Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1214 Transaction, information

Subaru Okiya considered his words and said: "According to her, the organization's cooperation with Kuro Sakura has recently gone a step further. It seems that the organization will soon trade an important piece of information to Kuro Sakura."

"Important information?" Yu Gongming immediately became interested: "What information is it about?"

"Kiel said it was research data on a certain drug, but she doesn't know the details," Okiya Subaru said.

"Drugs? Could it be..." Conan immediately made a guess.

"It's probably that kind of drug." Akira Hanomiya roughly understood Conan's thoughts and asked, "Did she get any corresponding information about the time and place of the transaction?"

"She didn't find out." Zhenshimao shook his head: "The confidentiality level of this information seems to be very high, and it took a lot of effort for her to find out the general information."

After a pause, Okiya Subaru suddenly showed a smile: "However, among the information she provided, there is a piece of news that is not bad."

"What is it?" Conan asked.

"The person in charge of this transaction is Bourbon." Mitsuruya Subaru said leisurely.

"Is it him?" Yu Gongming said in surprise.

"Yes, that's the one downstairs." Okiya Subaru smiled.

Yu Gongming also smiled: "I see, then this will be interesting!"

"You should be very interested in this information, right?" Okiya Subaru asked with a smile.

Yu Gongming said calmly: "Of course! The more information you can get about drugs, the more beneficial it will be to the research on antidotes. Mr. Subaru shouldn't mind providing a little help then, right?"

"I'll be there when you call me," Subaru Okiya said cheerfully.

Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "Okay! Then we will go talk to Mr. Amuro tomorrow."

After a few more chats, Yu Gongming and others said goodbye and left.


The next day.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu came to the [Brown Dessert Shop] downstairs early in the morning.

" Is it you? So early today?" Toru Amuro, who was wiping the table, said in surprise.

"Good morning, Mr. Amuro!" Yu Gongming and Meng Yu also said hello.

Akira Hanomiya glanced at the store. In addition to Toru Amuro, there was a waiter cleaning the table, and Harumi Yasuda was standing behind the cashier with another waiter, seemingly debugging the cash register.

After briefly greeting Yasuda Harumi and the others, Hamamiya Akira turned to Amuro and said, "Mr. Amuro, can you send two tiramisu, two honey cakes, and one at nine o'clock?" Can you bring today’s chef-recommended dessert to the office?”

Toru Amuro was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "No problem! It will be delivered on time!"

"Then we still have something to do, so let's leave first!" After saying that, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu left the dessert shop.

Amuro looked at the two people leaving, his eyes flickered for a moment, and then continued to wipe the table as if nothing had happened.

nine in the morning.

"Excuse me! The desserts you requested have been served!" Toru Amuro walked into the office holding a tray and pushing open the door.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu were sitting on the sofa at this time. A pot of brewed black tea was steaming lightly along the spout.

"Thank you, Mr. Anshi!" Yu Gongming and Meng Yu greeted each other. Meng Yu stood up and took the tray from Tou Amuro's hand, while Yu Gongming silently came to the door of the office and closed the door.

Toru Amuro naturally noticed Hanamiya Akira's movements, but his expression didn't change much.

After a while, several people sat down respectively.

Yumiya Akira and Mengyu took a piece of tiramisu and a piece of honey cake respectively, and another dessert recommended by the chef, Amuro Toru silently got it in front of them.

The three of them looked at each other, but no one touched the dessert first.

After a while of silence, Meng Yu nodded slightly towards Yu Gongming.

Akira Hanomiya responded with a knowing look. It seemed that Toru Amuro was quite honest and did not bring any monitoring equipment.

After another moment of silence, Toru Amuro spoke up: "Detective Hanomiya came to see me this time. What's the matter?"

Akira Hanamiya didn't waste any time and went straight to the point: "I heard that Bourbon is in charge of an important deal with Black Sakura recently, right?"

When Toru Amuro heard this, the muscles on his face moved unnaturally.

This is a sign of trying to control one's facial expressions without completely succeeding.

The expression on Toru Amuro's face gradually became serious, and she asked, "Who did Detective Hanomiya hear this from?"

"That is to say, this is indeed the case?" Akira Hanamiya continued to ask without answering Toru Amuro's question.

Amuro Toru took a deep look at Hanomiya Akira and nodded: "That's indeed what happened. What's the matter? Are you interested in this transaction?"

"There is indeed some interest." Yu Gongming said with a smile: "The items traded should be some drug information, right?"

Amuro Toru was shocked again: "Do you even know this..."

He replied calmly: "There is indeed some information about a certain drug. Of course, I don't know the more specific information."

"Do you have direct access to that information?" Yu Gongming asked.

Toru Amuro frowned: "What do you want to do?"

Akira Hanomiya rubbed his hands and smiled: "If it is convenient, can Mr. Amuro give us a copy of those data?"

Amuro revealed that this was indeed the case and said: "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help with this."

"Mr. Amuro, what conditions can you offer?" Hanamiya Akira said with a smile. When asking others to help, you have to give some benefits. Naturally, Hanamiya Akira didn't expect to be able to get away with nothing.

"That's not the problem." Toru Amuro shook his head.

"The information was carried on a USB flash drive, and the USB flash drive was locked in a password box. The password box was set with two passwords. I was only responsible for ensuring the smooth completion of the transaction and did not know the password."

Yu Gongming frowned slightly and asked, "Oh? What if the other party wants to inspect the goods without opening the lock box?"

"[You only need to hand over the password box to them, you don't need to worry about the rest] - that's what I was told." Amuro said.

"Is that so..." With countless thoughts in Han Gongming's mind, he continued to ask: "The time and place of the transaction should be known to Mr. Amuro, right?"

Amuro showed a hint of vigilance: "What? Do you want to steal things? Let me remind you that the organization attaches great importance to this transaction and has dispatched many codename members including Gin and myself. A total of More than 20 people are responsible for security at the trading location."

"I don't know much about Black Sakura's side, but the number should be about the same as ours. The total number of people on both sides is probably more than fifty, and everyone has a gun."

"Faced with such a force, even the Metropolitan Police Department dare not take it lightly. Are you sure you are sure?"

Akira Hanomiya smiled slightly: "Mr. Amuro, you don't need to scare us. The Metropolitan Police Department does not dare to take it lightly. It is based on arrests and full-scale war. We are not trying to defeat them, we just want to steal things. The difficulty is still high." Smaller ones.”

"But I also understand your concerns, Mr. Amuro. Don't worry, after listening to your description, we will not take action during the transaction."

Amuro Toru's eyes flashed when he heard this: "Do you really want to..."

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