Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1250 The unwilling Guli Shenping

Hearing Mouri Kogoro's doubts, Hanomiya Akira smiled lightly and said: "If the plates and cups are placed on the table like mobile phones, there is indeed no guarantee that they will fall off. However, with a slight change, the probability can be improved. Become one hundred percent!”

"Change? How to change it?" Officer Memu asked curiously.

Yu Gongming smiled and said: "Can you please help the waiter prepare plates, cups, and a small jar of salt?"

The waiter looked at Officer Megure and asked for his opinion.

"Do as Brother Hanomiya said." Officer Megure nodded.

The waiter heard this and went down to prepare.

After a while, the waiter brought what Yu Gongming wanted.

"Officer Takagi." Akira Hanomiya gestured toward the table.

Upon hearing this, Officer Takagi immediately took the things from the waiter's hands politely, came to the table, and looked at Hanomiya Akira: "Detective Hanomiya, tell me what to do."

Officer Megure on the side twitched his lips and cursed in his heart: "Whose subordinate is this guy Takagi..."

Naturally, Hanomiya Akira had no idea about Officer Megure's slander, nor did he care. He said, "Officer Takagi, first, place the plate on the edge of the table where it will fall, and then place it next to the plate, close to the center of the table. Pile a lot of salt on one side..."

Officer Takagi followed Hanomiya Akira's instructions and placed a small pile of salt at the designated location.

"Then, stand the red wine glass on the salt pile and tilt the glass toward the plate." Akira Hanomiya continued.

Officer Takagi did as he was told: "Okay, the cup has been set up."

Yu Gongming took a look and nodded: "Then, blow gently on the salt pile to disperse the salt pile. Be careful not to let the wine glass fall over."

Officer Takagi lowered his head and breathed out at the salt pile. Most of the salt pile was blown away, leaving only a small area where the wine glass stood.

However, what surprised many people was that the wine glass did not fall over as the salt pile blew away, but remained standing firmly.

"It's amazing! The wine glass didn't even fall down!" Officer Takagi exclaimed.

Akira Yumiya showed an expected smile: "As you can see, with just a little salt, the wine glass can be tilted and stood up like this. After that, let the red wine bottle stand tightly against the base of the wine glass, and then knock it hard The table vibrates."


Officer Takagi knocked on the table hard.

The wine glass that was originally standing suddenly fell towards the plate, and finally hit the plate.

The plate, which was already about to fall, was hit by the impact of the wine glass and immediately tipped over under the table.


The plate and wine glass fell to the ground together, making a few crisp sounds.

The plates and cups were not broken, and the waiter specially brought the ones that are more resistant to breakage.

Akira Hanomiya's explanation sounded again: "Because there is a wine bottle on the other side, the cup can only fall towards the plate side. As long as the broken plates and wine glasses are placed on the ground in advance, the falling plates and glasses will be affected by the impact. And broken.”

"By the way, I don't know if you have noticed that the heater is always on in the living room, but the bedroom window is open. This is also the work of Mr. Guli. The purpose is to create a flood of excitement when someone opens the bedroom door. The wind entering the room blew away the pile of salt on the table."

"Although the amount is not large, if the police later find a pile of salt with traces on the bottom of the cup, the method of committing the crime may also be discovered."

"So, what happened to the figure I saw running out of the balcony?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Um..." Yu Gongming looked at the forensic personnel: "During the inspection, did you find any traces of something sticking to the window frame of the balcony?"

"Oh! Indeed! It's on the right side of the balcony!" the forensics officer replied.

Yu Gongming nodded and said: "As I expected, Mr. Kouri should have glued a piece of cloth of the same color as the curtain to the balcony window frame, and then fixed a thin fishing line to the bedroom door."

"He did some tricks. As long as someone opened the door, the fishing line would come loose. The fishing line passed through the piece of cloth, and the other end was connected to a heavy object. The heavy object finally hung on the outside of the balcony railing."

"As soon as the door is opened, the cloth will be pulled by the heavy object and fall, giving the illusion that someone is escaping across the balcony."

"But, wouldn't the dropped heavy objects be discovered by others?" Sera asked doubtfully.

Akira Hanomiya smiled and said, "Do you still remember? Mr. Kouri's car was parked under the balcony of 402 when the incident occurred, and that car was a convertible with the top openable freely."

"If you ask the dealer, you can easily install the switch button on the key. You just need to open the roof of the car in advance, keep the switch pressed, wrap it with tape, and hang the remote control on a heavy object."

"Once someone opens the door and the weight falls, the tape on the remote control will loosen slightly during the fall, allowing the button to pop up, so that the roof will begin to close at the same time as the weight falls."

"After the heavy object fell into the car, the roof was closed, and there was only a convertible parked in a strange position."

He looked at Furi Sanpei, who was getting paler: "The car was still parked under the balcony after the incident. Although you went back to drive the car away, you probably didn't have the chance to get rid of the things in the car, right?"

"I think that there may be pieces of cloth, heavy objects, fishing lines, and even the murder weapon that killed Keito Hotta hidden in that car now!"

As soon as Yu Gongming finished speaking, Guli Shenping knelt on the ground with a bang and said in a trembling voice: "That's right, the blood-stained clothes are still in my trunk... and the sanction weapon Hota’s knife that fooled my sister’s body is put together!”

"Fooling your sister's body?" Officer Megure asked doubtfully.

Guli Shenping nodded and began to narrate.

It turned out that his sister hanged herself in a certain mountain a few years ago because she couldn't let go of her broken love. However, Gu Li went to that mountain to look for the body, but couldn't find it.

However, he later saw on TV that after much nagging, Hotta dug out his sister's body from the soil!

A hanged man was dug out of the soil, and coupled with the previously missing remains, Gu Li instantly understood everything.

Apparently, it was Hota who discovered his sister's body, but instead of calling the police, he used the body to convince others that he had supernatural powers.

Using his sister's body as a tool to become famous!

After understanding all this, Gu Li suddenly had an uncontrollable murderous intention towards Hota.

"If you have anything to say, let's go back to the police station first." Officer Megure looked at Officer Takagi.

Officer Takagi understood and stepped forward to handcuff Guri Sanpei.

However, Guli Shenping shook his head and said: "No, I can't go back yet. I still need to go to my sister's grave and tell her that I have punished this guy!"

Guli Sanpei spoke louder and louder, and finally let out a roar and broke free from Officer Takagi's grasp!

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