Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 118 The opponent’s props are too awesome (Third update! Please subscribe!)


There is a hollow in the wall of the computer room again.

Only two or three centimeters away from the hole was Kaitou Kid, who still had Xiaolan's face, but was already covered in cold sweat.

"Isn't it right? The fighting power of these two young ladies is a bit too strong, right?"

Kaitou Kidd has been dealing with Xiaolan for almost half a minute.

But this half minute was so difficult for Kaitou Kidd.

Xiaolan and Mengyu are both the leaders of the women's karate club. They practice sparring frequently and are already quite familiar with each other's styles.

Although they usually didn't cooperate much, with this familiarity, the two quickly found a tacit understanding, and the offensive connection was so airtight that Kaitou Kidd could only struggle to deal with it.

His half-minute can be summed up in one word.


Keep hiding!

It's not like he didn't think about taking a hard hit and then taking time to release flash bombs or smoke bombs.

But since Mengyu used his right fist to punch the first hole in the wall, Kaito Kidd gave up the idea instantly.

If he takes the attack forcefully, the part of his body that comes into contact with the attack will probably be severely damaged!

Even if a flash bomb or smoke bomb is detonated by then, his mobility will be greatly reduced and he may not be able to escape smoothly.

Akira Hanomiya and Conan are still blocking the stairs!

"No, if you keep going like this, you will get hit sooner or later...,"

Kaitou Kidd had a thought in his mind and suddenly shouted:

"I surrender! Stop fighting!"

When Xiaolan heard this, her movements obviously paused.

But Mengyu didn't hesitate at all:

"Since you surrender, just be obedient and let us knock him out and hand him over to the police!"

Mengyu's offensive continued unabated, and she said calmly.

"Huh, it turns out that Miss Xiaolan is still gentle and kind..."

Although Mengyu did not slow down his offensive, Kaitou Kidd still seized the space between Xiaolan's movements.

He dwarfed his body and dodged Meng Yu's high kick, and then slid out of the circle of two people in the direction of Xiao Lan like a loach.

After Kaitou Kidd gained a brief moment of respite, he didn't hesitate at all. With a flick of his hands, there was already an extra grenade in his left and right palms.

"Close your eyes!" Mengyu quickly reminded Xiaolan loudly after seeing this scene.


Kaitou Kid pulled the pull tab and threw two grenades directly!


In an instant, the computer room was filled with light!

Hanamiya Akira and Conan, who were blocked on the stairs, had to look away and close their eyes at the same time, even though they were far apart.

A few seconds later, Yu Gongming and others opened their eyes.

The light had faded away, and was replaced by a haze of smoke.

"Damn it, flash bombs and smoke bombs were used together just now!" Conan gritted his teeth.

As soon as he finished speaking, several "bang bang bang" explosions were heard from all over the computer room!

Three more smoke bombs exploded!

At this time, the visibility of the entire computer room has dropped to an extremely low level.

Yu Gongming felt a little hazy when he looked at Conan less than half a meter away.

Yu Gongming did not move his position, but looked towards the top of the stairs of the computer room.

If he leaves the stairs now, Kaito Kidd will definitely take advantage of the situation and escape. As long as he is blocked here, Kaitou Kidd can only choose other ways to leave.

No matter what he does, he will eventually run up to it. As long as he pays attention to the movement above, he can react in time!

Just as Yu Gongming was thinking this, a burst of dense footsteps suddenly came.


Yu Gongming suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Huh? This is the trace of a smoke bomb explosion. Kaito Kidd must be nearby. Everyone, follow me down quickly. Don't let Kaitou Kidd escape!"

Officer Zhongmori's angry voice sounded.

Perhaps because of the smoke bomb, he didn't see Akira Hanomiya and Conan blocking the stairs. Without any explanation, he rushed down with a group of police officers!

Akira Hanomiya didn't even have time to issue a reminder, so he could only grab Conan, jump down from the stairs, and land on the ground of the computer room.

As soon as he landed, he immediately shouted:

"Officer Nakamori, send someone to block the stairs. Kaitou Kidd is in the computer room!"

"Huh? Is it Detective Hanomiya?"

"And me!" Conan also said quickly.

"Well, Xiaolan and I are here, and Kaitou Kidd is disguised as Xiaolan!" A dreamy voice came from the other side of the smoke.

"Everyone, please don't act rashly, block the stairs and corridors, and pay attention to see if anyone is escaping!"

When Officer Zhongsen heard what a few people said, he made a prompt decision and immediately issued an order to the police officers!

After a while, the smoke finally dissipated, and the scene in the computer room gradually emerged.

Conan and Yu Gongming were standing on the left side of the stairs, while Mengyu and Xiaolan were standing in the aisle of the computer room holding hands.

The stairs and upstairs corridors were occupied by police and blocked.

However, the Kaitou Kidd disguised as Xiaolan has long disappeared!

Not far from Xiaolan's feet, a red dress was scattered.

"Detective Hanomiya, where is Kaitou Kid?" Officer Nakamori asked.

"He was still here just now, disguised as Xiaolan. He was the one who set off the smoke bomb, but now he is indeed gone." Yu Gongming said.

"Quick, everyone check each other to see if he has sneaked into us again!" Officer Zhongmori shouted.

All the police officers immediately started to pinch each other's faces.

At this moment, a burst of light suddenly erupted from the crowd!

"Asshole, another flash bomb!" Officer Zhongmori roared.

Everyone closed their eyes helplessly again.

After a few seconds, the flash bomb effect ends.

Everyone opens their eyes.

"Quick, everyone, chase after him! He must not have gone far!"

Officer Zhongmori shouted and led the police officers to quickly leave the scene.

Yu Gongming and four others also gathered together.

"Hanomiya-senpai, do you think Officer Nakamori and the others can catch Kaitou Kidd?" Xiaolan asked.

"Since they arrived, it has been difficult to catch Kaitou Kidd. For a thief who can quickly change his clothes, the more people there are, the better." Meng Yu shook her head.

"Well, actually what I'm most worried about is that the last flash bomb Kaitou Kidd put was just a deception to create the illusion that he had escaped. In fact, he is still among the police. In this way, Officer Nakamori may not be able to escape anyway. We can't catch up with Kaitou Kidd," Hanomiya Ming said.

"Then why didn't you bring up this possibility?" Mengyu wondered.

"Because I'm not sure whether my guess is true. What if Kaito Kidd runs away directly? Then I raise this possibility and it will only delay the pursuit." Hanemiya Ming said.

"This guy has too many weird props, including flash bombs and smoke bombs. He is also proficient in disguise. His disguise speed is so fast that it is almost impossible to prevent him." Conan sighed.

"Forget it, at least we got [Dark Star] back. Since Kaito Kid has returned the item, he will naturally not steal it a second time. Our mission of protecting [Dark Star] has been completed." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

"Another huge amount of income has come in, a total of 30 million yen. The Suzuki Consortium is really rich!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Let's go, leave the task of catching Kaitou Kid to the police, and let's return the [Dark Star] to Mrs. Suzuki."

"You go ahead, I'm going to see if I can help Officer Zhongmori. This guy actually knocked out Sister Xiaolan. Even if I can't catch him in the end, I'm going to create some trouble for him." Conan said solemnly.

"Conan, Sister Xiaolan is very happy that you have such a heart, but this is very dangerous. You should stay with us." Xiaolan smiled and gently touched Conan's head and persuaded.

"Don't worry, Xiaolan. Let him go. It's just a test of his detective skills. This kid is very talented, and Kaito Kidd is very restrained in his actions. Conan will not be in any danger."

"...Okay, but Conan, you must be careful and don't show off."

Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, but agreed to Conan's request.

So, Akira Hanomiya and the others went to Tomoko Suzuki's room, and Conan began to search for traces of Kaito Kidd around the ship.

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