Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 12 The Doctor’s Black Technology

A few days have passed since Kudo Shinichi became smaller.

Yu Gongming received a call from Meng Yu. It was said that Dr. Ali not only helped Conan invent, but also Meng Yu and himself.

With curiosity and expectation, Yu Gongming came to Dr. Ali's house.

Needless to say about Conan's inventions, the bow-tie voice changer allows feet to, it's sneakers that enhance foot strength, and an anesthesia needle watch.

According to Mengyu, she had put forward relevant ideas with the doctor before, intentionally or unintentionally, and the doctor had also done some research, so compared to the original work, these inventions now appear directly at once.

"Some inventions suitable for Shinichi are still under research. Mengyu, Amin, come and see the inventions I made for you."

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu stepped forward curiously.

Dr. Ali took out two pairs of lightweight gloves, one black and one purple. The black gloves looked more rough in style.

“Compared with ordinary gloves, these two pairs of gloves have something like a button on the back of the hand.

"This is an adsorption glove I developed. Its special fiber structure can keep the nerves in the wearer's hand in a relatively active state, allowing the wearer to exert maximum strength."

"The button on the glove can switch the glove to adsorption mode. In this mode, the glove will have strong adsorption and can be adsorbed to any material."

As he spoke, the doctor put on his gloves, pressed the button on the gloves, then straightened his palms, placed them on a book, and then raised his hands...

The book was lifted along with the gloves.

"This adsorption effect can only be achieved when the palm is close to the object. If you want to stop adsorption, just do this..."

As Dr. A Li said this, he slightly bent his fingers and moved his palm slightly away from the book, and the book fell from his palm.

When Yu Gongming watched the doctor's demonstration, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"Holy shit! As expected of a top scientist in Conan, this kind of black technology with unknown principles and effects that goes against common sense was developed in just a few days... How is the technology tree in the world of Conan..."

Yu Gongming complained in his heart, but asked very seriously on his face: "Is it harmful to the opponent to keep the nerves in the hand active? How many objects can the adsorption mode absorb at most?"

Dr. A Li chuckled and said: "Don't worry, the activity of the hand nerves is within the normal range. It just allows your original strength to be fully exerted in the shortest time. It will not cause any harm to the body. I It is also designed this way considering that you are all karate masters. As for the adsorption limit, it is about three hundred kilograms."

"In addition, the material of the gloves is light, comfortable, and very tough. Even diamonds cannot scratch it. The gloves are washable and dry in two or three hours after washing, which is very convenient."

"Oh? Let me try." After hearing the doctor's eloquent introduction, Yu Gongming was immediately eager to try.

The doctor handed the black gloves to Akira Hanomiya.

Akira Hanamiya put on the gloves. The gloves were light, comfortable and malleable. After putting on the gloves, Akira Hanamong didn't feel any sluggishness in the movement of his hands.

Yu Gongming moved his palms, then pressed the button, came to a certain wall of the doctor's house, and pressed his palms against the wall...

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

In the surprised eyes of Conan and Mengyu, Yu Gongming climbed up the wall, and finally pressed his hands on the ceiling, and his body was suspended in the air, just hanging from the ceiling.

Then, Akira Hanomiya let his palms slightly leave the ceiling...


Yu Gongming's figure sank slightly, taking off the impact of his fall and landing smoothly.

"It feels pretty good, but using this adsorption mode requires certain skills. I have to practice it after I get back. Thank you, doctor!" Akira Hanamiya canceled the adsorption mode, took off his gloves, and thanked the doctor.

"You're welcome, I hope I can help you." The doctor smiled.

"I'll give it a try too!" Mengyu became interested after seeing Yu Gongming's operation, and took the purple gloves and put them on.

After a while, Dream Talk also hung on the ceiling of the doctor's house.

After landing, Meng Yu looked at the doctor with a smile: "Doctor, these gloves are indeed good, but you gave my brother a voice changer and a watch, but you only gave me and Yumiya a pair of gloves. Isn't it too biased?"

"Well, after all, it's only been a few days. I've mainly focused on making inventions for Shinichi, and I haven't worked on many of your inventions. Apart from these gloves, I don't have any other inventions for the time being..." The doctor scratched his head in embarrassment. The back of the head.

"It's okay, I just said casually, it's really hard work for the doctor to be able to make so many inventions these days." Meng Yu waved her hand and smiled.

"Oh, by the way..." The doctor seemed to suddenly remember something, and said to Conan who was playing with the voice changer: "Shinichi, yesterday Xiaolan came over again to ask about your whereabouts, and I temporarily fooled you."

"Is this so...Doctor, you are doing the right thing. If you let Xiaolan know about my current situation, it will only put him in danger." Conan's heart trembled when he heard that Xiaolan came to him, but when he thought of his current situation, Said somewhat helplessly.

"Brother, don't you have a bow tie voice changer? Give Xiaolan a call to make sure she's safe. Xiaolan has been distracted in class these past two days." Meng Yu said.

"Eh? That's right, I'll call Xiaolan right now!" Conan suddenly cheered up, took out his cell phone, and dialed Xiaolan's number while adjusting the voice changer.

Conan's mobile phone was just bought by Mengyu for him, and he also applied for a new mobile phone card.

It turns out that the phone was broken when Gin attacked it, and the original phone card cannot be used according to Conan's current situation, so now Conan's phone is new from the card to the phone.

"Hello, hello, who is this?" The phone was dialed and Xiaolan's voice came faintly.

"Ah, Xiaolan, it's me." Conan's voice has changed to Kudo Shinichi.

"Ah, Shinichi! Shinichi, you finally called me. Where have you been? Why can't I be contacted? Did something happen to you? I'm really worried..."

On the other end of the phone, Xiaolan's voice suddenly rose, and the people next to Conan could clearly hear every word Xiaolan said.

At the end of Xiaolan's words, she was already crying faintly.

Yu Gongming noticed that Conan's hand holding the phone trembled slightly. He lowered his head slightly and pursed his lips tightly.

The next moment, Conan raised his head, showed a confident smile, and said to Xiaolan on the phone: "Really, Xiaolan, what are you worried about? I just encountered a difficult case and needed to leave Tokyo for a while, and my phone happened to be out of service. I accidentally broke it, and it’s hard to buy a mobile phone on the road these two days, so I just bought this mobile phone.”

Everyone who hears this sentence can feel the confidence of the speaker.

"Case? Is it dangerous?" Perhaps feeling the same confidence as before, Xiaolan's voice became much calmer.

"It's not dangerous. It's just that there are too few clues and it's complicated. It may take a while." Conan said.

"Then...then you have to call back regularly to report that you are safe. Also, come back early..." The last words were spoken so low that only Conan could hear them.

"Okay, I got it. I still have a case to deal with, so hang up first." Conan quickly hung up the phone without waiting for Xiaolan to respond.


Conan took a long breath, his expression a little complicated.

However, this complicated expression only lasted for a moment, and was replaced by determination the next moment.

"Betting on the reputation of my high school detective Kudo Shinichi, I will definitely destroy that organization!"

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