Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1282 Rumi Wakasa

Rumi Wakasa, a new teacher who came to Conan's class.

On the surface, he looks reckless, but in fact he has good reasoning ability and extremely high level of swordsmanship.

His most intuitive achievement was that in the darkness, he knocked out Toru Amuro, who was on full alert, with one blow.

Although this may be due to her being more adaptable to dark environments than Toru Amuro, or having some expertise in shooting speed, there should be no doubt that her force value is at least one level higher than Toru Amuro's when she can knock out Amuro so neatly.

For such an important figure in the main plot, Yu Gongming was naturally impressed.

Unfortunately, until the time travel, Wakasa Rumi's identity was still confusing, but at least he was definitely not Rum.

But the other party seems to be related to the Haneda Koji case 17 years ago, and some even believe that she is Amanda's mysterious bodyguard - Asaka!

But what the truth is, a certain old thief has never been clear. ,

However, after the other party came to Emperor Dan, he showed his concern for Conan intentionally or unintentionally. Whether he paid attention to Conan after discovering something unusual about Conan; or whether he came for Conan from the beginning is still open to question.

Yu Gongming didn't expect that when he came this time, he would meet the mysterious teacher Ruo Xia.

"I remember that when Wakasa first arrived, he went through a case with the Young Detective Team..." Akira Hanamiya thought in his mind, and his original plan to go back to work immediately after delivering the lunch quietly changed.

So, instead of leaving, he continued to stay in the corridor.

On the other side, Teacher Kobayashi took Wakasa into class 1 (B).

After letting the students return to their seats, Teacher Kobayashi wrote the name of [Wakasa Rumi] on the blackboard, turned to the children and smiled: "Classmates! This is the new teacher - Teacher Wakasa, starting from today Start serving as your deputy homeroom teacher!" She turned her head and looked at Wakasa Rumi, and said with a smile: "Come on, Teacher Wakasa."

Rumi Wakasa lowered her head slightly and was silent for a while before speaking: "Hello everyone, I am Rumi Wakasa. I am ten years older than... your teacher Xiaolin. Please... please take care of me!"

Her voice trembled, and the expression on her face was very awkward, and she looked very nervous. After saying "Take care of me," Rumi Wakasa seemed to be afraid to face the eyes of the students, and quickly bent down and bowed, and then …


Her head hit the podium hard, making an extremely loud sound.

The whole classroom instantly became silent, and a few seconds later...

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The cheerful laughter from the children echoed in the classroom.

After the initial surprise, Teacher Kobayashi finally came to his senses and quickly looked at Rumi Wakasa with some worry: "Teacher Wakasa, are you okay?"

Rumi Wakasa shook her body, touched her head, and whispered back: "'s okay."

Teacher Xiaolin tried his best to maintain a caring smile on his face, but he couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "It seems that Teacher Wakasa is a bit reckless. Is it really okay to take care of the children..."

Below, Conan rested his head on his hands and looked at this scene speechlessly, complaining: "I didn't expect a new deputy head teacher to come to our class at this time!"

Xiao Ai on the side flipped through a page of the magazine in his hand and said indifferently: "After all, there are more transfer students like us in the class, so it is not surprising to arrange a deputy head teacher to help Teacher Xiao Lin share the work."

Conan nodded slightly when he heard this: "That's what you said... huh?"

He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that Yu Gongming was still at the back door of the classroom and had not left.

"Why hasn't Yumiya left yet?" Conan was confused.

After introducing Rumi Wakasa, Teacher Kobayashi and Rumi Wakasa left the classroom because it was not yet class time, and met Akira Hanamiya again.

"Eh? Does Detective Hanomiya have anything else to do?" Teacher Xiaolin asked.

Akira Hanomiya smiled naturally: "It seemed that Conan had something else to ask me for just now, but in order not to delay Mr. Xiaolin's work, I asked him to return to his seat first."

"That's right! If Detective Hanomiya needs help, you can come to me in the office!" Teacher Xiaolin said with a smile.

"Teacher Xiaolin, you're welcome. You're busy, so don't worry about me." Yu Gongming said politely.

Seeing this, Teacher Kobayashi said no more, said goodbye to Akira Hanomiya, and left with Rumi Wakasa.

Rumi Wakasa was silent throughout the whole process, and she didn't look at Akira Hanomiya very much. Her expression was a little dazed, as if she hadn't recovered from the previous collision.

Akira Hanomiya just glanced at Rumi Wakasa, without appearing to be deliberately evasive or showing any obvious intention to explore.

After the two teachers disappeared from sight, Conan's figure appeared at the back door.

"Is there anything else?" Conan asked doubtfully.

Yu Gongming squatted down and whispered: "It's nothing, I just want to observe this new teacher."

"Observation?" Conan raised an eyebrow.

Akira Hanomiya nodded: "Yes, there is Hondo Eiyu in front of me, and Amuro Toru in the back. I will be more or less vigilant about people who suddenly appear around us and may be in contact with us for a long time."

Conan's expression changed when he heard this: "It looks like you found something?"

"That Wakasa is a master." Yumiya Akira said calmly.

"Master?" Conan asked in surprise.

"He is a master who cannot let himself hit the podium." Akira Hanomiya further pointed out.

Conan's expression changed: "You mean..."

Yu Gongming nodded lightly: "Anyway, I plan to observe further and need your cooperation."

"How can we cooperate?" Now that he has discovered the problem, Conan has no reason to refuse.

"It's very simple!" Yu Gongming whispered a few words to Conan in a low voice. After listening, Conan nodded: "No problem!"


At Didan Elementary School, the morning classes had ended, and Conan and the three children of the Junior Detective Team were left in the classroom.

They often do activities in the classroom during lunch break.

But today, there is one more member of the event.

"It turns out that the prisoner used this method! Brother Hanomiya is so powerful!" Mitsuhiko exclaimed.

"It's nothing, I just noticed some details that ordinary people tend to overlook. As long as you study more and practice more, you can do it in the future!" Yu Gongming encouraged with a smile.

Yu Gongming temporarily stayed at Didan Elementary School.

As for the reason, it was in the name of "entrusted by Conan to guide the young detective team."

With Conan's cooperation, neither Teacher Xiaolin nor the three little ones encountered any obstacles, and Yu Gongming stayed smoothly.

As for guiding the young detective team, it doesn't take much thinking. Just pick a case that you have experienced and let the three little ones reason about it.

Just when the three little ones were excited because of Yu Gongming's encouragement, Yu Gongming's ears twitched and his eyes glanced at the classroom door.

A figure walked into the classroom.

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