Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1239 Haneda Koji

Soon, a search team led the murderer away from the scene.

"Hey! Xiongji, you just said [prepared step], do you already know who the prisoner is?" Yumi looked at Haneda Hideyoshi curiously.

Haneda Hideyoshi smiled: "I just noticed the problem with the suicide note. Detective Hanomiya has already said the details just now, but I am still not as good as Detective Hanomiya. He should have known who the culprit was by then. It’s a murderous technique.”

Yumi curled her lips: "I am a famous detective, how can you possibly compare to me!"

Hanamiya Akira said with a smile: "Mr. Haneda, you are being humble. I came to the scene before you and I can notice more things. And as long as the trap of the suicide note is unlocked, the rest will not matter."

"Ahaha! It's such an honor to be recognized by Detective Hanomiya!" Haneda Hideyoshi said with a smile.

"It is also an honor for me to meet Mr. Hideyoshi today." Akira Hanomiya said politely.

After the two exchanged business blows, Haneda Hideyoshi asked: "By the way, you said before that you were my roommate's friend. She shouldn't have caused you any trouble, right?"

"No! I like Seriang's character very much!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"Sera is a very good detective, and she is also very good at Jeet Kune Do. None of the three of you brothers and sisters are simple people!" Hanemiya Akiya said.

Haneda Hideyoshi raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh? Does Detective Hanomiya also know my elder brother?"

"There has been cooperation." Yu Gongming replied.

"That's it." Haneda Hideyoshi nodded, some guesses flashing through his mind.

"Hey! Xiong Ji! If everything is alright, I'll go!" Yumi said at this time.

"Ah? Yumimi, are you leaving now? It's getting late now, why not stay for dinner?" Haneda Hideyoshi invited.

Yumei turned her head in disgust: "I don't want to go to your house! Also! Don't call me Yumei! It's disgusting!"

"Yes, yes! I'm sorry!" Haneda Hideyoshi apologized quickly.

"Okay! I'm leaving!" Yumi said, dragging Miike Naeko away who was chatting with Sakurako.

Looking at Yumi's leaving figure, Haneda Hideyoshi waved his fist and made a cheering gesture.

"I didn't expect that a famous Taige person who looks like a humble gentleman in front of the camera would have such a side." Yu Gongming joked.

Haneda Hideyoshi scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "Just kidding, except for official competitions, I spend most of my time studying chess skills, some of which are sorting out."

"Eh? Is he a famous person from Taige?" Three little ones exclaimed from the side.

"Do you know this?" Conan smiled and showed them the phone screen: "Here! You can find Brother Haneda's interview by just searching on the Internet!"

The three little ones took a look, and sure enough they saw a news item on the screen of their mobile phone. The photo on the news item showed Haneda Hideyoshi being interviewed.

"He is really a famous person in Taige!" Ayumi said in surprise: "My mother is his big fan!"

She ran up to Haneda Hideyoshi and said with a hopeful look on her face: "Master Taiko, can you please sign your autograph? I want to take it back to my mother!"

"Ah! Of course there's no problem with that, but I'm not a celebrity yet!" Haneda Hideyoshi said with a smile.

"I believe you will definitely win the celebrity battle!" Ayumi seemed to be more confident than Haneda Hideyoshi.

"Then I'll lend you some good luck. Come on, let me sign it for you!" Haneda Hideyoshi's smile became even more kind.

"I want to sign too!" Mitsuhiko and Genta also came over.

Haneda Hideyoshi didn't mind and signed autographs for several people.

"So, do you really want to win the Seventh Shogi Championship before you get back together with Officer Yumi?" Meng Yu asked curiously.

Haneda Hideyoshi nodded: "Yes, to be precise, not only do we get back together, I also propose to her!"

"Oh? Do you want to use the honor of Seven Crowns as a betrothal gift?" Meng Yu asked with a smile.

"Yes! Because this is also Yumi's expectation!" Haneda Hideyoshi said firmly.

"Then I wish you all the best." Meng Yu said with a smile.

Akira Hanomiya rolled his eyes and suddenly asked: "By the way, we are both shogi players, do you know Haneda Koji?"

"Hada Koji?" Haneda Hideyoshi was stunned for a moment, and then returned: "Of course I know him. He is the son of my current adoptive parents. Strictly speaking, I have to call him brother. He is also someone I respect very much!"

Speaking of this, he showed a hint of disappointment: "However, seventeen years ago, he passed away due to an accident."

"That's right... I'm sorry for reminding you of sad things." Yu Gongming said apologetically.

Haneda Hideyoshi smiled: "It's okay, it's been so many years, I've already looked away."

Yu Gongming nodded: "As long as you don't mind, okay, it's getting late, it's time for us to say goodbye."

"Okay! See you again when we are destined!" Haneda Hideyoshi smiled.

After saying goodbye for a while, the group left the Yingmihua Building.

On the way, the three little ones excitedly discussed things about Taige celebrities, while Conan, Xiao Ai, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu followed closely behind.

Xiao Ai glanced at the three chattering little ones, and after seeing that they didn't pay attention here, she said, "Hanomiya, why did you suddenly ask about Haneda Koji just now?"

Akira Hanomiya said with a casual expression: "Nothing. I just happened to have heard of this shogi master who happened to have the same surname as Taiko, so I asked about it. Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that the family of Koji Haneda adopted him."

"What? Is there something wrong with Haneda Koji?" Conan asked.

Xiao Ai glanced at Conan: "His name appears on the list of users of APTX4869."

"What?" Conan was shocked!

"Eh? What's wrong with Conan?" The three little ones were attracted by Conan's voice and turned their heads in confusion.

"Ah! It's nothing, nothing!" Conan prevaricated a few words casually. The three little ones didn't care when they saw this and continued to chat enthusiastically.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xiao Ai: "Tell us what happened when you get back."

"Yeah." Xiao Ai responded calmly.


Doctor's house, living room.

"You mean, Haneda Koji's name appears on the list of drug users, right under my name?" Conan confirmed.

"That's my impression." Xiao Ai replied: "When the organization sent me to confirm your death, I took that list, and Haneda Koji's name was indeed on it."

Conan frowned slightly: "But according to the famous Taige, didn't he pass away seventeen years ago? There was already APTX4869 at that time? You should have been only one year old at the time, right?"

Xiao Ai rolled her eyes at him: "If it was really seventeen years ago, the medicine Haneda Koji took was definitely not developed by me. I originally developed that medicine based on the information left by my parents."

"So, Haneda Koji actually eats the version of your parents?" Mengyu asked.

"That should be it." Xiao Ai nodded.

"It depends on the situation. We need to check this Haneda Koji carefully." Conan said solemnly.

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