Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1199 Kogoro Mori is in a bad situation

"Why did dad come to a place like this?" Xiaolan looked at the desolate scene around her, her expression becoming more and more worried.

Conan gently held Xiaolan's hand and comforted: "It's okay, it's just a remote place. It's not incomprehensible that some clients would meet in a place like this out of confidentiality. Let's take a look around first, shall we?"

"Look there," Mengyu suddenly pointed in a direction.

Everyone followed Meng Yu's hand and saw a mobile phone lying quietly in a puddle not far away.

The group of people ran over immediately.

"This is...Dad's mobile phone?" Xiaolan exclaimed.

Conan took out his handkerchief, carefully wrapped the phone and handed it to Mengyu: "Can you see if it can still be used?"

Mengyu took the phone and fiddled with it for a while, then shook her head slightly: "No, the water damage to the phone is too serious. Even if I have the tools, I have no confidence in repairing it, let alone now."

Yu Gongming took the phone and took a look: "There are some scratch marks on the phone. I'm afraid my uncle didn't put it there intentionally."

"Could it be that... my father was attacked?" Xiaolan immediately had a bad guess.

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly and did not reply. Although he thought so in his heart, if he said it out, it would make Xiaolan even more uneasy.

"Anyway, let's continue walking around. Why don't we go to the house over there first?" Conan pointed to an old house not far ahead.

None of them objected, and the group walked into the house.

This house seemed to have been unoccupied for a long time, and many places were covered with a thick layer of dust.

"Huh? This is..." Conan's eyes were fixed on the ground.

"Is this a shoe print?" Meng Yu also noticed the abnormality on the ground.

Yu Gongming's gaze slightly narrowed: "Let me take a look, the shoe prints seem to lead to... the second floor."

"Go up and have a look!" Conan rushed out immediately.

After a while, everyone followed the footprints and came to a room.

This room is generally shabby like other places, but inside the room, there is an obviously very new projector installed.

"It seems that uncle has stayed in this room before." Yu Gongming analyzed.

"Hmm! But, I don't know what this projector has played before?" Conan frowned.

"Wait a minute! Do you smell a burning smell?" Meng Yu sniffed and asked.

"Hmm..." Yu Gongming also sniffed around: "There is indeed a burning smell."

"Let me see...the source of the smell should be..." Mengyu walked all the way to a trash can in the corner of the room.

Everyone gathered immediately.

I saw some burnt blackened pieces of paper in the trash can.

Yu Gongming put on his gloves and rummaged through the trash can.

Finally, he turned over a relatively complete piece of paper.

"This is..." Conan stared at the fragments of paper, his eyes slightly focused: "It seems to be a map and a sewer blueprint!"

"And this!" Meng Yu also took out a fragment from the trash can. On the fragment, a red cross was drawn on a place marked [Gambling].

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows: "I probably understand what's going on."

"I understand, but uncle would still do such a dangerous thing!" Conan also said.

"What do you understand? How is my father doing now?" Xiaolan asked eagerly.

"It's not good." Yu Gongming sighed: "If I guessed correctly, my uncle should be undercover in a criminal organization now, right?"

"What? Undercover!?" Xiaolan suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes!" Conan explained: "Judging from Officer Memu's weird attitude, my uncle's strange behavior, and the map fragments I just found, I think my uncle must have cooperated with the police and infiltrated into a criminal group. among.”

"And their target should be an underground casino in Tokyo."

"But..." Yu Gongming looked a little heavy: "Uncle's cell phone was thrown into the puddle. Considering Officer Megure's attitude, I'm afraid the infiltration process was not so smooth."

"Then my dad will be okay?" Xiaolan became even more worried.

"It's hard to say, but there are no blood stains or other signs of fighting around here. It's possible that the criminal group was just more cautious and asked the uncle to change his mobile phone." Conan comforted him.

"Is that so?" Xiaolan murmured, but the expression on her face showed no signs of relaxing.

Akira Hanomiya let out a breath: "Now that we have reached this point, let's contact Officer Megure directly. We should be able to get more detailed information from him."

"Well! Let's go out together, then? Rush there immediately after confirming the location of the casino!" Conan said in a deep voice.

Later, as the group walked out of the house, Akira Hanomiya dialed Officer Megure's number.

When several people walked out of the house, the phone happened to be connected.

"Hey! It's Brother Yumiya! What's the matter? I'm a little busy right now, so it might be inconvenient..."

"I'm looking for the police officer because of what you are busy with now." Akira Hanomiya said calmly: "I would like to ask, where is the casino where the criminal group that Uncle Maori is undercover is operating?"

"Brother Hanomiya, what are you doing..." Officer Megure raised his voice instantly, obviously frightened.

"Xiaolan called you. Seeing you being evasive, she felt something was wrong, so she found me. I investigated all the way and finally got the clue." Yu Gongming replied.

"Those gangsters are very dangerous, you'd better not get involved." Officer Megure reminded.

"Then why do you have the nerve to let Uncle Maori, a detective, get involved instead of going undercover? Is there no one else in the police? Do you know how worried Xiaolan is now?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Yu Gongming's tone.

Officer Memu was silent for a while, and then sighed: "Alas! We weren't looking for him, he found us on his own initiative."

"Huh? Is your uncle looking for you?" Yu Gongming said in surprise.

"Yes, he said that with a little disguise, he looked very similar to a thief who stole the vault, so he found us and proposed to infiltrate the criminal group and work undercover."

"We have been chasing this criminal group for several years, and there have been no clues. This time we finally got a clue. With the approval of Manager Matsumoto, we finally decided to let Brother Maori infiltrate the criminal group to collect evidence of their crimes."

"Then can you still contact him now?" Yu Gongming asked.

Officer Memu was silent for a while again, and then said with some difficulty: "No, when I was on the phone with him last time, he suddenly lost contact..."

Yu Gongming's face darkened, and his tone gradually became colder: "So, at this point, police officer, do you still want to hide something from us? Tell me the location of the casino, and I will go over and meet the police."

"...Okay, then listen up." Officer Megure reported an address and explained the secret gathering place of the police.

"Yes! I remember. I'll see you later." Yu Gongming hung up the phone and turned to everyone: "Let's go!"

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