Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1218 Retreat and block!

The two cars Xue Ying was in were speeding along and soon approached the intersection where they entered the storage area.

Three flaming cars appeared in sight!

Next to the car, more than a dozen figures also wearing black coats fell down in various directions.

Xue Ying's expression changed!

They galloped all the way, and from the time they received the news of the attack to the time they arrived, they didn't have three minutes to spare. However, the dozen or so men he left behind were all knocked down before he could even arrive.

So crisp and clear, what kind of power is this?

With a flash of thought in his mind, Xue Ying shouted coldly: "There is a sniper! Be careful to avoid it and evacuate separately!"

"Yes!" The driver understood. The speed of the vehicle did not slow down, but its position gradually became more coquettish.

The car inevitably began to bump back and forth, but neither Xue Ying nor the other men in black paid attention to this.

Xue Ying himself is a top killer and has already experienced the most severe training. Not to mention this kind of shaking, he will not frown even during aerospace-level weightless training.

As for the others, they were also elite killers brought by him and were well-trained, so this level was nothing.

After the cars rushed to the intersection, they immediately split up and drove in two directions in a tacit understanding.

Two cars driving in different directions, combined with irregular lane changes, would make it very difficult to take aim if there was a sniper in the dark.

If the other party is really a third-party force and the target is the goods in their own hands, then the snipers need to identify which vehicle contains the goods they need.

As a result, the sniper will inevitably hesitate when taking action.

This gave them an opportunity to evacuate.

At the same time, this is also a test by Blood Sakura. If it is not a third-party force, but a black organization, then the other party already knows which car he got into before, and the sniper's target will be very clear.

"Who is it?" Xue Ying silently waited for the result, and then...


There was a loud noise in his ears, and Xue Ying felt the whole car shake!

The next moment, the car immediately showed signs of losing control!

The driver responded quickly and immediately took braking measures!

The car's speed dropped sharply, and the interior became more bumpy.

Xue Ying's eyes narrowed, and he opened the door before the vehicle came to a complete stop.

A gust of scorching wind rushed in, causing Xue Ying to squint his eyes.

His position was in the middle of the back row. If he wanted to get out of the car, he had to step over the black coats guarding him on both sides.

But this is not a problem.

He gestured to the black coat, and the next moment, the black coat on the side of the car door opened and flew sideways neatly, flying directly out of the car!

The next moment the black coat rushed out of the car, Xue Ying also bowed and moved to the door. Then his legs and waist exerted force at the same time, and his whole body instantly jumped out of the car door like a spring!

He arrived first and caught up with the black coat in the air that had jumped down before, and then he threw himself on the black coat.

Under the influence of gravity, Black Coat and Xue Ying's figures, which were originally falling in a parabola, immediately fell straight towards the road!

Of course, in the end, it was the black coat that hit the ground first.

Xue Ying used the black coat as a flesh pad and used force-removing techniques to dissipate most of the impact.

He rolled again, removing all the remaining impact force, glanced at it, and ran to an alley not far away without hesitation.

This was also the reason why he chose to jump out of the car here. As long as he hid in the alleyway, he could greatly avoid the sniper's aim.

As for those black coats, he no longer had the time to worry about them.

The impact of jumping out of the car just now would not kill Hei Coat, and it might not even have much impact on his actions. Other Hei Coats can also jump out of the car safely.

But Xue Ying's heart was still a little heavy.

In a quick glance just now, he had already seen another car not far away that was also on fire.

In other words, the opponent's snipers hit two cars that were moving at high speed and took evasive actions almost at the same time1

It can be seen that the opponent's sniper level is definitely not weak.

In addition to the dozen men who were brought down in a short period of time, it is still unknown how many of the black coats can escape.

Xue Ying was so distressed that he almost bled. These were the dead soldiers he had trained. Not only were they of excellent quality, but their loyalty was absolutely reliable. One less one would be a big loss.

Although she felt distressed, Xue Ying could only grit her teeth and swallow it. Who wanted the information in the lockbox to be wanted by [that person]? The security of the lockbox must be prioritized.

Xue Ying rushed into the alleyway, took out the communicator at the same time, adjusted a frequency band, and said: "Something happened unexpectedly. Send three teams over immediately for support!"

"Yes! Sir!" the other person replied immediately.

For accidents, Xueying naturally made corresponding plans. He installed a locator on his body and was not worried that his subordinates would not be able to find him.

As long as he runs a little further and meets up with his men, he can basically escape danger.

After receiving the response, Xue Ying continued to sneak in the alley.

However, his speed inevitably dropped a bit.

On the one hand, the alleyway was dark and the terrain was more complicated than the main road. If he rushed too fast, accidents would easily occur. He couldn't turn on the flashlight to avoid the light source revealing his position.

On the other hand, he was also worried about an ambush in the alleyway, so he couldn't act so recklessly.

Carefully proceeding all the way, after turning a corner again, the exit of the alley appeared in Xue Ying's sight.

Xue Ying's ears twitched slightly, and she felt a little more relaxed after realizing that no one was chasing her.

It seems that the other party does not completely control the surroundings, which is good news.

Although I felt a little relaxed, I couldn't lose the caution I should have.

Near the alley, Xue Ying's footsteps became slower.

The alley's view is narrow, but it's a good place for an ambush!

Xue Ying held her breath and concentrated, leaning against the wall and approaching the entrance of the alley.

When he reached the alley, he quickly took a look outside.

The streets were completely silent, not a soul was around, and not a single vehicle passed by.

Xue Ying nodded secretly in her heart and was about to walk out of the alley when suddenly, a bright light from a car came over her!

Xue Ying's face changed slightly. She turned around and saw a motorcycle speeding towards her!

Amidst the roar of the motorcycle engine, a few inconspicuous muffled sounds reached Xue Ying's ears.

Xue Ying's pupils suddenly shrank!

This sound... is a pistol with a silencer!

Rich experience makes Xue Ying's body react almost in sync with her thoughts

He immediately curled up, rolled sideways and backwards, and hid in the alleyway.

While he was dodging, the motorcycle moved from far to near, and finally passed the alley.

Bang bang bang!

There was another muffled sound.

This time Xue Ying could clearly see the clear gunfire on the back seat of the motorcycle!

A cold light flashed in Xue Ying's eyes, and she rolled over again to dodge. At the same time, she touched her waist with her right hand, holding the pistol in her hand and turning on the safety.

However, at this moment, Xue Ying's hair started to rise, and an extremely dangerous feeling enveloped his heart.

At the same time, he also heard movement, coming from... above his head!

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