Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1253 Strange song title

Two days later.

Yu Gongming came to Kudo's house at Mengyu's invitation.

However, this time it is not something too important, it is simply because... Kudo's house needs to be cleaned again.

Although Subaru Okiya lives here, his range of activities is still too limited for this large house, so many places in Kudo's house, such as the Kudo couple's bedroom and study room, are already covered with dust.

Therefore, Mengyu planned to call on everyone to help clean up Kudo's house.

Finally, Mengyu, Conan, Xiaolan and Yuanzi came to Kudo's house after school and met with Akira Hanomiya who had finished work.

Afterwards, a group of people and Okiya Subaru began to clean Kudo's house.

Yuanzi wiped the dust between the gaps in the books and muttered:

"Really! A certain reasoning madman who runs around all day wants his sister and wife to help clean the house. How bad is that!"

"Sonoko! You're here again!" Xiaolan glared at her best friend, then smiled: "It doesn't matter if you help with cleaning a little bit, right? Although Shinichi is not here, Mengyu will come back from time to time. It's not okay if the house is too dirty. !”

"I'm really sorry for asking you to come and help. As a tenant, it is my duty to keep the house clean, but it is really inconvenient for me to clean such a big house by myself." Subaru Okiya said apologetically.

"Ahaha! Don't mind! I'm actually willing to help with the cleaning!" Sonoko looked at Okiya Subaru and immediately changed her attitude.

"Yuanzi~" Xiaolan looked at her best friend speechlessly. She didn't know that Yuanzi was fascinated by the handsome boy again.

Xiaolan glanced at Okiya Subaru's face and thought to herself: "Auntie's face in disguise is indeed pretty good."

Subaru Okiya smiled, lowered his head and twisted the towel, and asked casually: "By the way, your classmate named Sera didn't come this time?"

"No, although we called her, she is now busy moving to a new hotel and is very busy!" Xiaolan explained.

"I see." Subaru Okiya smiled, probably knowing what was going on with Sera.

Akira Hanomiya had already told him about Keito Hota. Although Keito Hota was just a liar, this case was indeed related to the case of Koji Haneda.

Although Keito Hotta was dead, some strange guy might come to investigate if he was not safe, so Sera, who lived next door to the murder scene, had to move.

Subaru Okiya had a thought in his mind and asked: "But, have you noticed any suspicious people around her? For example, the kind of person who is always vigilant and has the ability to instantly suppress dangerous people, called [ASAKA]. Of course, he may not call himself this name."

"Probably not?" Xiaolan replied with some uncertainty.

"How could there be such a person next to Sera?" Sonoko replied casually without thinking too much, and then suddenly looked at the crowd with interest:

"However, speaking of [ASAKA], the new song released this time by rock musician Botulu Road is called [ASAKA]! It is said that the song was composed 17 years ago, and the lyrics were only added recently. It will be released this time. Perform at the concert!”

"But, the title of this song seems a bit strange." Xiaolan said hesitantly.

"Weird? How strange?" Okiya Subaru asked curiously.

Yuanzi explained: "The Roman pinyin of this song has been published online, but the pinyin is not [KA], but [CA]."

When the other people heard this, they all stopped cleaning.

"Why did you change [KA] to [CA]? Is there any reason?" Yu Gongming asked.

"This... there should be a reason, right? But I don't know the specific reason. However, if you are curious, senior, you can ask him himself!"

"Me?" Yu Gongming was stunned.

"That's right!" Yuanzi smiled and said, "Didn't Mengyu tell you? We have made an appointment to visit the rehearsal of the concert. Seniors can go together then!"

"And me! I'm going too!" Conan quickly looked at Xiaolan expectantly.

"Well! Then let's take Conan with us!" Xiaolan had already guessed from the reactions of Yumiya Akira and others that things seemed a bit complicated, so naturally she would not refuse Conan's request to go with them.

"Um, although it's a bit presumptuous, can I go too?" Okiya Subaru also asked.

"Ah? Mr. Subaru is going too?" Sonoko was a little surprised.

Okiya Subaru nodded and said calmly, "Because I'm a big fan of Botolo Road, is that okay?"

Sonoko looked at Okiya Subaru's handsome face and agreed without much hesitation: "No problem!"

Okiya Subaru nodded with satisfaction and suddenly asked: "By the way, when was that song released online?"

Akira Hanomiya glanced at Subaru Okiya and cursed in his heart: "In the first sentence, he was still saying that he was a super fan, but in the second sentence, he didn't even know when the new song would be circulated on the Internet. How careless is he!"

However, it turns out that scammers really don’t need to be careful.

Yuanzi didn't notice anything unusual at all, and replied: "Probably last week?"

Xiaolan's heart moved and she added: "Moreover, because it is a new song that has not been released for five years, it has also reached the top of the online news!"

The expressions of Yu Gongming and others became more serious.

They all realized what Xiaolan meant by the news.

A piece of news that has been fermenting for a week and has reached the top of the news hot topics. It is impossible for anyone to pay attention to it.

This means that the black organization may also know about this!


The group of people arrived at the concert venue under the leadership of Yuanzi.

"What? Can't visit!?" Yuanzi exclaimed.

"Yes, actually the lyrics of the new song were not even completed. He said that he had to write the lyrics on the stage while looking at the empty audience, so he asked to be alone for two hours." Botuludao's manager replied.

"Does this happen often?" Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

"Occasionally," the agent said.

"Forget it, let him be happy." A male voice sounded.

Amid everyone's surprised gazes, a man nearly two meters tall, about fifty years old, and wearing a dark brown suit walked over.

The man continued: "After all, this may be his last concert."

"The last scene?" Yuanzi and Xiaolan were both a little surprised.

"In other words, is the rumor that Mr. Hasto is about to retire true?" Sonoko couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I have tried to persuade him several times." The man seemed helpless: "But he still insisted on announcing the news to his fans at the end of the concert."

"In other words, you have reached an agreement?" Another joking male voice intervened in the conversation.

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