Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1241 Crime Scene

On the road.

"Oh? Have you met Hideyoshi?" Okiya Subaru asked in surprise.

"Yes, it was a murder case yesterday. He became one of the suspects for some reasons, but now the case has been solved and he has been cleared of suspicion." Yu Gongming explained.

"I see, is it because of seeing him that you think of Haneda Koji?" Okiya Subaru said.

Hanemiya Akira nodded: "Absolutely. The main reason is that Haneda Koji's name happened to appear on that list, so we noticed it. I think that since your family sent the child to the Haneda family for foster care, it should be with the Haneda family. Is there some connection? That’s why I wanted to ask you about this case.”

"However, judging from your reaction just now, you seem to be very concerned about that case from 17 years ago, right?"

Okiya Subaru narrowed his eyes: "You are right, I do care about the case 17 years ago."

"Is it because of yourself? Or is it because of the elders?" Yu Gongming asked.

Okiya Subaru was silent for a while and replied: "It was because of my father. To be honest, it was also because of that case that I came up with the idea of ​​joining the FBI."

"Oh? Can you tell me more specifically?" Yu Gongming looked probing.

Subaru Okiya smiled: "Actually, I don't know the details. My father was entrusted by Haneda Koji's father to go to the United States to investigate this case, but I don't know what he investigated."

"Is Mr. Subaru's father also an FBI?" Conan asked curiously.

Okiya Subaru shook his head: "No, he is not the FBI."

"Is he your mother's colleague?" Yu Gongming changed his guess.

Subaru Okiya shrugged: "If you are interested, you can check it out yourself, but what is certain is that whether it is the death of the capitalist Amanda or the death of Haneda Koji, there is the shadow of the organization behind it."

"This matter has become obvious. What we are curious about now is the different circumstances of the two crime scenes. Why was Haneda Koji's room turned upside down? What is the identity of Amanda's missing bodyguard?" Akira Hanamiya He said calmly.

Subaru Okiya shook his head and said: "I am also investigating this, which is why I went to the crime scene with you."

"That's right..." Yu Gongming nodded and did not continue to ask.

Regardless of whether what Subaru Okiya said was true or not, I'm afraid he wouldn't get any clues if he continued to kiss her.

Afterwards, without saying anything, the group arrived at the scene of the crime - Hiyama House, a quite luxurious house.

Officer Takagi, an old friend, came up to him.

"Mr. Agasa, could you please come over... eh? Detective Hanomiya, why are you here too? And this is..." Officer Takagi said a little confused.

"Because I was also involved in the research and development of that pair of scissors, I had no choice but to come with Dr. Agasa and explain the situation together." Subaru Okiya was just lying.

"The doctor happened to bump into us when he was getting ready to go out. After hearing what he said about the case, he thought it was quite strange, so he came over to take a look. Don't worry, I won't take the credit from your police." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile. .

Officer Takagi was a little embarrassed: "Detective Hanomiya, what do you think of our police... If the case can be solved early, then what does it matter who solves it?"

Yu Gongming smiled and did not intend to continue talking about this topic.

Although the police officers he knew, including Megure, Sato, Takagi, Chiba, etc., were all good police officers with a sense of justice and passion. Although they also cared about credit and bonuses, they cared more about being able to solve the case and give an explanation to the deceased.

But the Metropolitan Police Department cannot be full of people like this, especially those at higher levels. It’s not that they have any bad intentions, but as senior officials, their considerations are inevitably not so pure.

Under the leadership of Police Officer Takagi, Akira Hanamiya and his party came to the house outside the house (that is, the house facing south and north). In addition to the police officers, there were several people in black suits outside the house, who seemed to be bodyguards.

After entering the house, the group followed Officer Takagi to the changing room of the bathroom.

Officer Megure heard the sound of the door opening, turned his head and said, "Oh! Mr. Agasa, could you please run over... hmm? Why is Brother Hanomiya here?"

Yu Gongming had no choice but to repeat what he said just now.

Officer Megure was speechless for a moment, but he didn't dwell on it anymore and introduced: "The deceased's name is Hiyama Kunihisa, 61 years old, and the owner of a real estate company."

"According to the autopsy, he was probably beaten to death by blunt force. According to the situation at the scene, the deceased was probably attacked in other rooms in the house and then fled to the dressing room of this bathroom."

"But it seems that the murderer broke into the door and gave him a fatal blow. What the victim was holding was the pair of scissors engraved with Mr. A Li's trademark. I would like to ask you about the function of the scissors."

"Oh! That's it!" Dr. Ari said and was about to walk into the locker room, but was stopped by Subaru Okiya.

"Don't go in casually, otherwise you will get hurt!" He gestured to the ground in front of several people.

Yu Gongming looked down and saw some glass fragments scattered on the ground. From some of the larger fragments, it could be seen that it should be a cup. There were also some patterns and words printed on the cup.

He glanced around and fixed his gaze on the washstand. There was also a cup on it, the same style as the fragments on the ground.

He looked at Officer Megure: "The fragments of the cup on the ground were probably thrown out by the victim in order to resist the murderer, right?"

Officer Megure nodded: "We think so too."

Akira Hanomiya continued: "After the victim used the cup to temporarily stop the murderer, he took Dr. Agasa's scissors and prepared to confront the murderer, but officer, don't you think it's a little strange?"

"Strange?" Officer Megure was puzzled.

"It's the mop behind the deceased." Yu Gongming pointed to the wall behind the body and said: "If you want to resist the attack, it would be more convenient to use a longer mop, right? Scissors are a bit too much to use against murderers armed with blunt instruments. short."

"Indeed." Officer Memu nodded suddenly, paused, and said: "By the way, I haven't asked about the scissors yet. I heard that the scissors will make some sounds when they are closed. Does the scissors have a recording-like function? ?”

"Sorry, there is no such function." Dr. A Li said awkwardly.

Officer Memu was a little disappointed: "I thought these scissors recorded the murderer's voice..."

Dr. A Li was even more embarrassed.

"Officer!" Conan pointed to the glass fragments on the ground and said: "The glass fragments seem to be stained with blood. These blood stains should be left by the murderer. As long as the blood stains are compared with the suspect, the murderer should be identified quickly. ah!"

"Hey! Conan! Don't approach the scene at will!" Officer Gao Ohmu couldn't help but remind him.

"Conan is right." Yu Gongming said: "These blood stains should be very important clues."

Officer Megure said helplessly: "If things were that simple, we wouldn't have asked Mr. Ali to come over..."

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