Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1231 Contact Person

11:45 pm, Cupido Park.

At this time, Acupido Park seemed a little quieter than during the day. There were a few homeless people sleeping on the benches outside the park, but if you walked further inside, you wouldn't see any people.

The famous detective Mouri Kogoro, who is famous in Tokyo, chose to come to the park at such a time.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the dark park, tightened his tight-fitting suit, and stepped inside.

He did not turn on the flashlight. He was quite familiar with the terrain of Aipado Park and would not be disoriented even without lighting.

In such an environment, using a flashlight is too conspicuous after all.

Mouri Kogoro cautiously walked toward the rockery in the park while listening to the surrounding movements.

His steps seemed natural, but the muscles in his body were quietly tense, like a ferocious beast that was ready to go. Once something unexpected happened, it would immediately explode!

This is a side he has never shown in front of Xiaolan and Conan.

Moving forward carefully, Mouri Kogoro finally arrived at the No. 2 observation deck on the rockery of Aido Park.

Time - 11:59.

After confirming that he was not late, Mouri Kogoro put down his watch and looked around with eyes that had adapted to the darkness.

He saw no one and heard no movement.

With an increasingly serious look on his face, Mouri Kogoro stepped into the observation deck.

When he came to the center of the observation deck, he heard a "bang" sound behind him, which seemed to be the sound of shoes hitting the ground.

His pupils shrank slightly and he immediately turned his head!

At the entrance to the observation deck, a figure wearing a black robe and a black mask covering his face was standing.

Mouri Kogoro's eyes were slightly dazed, and he was dressed exactly the same as his colleagues.

"I'm very happy that the famous Maori detective can come to the appointment alone at the agreed time." The figure in black robes said first.

This was a voice that had obviously been processed by a voice changer. It was impossible to distinguish between male and female. Mouri Kogoro frowned slightly, and then said: "Since I have complied with your request, what about that thing?"

"Of course I brought it with me," the man in black robe replied, and then took out a transparent evidence bag from his arms under the watchful eyes of Kogoro Mori.

Lying quietly in the evidence bag was a USB flash drive.

"This is the information you want." The man in black robe said. With a shake of his hand, the evidence bag flew towards Mouri Kogoro.

Mouri Kogoro accurately judged the trajectory of the evidence bag in the dark, and grabbed the evidence bag in his hand.

He turned on his flashlight and looked at the evidence bag. After confirming that it was indeed just a USB flash drive, he put the evidence bag away. He opened his mouth and said, "Who are you? What is your purpose?"

"We just happen to have the same purpose as the Metropolitan Police Department." The man in black robe said calmly.

"The same purpose?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"You can ask Director Baima about this. He should have an idea." The man in black robe said leisurely.

Mouri Kogoro raised his eyebrows slightly, and then asked: "What about this transaction? Why did you ask me to come here?"

"Because we want to achieve further cooperation with the director, and for this, we need an intermediary liaison." The man in black robe said.

"So, I am the contact person you chose? Why?" Mouri Kogoro was puzzled.

"It's simple, because we already know your identity." The man in black robe smiled.

Mouri Kogoro was silent, a trace of gloom flashed across his face.

He understood what the other party meant. Now that he knew his identity, his personal information was no longer a secret in the eyes of the other party.

If you dare to play any tricks, you must consider the safety of yourself and your relatives and friends.

Whether it's his wife Fei Yingli who works in a law firm, or his daughter Xiaolan who is in high school, or even the brat who lives in his house now and is about to abduct his daughter.

These were extremely important people to him.

The exposed self is easier to handle and more reliable in the eyes of the other party.

Very straightforward, but irrefutable.

After a while of silence, Mouri Kogoro said: "I can't make the decision on this matter."

The man in black robe smiled and said: "Then ask the person who can make the decision. I think he should be listening to our conversation through the bug on your body now, right?"

Mouri Kogoro did not deny it, but silently took out a communicator: "You heard everything, what should I do?"

"Since he has chosen you, then you should be the contact person." said the other end of the communicator.

"Understood." Mouri Kogoro nodded slightly and looked at the man in black: "I agree to be the liaison person."

"Very good! I believe you won't regret this choice! Then, if anything happens to us later, someone will contact you. Of course, if you want to contact us, you can use the detective agency's phone number to call this number. Remember , it can only be the office’s phone number.”

The man in black robe flicked his wrist and threw a postcard to Mouri Kogoro.

Mouri Kogoro took the card and turned on his flashlight. He saw a series of phone numbers on the simple white postcard.

It's just that the structure of this phone number is a little different from what he usually sees.

Mouri Kogoro was not surprised. This was probably just a disguised number, as long as he could contact the other party.

"I understand." Mouri Kogoro put the card in his arms and expressed his understanding.

"Okay, the deal is done, see you next time!"


A burst of smoke suddenly rose in front of Maoli Xiaowuling's eyes.

After the smoke dissipated, the man in black robe had disappeared without a trace.

Mouri Kogoro's eyes were focused. Although his vision was blocked by the smoke, he was very sure that he did not hear the footsteps leaving quickly.

In such a quiet environment, even if the footsteps are trained to be soft, they will still make a sound when running quickly, and it is impossible not to notice it.

However, the other party has indeed disappeared.

Mouri Kogoro frowned, turned on his flashlight and looked around.

"You can go up the rock wall above the entrance... but you have to be at least ten meters away from the top. Even if you can climb so fast during the duration of the smoke, it's impossible to make no sound at all."

He came to the railing closest to where the man in black robe was standing just now and observed.

"There are no hook marks on the railings, and the rock wall below is a smooth plane that slopes inward. There is no way to use it if you go down directly... Could it be that you parachuted down?"

He shined his flashlight downward again and found nothing resembling a parachute.

It only took seven or eight seconds from the time the other party disappeared to the time he came here. If the other party was parachuting, there would be no time to pack up the parachute.

"This guy... is really not simple!" Mouri Kogoro sighed in his heart, temporarily suppressing the doubts in his heart.

The top priority is to hand over the information in hand to the higher-ups so that the higher-ups can confirm the authenticity of the information.

After taking another look around, Mouri Kogoro left.

Shortly after he left, a gloved hand grabbed the edge of the observation deck.

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