Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1204 The abnormality of Kogoro Mori

Miss Mind witnessed the reasoning of several people throughout the whole process. Combined with the video, she knew very well that what several people said was very likely to be the truth of the matter.

Therefore, she agreed with Akira Hanamiya's statement and promised to contact the killer to cancel the operation.

However, under the suggestion of Yu Gongming, she did not do so in the end.

This is actually what Officer Megure meant. The police seemed to want to catch the killer through Miss Brain.

Yu Gongming thought about it for a while and finally agreed to the plan.

Miss Brain has fallen into the hands of the police. The police can arrange their personnel to ambush at the predetermined location in advance, and the risk is entirely borne by the police.

In addition, the killer is not an ordinary profession, and he may not necessarily act according to the client's orders. To be on the safe side, it is better to send the killer to prison.

Later, Miss Brain contacted the killer as requested by the police and asked him to prepare for action near the Maori Detective Agency.

As for Yu Gongming and others, after helping Miss Brain find the murderer, they retired successfully.

Because an arrest was to be made near the office, Maori, his daughter, and Conan could only temporarily stay in the hotel for one night. Of course, the cost was paid for by Officer Megure. After all, they were cooperating with the police's actions.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu were not in a hurry to go back, but followed the Maori family to the hotel arranged by the police.

in the room.

Xiaolan looked at her father seriously: "Dad! Can you explain why you suddenly did such a dangerous thing?"

Mouri Kogoro replied: "I just learned that the police captured the treasury robber. I can pretend to be him with a little disguise, so I went to the Metropolitan Police Department to help the police capture that arrogant bandit group."

"But uncle, this should be the work of the police, and the police have not announced the news of his arrest. Uncle, where did you learn about it?" Meng Yu asked doubtfully.

Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and laughed: "I overheard this by chance when Officer Megure and I were chatting."

Meng Yu raised her eyebrows slightly: "Oh? Is that so? Then I have to have a good talk with Officer Memu. How can such a case be disclosed to a reckless person like you?"

Mouri Kogoro widened his eyes slightly and shouted: "Hey! Why did I act so rashly?"

"If Miss Brain hadn't asked for help from uncle, uncle, you would have been sunk into Tokyo Bay by now, right?" Hanemiya Ming said quietly.

Xiaolan also showed fear when she heard this: "That's right! I was really scared to death when I heard Officer Mumu say that he couldn't contact his father!"

Seeing his daughter's expression, Mouri Kogoro felt a little uncomfortable, and his voice weakened unconsciously: "That's why I don't want to tell you this, just because I'm afraid you will worry."

"It seems like if you don't tell Xiaolan, she can just pretend that nothing happened. Why do you think she found us?" Mengyu retorted.

Mouri Kogoro's expression was stagnant, and then he shouted with some sternness: "You still have the nerve to say it! You just investigate, how can you take Xiaolan with you?"

"Because we don't trust Xiaolan to stay alone in the office!" Yu Gongming said: "Xiaolan is a karate master after all. If you act with us, your safety will be guaranteed."

"If we let her stay in the office..." Yu Gongming snorted: "Then she will probably face an attack by a killer without any defense!"

"This..." Mouri Kogoro was speechless.

"Besides, uncle, you are not the type to be an undercover agent at all!" Meng Yu complained: "Let's not talk about Miss Brain. When you were opening the vault, wasn't your identity revealed by the gunman? "

"That was an accident!" Mouri Kogoro argued.

"Uncle, what do you think you are going to do?" Yu Gongming asked back: "You are going to work as an undercover agent in a dangerous gangster group, and your life is always in danger. Under such circumstances, no accidents are allowed. occurring!"

"My usual reasoning is a little wrong. This kind of accident is harmless. Just readjust your thinking. But if an undercover agent has an accident, he may never have the chance to make up for it in his life!"

"If something happens to you, what do you want Xiaolan to do? What do you want Aunt Yingli to do? Will you regret your impulsiveness for the rest of your life?"

"I..." Mouri Kogoro's face turned red for a while, and he wanted to retort, but when the words came to his mouth, he found that any rebuttal he had made was feeble.

"Don't say that, Senior Hanomiya..." Xiaolan still faced her father after all, and couldn't help but said: "Although there have been some twists and turns, isn't dad back well now?"

"If nothing happens this time, will there be a next time?" Meng Yu asked.

Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Mouri Kogoro and begged: "Dad! Please don't do such dangerous things again in the future, okay? I'm really worried about you!"

Mouri Kogoro was silent for a while, then turned his head and muttered: "If you don't want to go, you won't go!"

With Mouri Kogoro's face-saving character, such a statement is not easy.

Xiaolan also knew her father well, and nodded when she saw this: "Then Dad must keep his word!"

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand impatiently, stood up and said, "Okay, okay! Just stop being so nagging! I'll go out and have a cigarette."

After that, he fled the room as if running away.

Xiaolan held her forehead helplessly: "I always feel like dad didn't listen at all..."

She turned to look at Yu Gongming and the others, and was about to say something when her expression suddenly became startled.

I saw that the faces of Yu Gongming and others were extremely serious.

"What...what happened?" Xiaolan asked cautiously.

"Is it an illusion?" Meng Yu frowned: "I always felt that uncle's reaction just now was a bit strange..."

"It's not an illusion." Yu Gongming said calmly: "When Mengyu said you wanted to talk to Officer Memu just now, he used the method of widening his eyes to cover up the changes in facial muscles."

"Then he brought the topic to whether he acted recklessly, and deliberately ignored what you said about talking to Officer Megure about it."

"If we didn't know anything about it, we probably wouldn't have said anything to Officer Megure after the conversation ended."

"Doesn't he want us to talk to Officer Memu about this?" Meng Yu looked thoughtful.

"I'm afraid, he didn't learn about the arrest of the treasury thief from Officer Megure." Conan's face darkened: "Then it's very intriguing that he is so persistent in participating in undercover operations..."

"Um...what are you talking about?" Xiaolan looked at the three of them in confusion.

After Yu Gongming and the other three looked at each other, Conan said: "It's nothing. It's just some groundless speculation. I'll tell you if we find out anything later."

"Okay~" Xiaolan didn't ask any more questions after seeing this. She also knew that if Yu Gongming and others didn't want to talk, then it would be useless for her to ask.

On the other side, after Mouri Kogoro left the room, he came to the end of the corridor.

There are no guest rooms here, just a utility room where staff store cleaning supplies.

After seeing no one around, Mouri Kogoro took out his mobile phone and made a call.

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