Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 122 Discussion about Kaitou Kidd

"Not necessarily." Yu Gongming shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Kuroba Kaito frowned.

"Perhaps Kaito Kidd stole gems for Pandora, but his previous goals were not limited to gems. Obviously, he was not involved in Pandora's matter from the beginning." Hanemiya Akira said.

"Oh? Does that mean he was actually a thief who enjoyed playing tricks on the police?" Kuroba Kaito still persisted in teasing his father.

"That's not necessarily the case." Yu Gongming said:

"I looked up the information and found something interesting."

Akira Hanomiya stared at Kuroba Kaito, his eyes becoming more and more meaningful:

"More than twenty years ago, the Phantom Thief Lady, known as the Twenty-Faced Woman of the Showa Era, became famous for a while. However, 18 years ago, the Phantom Thief Lady suddenly disappeared."

"At the same time, Kaito Kidd suddenly appeared in front of the world like a comet."

"Perhaps, the appearance of Kaito Kidd has something to do with the hiding of Kaitou Lady?" Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

"In terms of suspense and conspiracy, maybe Kaitou Kidd got rid of Kaitou Lady and replaced her as an internationally renowned thief,"

"Or maybe, this is actually a romantic love story. The Kaitou Lady retired for the one she loves, and Kaitou Kidd took over the name of her lover, the Kaitou." Mengyu put forward her speculation with interest. , then looked at Kuroba Kaito:

"Kuroba-kun, which one do you think is more likely?"

"Of course it's a romantic love story, otherwise where would I come from..." Kuroba Kaito answered instantly in his heart, but of course he couldn't say that on the surface.

"This... after all, it happened 18 years ago. I'm only 17 now. How could I possibly know what happened at that time! But if I had to guess, romantic love is more likely, right?" Kuroba Kaito said. road.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Yu Gongming asked with a smile.

"Because although Kaitou Kidd has committed countless crimes, he has no murder record. I can't verify what happened more than ten years ago. But the Kaitou Kidd who appeared recently, no matter how the police chased him, they just escaped and restricted his movements. Mainly because of his ability, he didn't cause too serious harm to the police officers. I don't think Kaitou Kidd can do anything like get rid of Kaitou Lady." Kuroba Kaito said.

"Hmm... It seems to make sense!" Meng Yu nodded in agreement.

"So, maybe Kaitou Kidd is not as bad as we thought. He keeps stealing famous works of art and gems. He probably has an unspeakable purpose. In the process of achieving his purpose, he did not harm any innocent people. .”

"So, although I don't agree with him using theft to achieve his own goals, I don't hate this monster thief who can play with Interpol at the mercy of applause." Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

"I see. Detective Hanomiya, is this what you think of Kaitou Kidd?" Kuroba Kaito's lips curled up.

"Yes, this is also my opinion, so I don't mean to offend you by comparing your father's disguise technique with Kaitou Kidd." Meng Yu said with a smile.

"You two have really unique views."


"Kuroba-kun doesn't look very old. You should be a student at nearby Ekoda High School, right?" Mengyu asked.

"Kuroba Kaito, a second-year student at Ekoda High School."

"Then let me formally introduce myself, Akira Hanomiya, as a detective."

"Kudo Mengyu is Ming's friend and assistant."

"Nice to meet you!" Kuroba Kaito bowed slightly.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu return the favor.

"Dad, give me a glass of mixed juice too!" Kuroba Kaito sat down directly at Hanomiya Akira's table.

"OK, wait."

After Terai Huangnosuke agreed, he went to prepare the juice.

"By the way, Detective Hanomiya just said that I look like one of your friends. I wonder who that friend is?" asked Kuroba Kaito.

"It's the famous detective Kudo Shinichi. He went out to investigate a case, and I haven't seen him for a long time. When I saw you coming in, I almost recognized you as him." Akira Hanamiya said with a smile.

"Oh? I didn't expect that I could bump into a famous detective. It would be such an honor, haha!"

"So, after discovering this, you started pretending to be Kudo crazily, right..." Akira Hanomiya complained silently in his heart.

When Yu Gongming was about to say something, the glass door of the bar was pushed open again.

A clear and sweet girl’s voice sounded:

"Grandpa Terai, is Kaito here?"

As soon as Yumiya Ming saw the person, he immediately understood the identity of the visitor:

"Okay, here comes another face-bumping monster."

The visitor is none other than Kuroba Kaito’s childhood sweetheart—Nakamori Aoko!

Nakamori Aoko's appearance is almost exactly the same as Xiaolan's, and her voice is similar to Xiaolan's, but her hairstyle is different.

Hmm...but it's actually not difficult to distinguish between her and Xiaolan...

The body shape is too different...

"So, it's not without reason that Kuroba Kaito and Xiaolan were confused and confused after that..." Hanemiya Ming secretly thought.

"Eh? Kaito, you are here!"

Nakamori Aoko saw Kuroba Kaito at a glance and immediately walked over quickly.

"Aoko, why are you here? Didn't you go shopping with Keiko?" Kuroba Kaito was confused.

"Keiko left temporarily, so I just came here to find you... Huh? These two are... I seem to have met somewhere..."

Seeing this, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu took the initiative to introduce themselves.

"Ah! It turns out to be Detective Hanomiya. I didn't expect to meet you here. Are you here to investigate the case?" Nakamori Aoko said excitedly.

"No, we just happened to wander here." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"I see...Hello, my name is Nakamori Aoko."

"Oh? Do you know Officer Nakamori Ginzo from the Search Section 2?" Hanemiya asked knowingly.

"That's my dad!"

"I see, your father is a good policeman who works very hard and conscientiously!" Hanemiya Akira said with a smile.

He didn't mean this specifically as a compliment. Although Officer Nakamori was often played around by Kaitou Kidd, his determination to capture Kidd every day for ten years was still admirable.

"Thank you." Nakamori Aoko said with a smile.

"By the way Aoko, your father didn't catch Kaitou Kid yesterday, so he won't be angry when he comes home again, right?" Kuroba Kaito asked.

"No, after all, this time we successfully prevented Kaitou Kidd from stealing [Dark Star], and it is said that Kidd was chased by them quite embarrassingly. According to his speculation, since the glider was found, Kaitou Kidd is likely to He swam back to Tokyo, and dad seems to be in a good mood, thanks to Detective Hanomiya!" Nakamori Aoko said.

"Tsk~ If it weren't for those guys, how could I be in such a mess!" Kuroba Kaito said fiercely in his heart.

"I was also entrusted by Mrs. Suzuki. This is all within my duties." Yu Gongming shook his head.

Yu Gongming drank the last sip of juice in the cup and looked at Mengyu, whose cup was also empty. Black Feather and the other two said:

"I'm really happy to meet you two today, so let's take our leave now."

"Goodbye then." Kuroba Kaito smiled.

"Well! Goodbye, Detective Hanomiya!" Nakamori Aoko also said.

Arriving at the entrance of the [Blue Parrot] bar, Akira Hanomiya paused and looked back at Kuroba Kaito:

"Kuroba-kun, I am very much looking forward to our next meeting with you."

Kuroba Kaito was stunned for a moment, and then showed an unexplainable smile:

"Each other."

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