Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1262 Returning the favor

Akira Hanomiya took another sip of black tea and smiled: "Although we will not touch [that person's] territory for the time being, you can still reveal something about the Haneda Koji case, right?"

"To be honest, after investigation, we found that Rum seemed to be involved in the Haneda Koji case that year, right?"

Belmod pondered for a moment and nodded: "Rum was indeed involved in the Haneda Koji case. To be precise, this was an operation that Rum messed up."

"Screwed up? How do you say it?" Meng Yu asked curiously.

Belmod spread his hands: "You have all found out what happened to him. With the organization's always secretive style of acting, doesn't this count as a failure?"

"Did Koji Haneda do it directly?" Akira Hanamiya asked.

"I don't know about this." Bellmode replied: "The main target of that operation was the American bourgeoisie Amanda. The operation was arranged by Rum, and I did not participate."

"That's right..." Yumiya said clearly, "It seems we need to investigate on our own."

"Okay, let's end this topic." Belmod waved his hand: "I am here mainly to make you fulfill your promise."

"Promise?" Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment: "You mean... what happened with the USB flash drive last time?"

"Just remember." Belmod smiled and said, "I said before that in exchange, you need to do me a small favor later."

"Let's talk about what we are busy with first." Yu Gongming said calmly.

Belmode said calmly: "Go to this place with me and help me get something.'

Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows slightly: "The majestic Thousand-Faced Witch needs our help to get things, so I'm afraid this place won't be that simple, right?"

Belmod nodded: "It is indeed not simple. It is an important base of Black Sakura and is heavily guarded. I am not sure I can escape unscathed by myself."

"Black Sakura Base?" Hanemiya Akira narrowed his eyes slightly: "If it is targeting Black Sakura, why did it come to us?"

"Even if you have always been a loner, with your status in the organization, it shouldn't be difficult to find helpers, right? If nothing else, Bourbon who is with you today is a good candidate."

"I don't want anyone in the organization to know about this," Belmode said.

"Oh?" Yu Gongming was a little surprised and looked at Belmode meaningfully.

Belmod's eyes were calm and he did not shy away from Yu Gongming's gaze.

Yu Gongming pondered for a while and asked: "What is it you want to take?"

"A piece of information." Belmode replied: "You don't need to know the specific content of the information. You just need to cooperate with me to get the information."

Yu Gongming frowned slightly: "Since it is an important base of Black Sakura, the armed force should be quite good. Since you are going to invade, you should have a detailed plan, right?"

"Of course." Belmod said: "I have obtained the internal structure diagram of the base, as well as the general situation of the activities of the internal personnel."

"Then show us the situation of that base first. If the difficulty is too high, we won't take the risk." Akira Yumiya said calmly.

"No problem!" Belmode took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Yu Gongming: "The information is all in it."

Yu Gongming changed hands and handed the USB flash drive to Meng Yu, leaving professional matters to professionals.

Afterwards, the two came to Mengyu's room together, leaving Belmode alone in the living room.

Belmode didn't care, and waited silently while drinking black tea.

in the room.

Mengyu turned on the computer, checked the USB flash drive, and after confirming that there was nothing tampering with it, she opened the files stored in it.

There is only one document inside, which introduces the internal structure diagram of a certain building and a basic introduction about the building.

On the surface, this building is an ordinary three-story residential building, but beneath the foundation, a large underground base has been secretly built.

In different areas on the internal structure diagram, the distribution of personnel in the area is marked. Through the legend, there are a total of thirty-two armed personnel.

"It looks a little tricky..." Meng Yu frowned slightly.

"Indeed." Yu Gongming nodded: "However, since Belmode can obtain such detailed information, the difficulty for us has been reduced a lot."

"As she said before, there is some danger, but it's within our capabilities."

"So, do you want to agree?" Mengyu asked.

Yu Gongming breathed out: "Promise, after all, we owed favors before, and we may not gain anything in the process."

Meng Yu raised her eyebrows slightly: "What do you mean..."

"Can't you tell?" Yu Gongming smiled.

"Okay, you decide." Meng Yu said.

Afterwards, the two returned to the living room.

"Have you considered it?" Belmode asked with a smile.

Yu Gongming nodded lightly: "Yes! The information is very detailed. We can agree to help. Show us the specific action plan."

Belmod smiled: "No problem! I came here to invite you after I prepared everything!"

She didn't waste any time and took out a USB flash drive again.


Two days later, at four o'clock in the morning, in an ordinary house.


A roar suddenly exploded from the residence!

The next moment, the door of the residence was kicked open suddenly, and two men in black robes ran out of the house!

Bang bang bang!

Behind the two men in black robes, continuous gunshots rang out, and the bullets roared towards the two men in black robes, with more than a dozen gunmen in hot pursuit!

However, the two men in black robes stretched out their hands extremely quickly and easily dodged all the bullets in a flash. The dozens of gunmen chased them all the way. Not only did they fail to catch up with the men in black robes, but the distance became wider and wider.

The two men in black robes ran all the way and quickly came to the motorcycle hidden in a nearby box. They quickly got on the motorcycle and started to speed up in one go.


The engine roared and the motorcycle sped away, leaving only the silhouette of the gunmen fading away.

In the car, Yu Gongming, who was driving, breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, okay, everything went well!"

"Sister Bei has already succeeded." Meng Yu said.

Yu Gongming nodded: "Yes! The favor was returned, and there was an unexpected gain."

The so-called harvest is a memory card placed in the pocket of the black robe.

They found this in a hidden compartment of a certain room when they were doing damage in the base. Although they didn't know what was inside, judging from the decoration of the room, the owner of that room should not be an ordinary person.

A memory card that allows you to hide your precious and important things in a secret compartment is definitely not simple.

So, Yu Gongming didn't hesitate to take advantage of it!

As long as that memory card can squeeze out some valuable information, this trip will not be in vain!

After walking around Tokyo for a long time, Akira Hanomiya abandoned the motorcycle provided by Belmod in an abandoned warehouse, and then returned to Hanomiya's residence with Mengyu.

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