Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1220 Embarrassed Black Sakura, divided into two parts

In the flash of lightning, Xue Ying could only follow his instinct and fall backwards. After falling to the ground, his body twisted and rolled sideways.

But his movements were still a step slower after all.


Xue Ying only felt that his arm was hit by a huge force. His whole arm hurt at first, then became numb, and gradually lost control of himself, hanging weakly on the ground.

Then, another wave of pain hit his arm like a tide.

Xue Ying's heart sank. He knew that his arm had been severely injured!

Xue Ying resisted the severe pain and relied on his strong leg and waist strength to stand up from the ground. At the same time, he lightly raised his foot and kicked up the pistol that had fallen on the ground because his arm was severely injured.

With a movement of his intact left arm, he held the lockbox under his arm. Then he reached out and the pistol returned to his palm.

He recalled the force that hit him just now, pointed the gun in a certain direction, and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

Bang bang bang!

In the flash of gunfire, Xue Ying faintly saw the figure of a guy in black robe flickering.

Before Xue Ying could tell whether the opponent had been shot, gunfire also erupted from the opposite side!

Bang bang bang!

Xue Ying gritted his teeth and could only continue to dodge.

He rolled several times and hid behind a trash can near the alley.

Putting the password box aside temporarily, Xue Ying used the cover of the trash can to shoot wildly in the direction of the alley! Until the magazine is finished.

This outburst did have an effect, and the attacker was forced back out of the alley.

After Xue Ying finished loading the magazine, he quickly retracted and replaced the magazine as quickly as possible.

He did not shoot again, but listened cautiously to what was going on outside.

The person on the other side seemed to be wary and did not enter the alley or try to shoot.

The two sides were in a stalemate for the time being.

Xue Ying's face was a little gloomy. Such a stalemate was actually not good for him.

Although the reinforcements he called were not far away and were arriving quickly, the other party had obviously planned it for a long time, and his companions were probably nearby.

It is undoubtedly more likely that the other party's support will arrive first.

Something must be done!

Xue Ying's mind was racing, thinking about how to break the situation.

However, while he stood still, the other side took action again.

There was a strange noise, as if something was rolling over.

Xue Ying's expression changed: "Grenade!?"

Without thinking too much, Xue Ying immediately lay down, protecting the password box under her body. At the same time, she put her head in her hands and covered her ears, preparing to resist the explosion of the grenade.

Xue Ying is very clear: at such a close distance, as long as the other party is not a rookie, he will never give himself any chance to react. Don't even think about opening up the distance!

Therefore, he could only choose to lie down. According to the explosion range of the grenade, this position could avoid a lot of SH even at close range.

next moment……


A roar sounded, but the roar was much smaller than Xue Ying expected.

"Huh? This voice..." Xue Ying's face changed again!

next moment--

call out--

There was a sound of gas leakage.

Xue Ying felt a sudden burning pain in his eyes.

"Damn it! It's tear gas!" Xue Ying cursed in his heart!

Tear gas is not very powerful and is a non-lethal weapon. It is mostly used in riot sites to disperse crowds.

The function is also very simple and clear. It uses irritating chemicals to make people cry. Tears, sneezing, and coughing are all common symptoms after being affected by tear gas.

Although it is not fatal, the impact on people cannot be ignored.

Especially in Xue Ying's current situation, if this tear gas bomb goes off, he can only become temporarily blind.

"It seems we can only give it a try!"

Xue Ying endured the burning pain in her eyes and the sticky feeling at the end of her nose, picked up the password box, changed the direction based on memory, lowered her body, and quickly rushed in the direction she came from.

He knew that this was risky, and the other party would probably take this opportunity to shoot.

But rather than gradually losing their ability to fight under the influence of tear gas, there is still a glimmer of hope for those who escape the range of tear gas.

Sure enough, just as he expected, there was a burst of gunfire from behind!

Xue Ying had no choice but to shoot behind him with a pistol while constantly changing his body shape to evade.

However, this effect is not good.

He still couldn't move his right hand, and his left hand was not his dominant hand. In addition, shooting backwards and the lockbox restricted his performance.

With this layer of weakening, the accuracy of shooting is really unsatisfactory.

In terms of evasion, although his actions were decisive enough, he was still affected by the tear gas. His eyes continued to feel burning, and his tears and snot could not be stopped. His face was covered with mud, and some snot even flowed into it. in his mouth.

Although he has also been trained to walk blindly, based on his memory, he can walk through this alleyway at a moderate speed with his eyes closed.

However, now that he is in an abnormal state, he can only avoid it carefully, otherwise he will hit the wall if he is not careful.

The current situation will never allow him to pause at all!

So, inevitably, he was shot.

Fortunately, it was only the back that was shot, and no vital parts were injured. Xue Ying only stumbled a bit and continued to rush forward!

"We're almost at that corner... As long as we turn the corner, we can take a breather!" Xue Ying thought to himself.

He wiped away his tears and managed to open his eyes.

Although his vision was a little blurry, he could still tell that he was almost at the corner.

With a stern look on his face, he immediately gave up all evasive actions, suddenly increased his speed, and headed straight towards the corner!


Xue Ying turned around, and the gunshots behind him suddenly became quieter.

Xue Ying understood that he had successfully turned the corner!

With this corner as a cover, the opponent has to be wary of three-pointers and dare not advance rashly.

Although this didn't delay for long, it was enough to allow him to recover a little bit.

At the same time, he was also prepared. As soon as he heard the sound of a grenade being thrown, he would stay away immediately!

The gunfire from behind gradually became sparse, and the bullets only hit the wall on the other side of the corner.

The reduced sense of urgency inevitably made Xue Ying's tense nerves relax a little.

However, just as his nerves relaxed, he suddenly felt a slight pain in the back of his neck.

"Damn it! There's an ambush!" With this thought in his mind, a sense of powerlessness spread throughout his body like a virus.

Xue Ying bit his tongue hard, and the salty smell of blood instantly filled his mouth. The severe pain allowed him to stay awake for the time being.

He turned his head with difficulty and turned the gun at the same time.

However, before he could pull the trigger, his neck hurt again!

The feeling of powerlessness doubled instantly. This time Xue Ying couldn't hold on anymore, and her consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

At the last moment when she lost consciousness, Xue Ying felt that the password box she was holding was taken away.

He wanted to stop it, but he was powerless.

Eventually, his consciousness completely fell into chaos.

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