Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1259 Kill him? suicide!

"This is very simple!" Hanemiya Akira said with a smile: "Just tie one end of the rope to the audience seat, then return to the stage, and thread a wire through the hanging rope at approximately this position."

Akira Hanomiya crossed the wire at a certain point in the rope and continued: "Then untie the excess part of the rope, tie it to the audience again, and finally pull out the wire."

"In this way, the rope is reattached."

"This kind of native knot does not need to be tied anywhere, so it is very convenient to disassemble. However, if it is a brand new rope, there will be traces of having been tied with this kind of knot."

"The murderer probably used the utility knife in the tool box to cut off the excess rope, then tied the rope into a bundle and placed it with the tool box on the side of the stage. Miss Yuancheng, am I right?"

Yuancheng pursed his lips and did not reply.

"Hey!" Busch couldn't stand it any longer: "Even if she had worked in a freight company before, it doesn't mean she is the murderer, right?"

"It's because of the feet." Conan said. ,

"Feet?" Busch was confused.

"People in the trucking industry would use their arms as pivots to tie ropes into bundles," Conan explains.

Conan demonstrated, and finally got a bundle of rolled ropes, and continued to explain: "The inner diameter of this bundle of ropes is approximately equivalent to the size of a rope-tying person's feet."

"Because the distance from a person's elbow to his wrist is roughly the size of a human foot, and the bundle of rope left at the scene was roughly the size of Sister Xiaolan's foot, so we speculated that the person tying the rope was a petite person. The female, that is, the agent lady.”

"So that's it!" Kajiya looked like he suddenly realized: "The beautiful manager's love for Botu has turned into hatred after seventeen years of accumulation, right?"

"Can you please stop talking nonsense?" Busch said angrily: "We haven't confirmed yet that she did it, right?"

"Enlarged pupils." Yu Gongming said calmly.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at him doubtfully.

"As Mr. Hatato's manager, Ms. Madoka must have noticed it, right?" Toru Amuro said with a smile, "Mr. Hatato wears pupil dilation lenses to make his eyes bigger and brighter."

"Yes...yes!" Yuancheng's face became a little embarrassed.

Conan pushed up his glasses: "Comparing the photo on Mr. Botu's driver's license with the photo of Mr. Botu captured by the reporter's uncle's camera, even a kid like me can figure it out."

After a pause, Conan's eyes narrowed slightly: "And one of the dilated pupils is stuck behind your back, Ms. Agent!"

Yuancheng was shocked and couldn't help but exclaimed!

Officer Memu immediately stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "Can you let me see your back?"

"Okay..." Yuancheng surprisingly didn't struggle much.

Officer Megure went around to take a look behind Madoka, and sure enough he found the dilated pupil on the upper part of her clothes behind her back.

Kajitani and Busch quickly discovered the enlarged tablet after careful observation, and their expressions were very surprised.

Officer Memu nodded slightly: "So it turns out that she was unlucky enough to fall on her back when she was hanging her up, but now she's in trouble. She can be arrested."

"Wait a minute!" Busch looked at the agent in disbelief: "Really...did you really do it? Why?"

Yuancheng just lowered his head and remained silent.

"Of course he can't answer you." The smile on Toru Amuro's face faded slightly and said, "Because... Mr. Hasto was not killed by him in the first place!"

"What?" Officer Memu and others were immediately shocked.

"Do you know where the other dilated pupil is?" Yu Gongming asked calmly.

Of course, he didn't expect Officer Megure and others to answer, so he said to himself: "It's stuck behind the cushion of the folding chair on the side of the stage. Do you know what this means?"

"It means that the chair actually fell at the feet of the hanging body!"

"Also, the baseball with the kite string tied to it is for tying the kite string to one end of the rope and then throwing the baseball to drive the rope over the iron bars of the spotlight."

"Forgive me for being rude, I'm afraid Madoka-san won't be able to throw the baseball high enough to clear the iron bars, but as a baseball outfielder known for his arm strength, it's not surprising that Mr. Hatato can do this."

"Combined with the note on Mr. Botu's chest, the truth will be revealed."

Officer Megure finally understood and couldn't help but widen his eyes: "You mean... he committed suicide?"

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded: "And Miss Yuancheng who discovered him disguised all this as a homicide."

"So, why was it necessary to hide his suicide?" Kajiya looked at Madoka in confusion, "What really happened seventeen years ago, right?"

"Could it be that he is still worried about the incident he mentioned before?" Busch murmured.

"That thing?" Officer Megure asked.

With a hint of sadness in her expression, Busi said softly: "Actually, seventeen years ago, she was pregnant with Botu's child."

"Mr. Busch!" Yuancheng shouted, as if he didn't want Busch to continue talking.

But now that Busch had opened up the conversation, he did not intend to hide it any longer, and continued: "Botu had just debuted at that time. For the sake of his soon-to-be-born child, he locked himself in the recording studio and composed music day and night. It was so crazy. , even we are worried that he will die young."

"And Miss Yuancheng, who came to stop him, fainted outside the recording studio door and lost the child in her belly. Miss Yuancheng asked me in the hospital not to tell Botu about this."

"I see, so [ASACA] is a song composed for the child who is about to be born, right?" Okiya Subaru suddenly realized.

"That's why there were no lyrics in that song! I just wanted to wait for the child to be born, right?" Meng Yu also said suddenly.

"So, after he found out about this, he suddenly chose to release this new song, but he couldn't write the lyrics, so..." Officer Memu was also a little sad.

"But why do you want Botu's death to be disguised as homicide and not hesitate to bear the crime of a murderer?" Busch was puzzled.

There were tears in Yuancheng's eyes, and he gently wiped away the tears and said: "Because the child in the ex-girlfriend's belly committed suicide. If the news reaches his family, how can I be worthy of them, so..."

Her voice was filled with sobs: "That's why I disguised his death as homicide! Take away the cell phone where he edited the [Farewell] message, and then... hang him up high!"

At this point, Yuancheng burst into tears and collapsed on the ground dejectedly.

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