then be careful." After Mary said that, she turned and returned to the bedroom.

Sera grinned: "Well... let's take action today! I have to prepare first..."

Muttering in his mouth, Sera came to the door, opened the door and left the room.


"Hey! Oh! Has it been delivered yet? Yes! Thank you Mr. Subaru for your hard work..."

Akira Hanomiya hung up the phone and smiled at the Kudo siblings who were waiting on the side: "It's done! If nothing else, they should have received the photos."

Meng Yu's expression was a bit playful: "I wonder what their reaction was after seeing the photo? I really want to take a photo and see! What a pity!"

Yu Gongming chuckled: "I hope they are satisfied with the gifts we gave them."

"You should be very satisfied, right?" Conan smiled: "After all, we are very sincere!"

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