Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1290 Yuanzi’s invitation

In the blink of an eye, another few days passed. ,

In the past few days, Mengyu's investigation of Wakasa Rumei has initially yielded results.

When she joined Didan Primary School, her resume was entered into the computer of Didan Primary School, which included her home address and contact information.

Rumi Wakasa currently lives in an ordinary apartment in Cupido Town.

In order to confirm the authenticity of the information, Mengyu specially hacked into the surveillance system near the apartment. Wakasa Rumi's figure did often appear around six or seven in the morning, and between five and six in the evening.

Through the comparison of Wakasa's traveling route from various surveillance cameras, Mengyu finally confirmed that the address left by Wakasa Rumi was indeed true.

After obtaining the address, Akira Hanamiya did not conduct further investigation, but instead sneaked into Wakasa's apartment to search.

Although through various side information, Hanemiya Akira believed that Wakasa was not a member of the black side, but the other party's position was not clearly on the side of the red side.

If you act rashly and make the other party suspicious, the consequences will be unpredictable.

If she were to infiltrate the investigation now, Rumi Wakasa would inevitably think of herself who had just met her a few days ago.

Her identity as a famous detective was definitely a questionable factor in her eyes.

Therefore, he decided to delay for a while, while further observing her attitude towards Conan and Xiao Ai, and at the same time downplaying his suspicions.

Afterwards, even if Wakasa Rumi finds that her residence has been invaded, she will only recall recent suspicious situations and not think of herself so easily.

With calculations in his mind, Yu Gongming temporarily buried this piece of information in his heart.

Today, he stayed behind the desk in the office as usual, reading a detective novel while waiting for clients to come to his door.

He was lucky today and received two commissions worth more than 500,000 yuan. Judging from his experience, the difficulty was not too high. He estimated that they could be completed within a day or two.

Rough calculations show that a normal working day of five days a week can generate an income of more than one million. Yu Gongming is already quite satisfied.

But his luck seemed to have come to an end, as no customers came to the door until the end of business hours.

Yu Gongming was satisfied and happily packed up his desk, locked the office door and went to the third floor.

Today, Mengyu had the rare opportunity to go to the karate club with Xiaolan to instruct the junior girls. She came back late, and the task of preparing dinner fell to Yu Gongming.

There are still a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, and Yu Gongming doesn't need to go out again.

Yu Gongming opened the refrigerator and glanced at the ingredients in the refrigerator: "Well... let's make a twice-cooked pork with seaweed and egg drop soup!"

With the decision made, Hanomiya Akira quickly took out the ingredients and began to prepare them.


As soon as Meng Yu opened the door, she lightly shrugged her nose: "Eh? Twice-cooked pork and seaweed egg drop soup?"

Yu Gongming walked out of the kitchen with egg drop soup, placed the soup next to the twice-cooked pork, and said with a smile: "Yes! The piece of pork belly you chose yesterday was very good!"

"That's right! Choosing ingredients is a compulsory course for a chef!" Meng Yu said proudly.

"Yes, yes! Then, please, the chef, please give me a good taste of my craftsmanship!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Okay! You're welcome then!" Mengyu said, neatly changing her shoes and going to the kitchen to wash her hands.

Akira Hanomiya had already filled the rice for her and brought it to the table.

Meng Yu looked at Yu Gongming's considerate behavior and couldn't help but have a touching smile on her lips.

Afterwards, the two began to enjoy dinner and chat.

Meng Yu smiled and said: "Today Yuanzi sent us another invitation!"

Akira Hanomiya raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Are you going to travel somewhere again? Or to visit the various high-risk buildings built by the Suzuki Consortium with money?"

Hearing this, Meng Yu burst out laughing: "You guessed it right! This time Yuanzi invited us to attend the opening ceremony of the [BELL TREE] tower built by the Suzuki Consortium!"

【BELL TREE】Tower? "Ha Gongming recalled it in his mind for a while and said: "If it was the opening ceremony, it seemed to be a plot from a certain theater version. "

Meng Yu's eyes twitched: "Hey! Then this building wasn't bombed in the end, right?"

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "I don't remember being bombed in the end, but in the theatrical version, there will definitely be some Ke Xue incident. Wear all your equipment when you go, and be prepared for unexpected events at any time."

Meng Yu twitched the corner of her mouth: "When you said that, I suddenly didn't want to go..."

"Then can you convince Xiaolan, Conan, and the children from the Young Detective Corps not to go, and calm Yuanzi's emotions?" Yu Gongming asked in return.

Meng Yu suddenly sighed: "Maybe it can be done, but it doesn't seem to be much easier than facing the Ke Xue incident. Moreover, this is the opening ceremony of Yuanzi's house, and she will definitely attend."

"After all, we are friends who grew up together, so we can't just leave her alone, right?"

"Then there's nothing to worry about. Just treat it as normal sightseeing and wait until something goes wrong." Hanemiya Ming said with a smile.

"That's the only way it can be." Meng Yu was still somewhat helpless.


Three days later, in the morning.

Akira Yumiya, Mengyu, the Maori family, the Young Detective Team and others followed Yuanzi to the high-level observation deck of the [BELL TREE] tower.

Xiaolan held up the guardrail, overlooking the many tall buildings that usually seemed tall, with an undisguised look of amazement on her face: "Wow! The scenery here is really great!"

"Of course!" Sonoko looked proud: "This is a masterpiece created by our Suzuki Foundation!"

Having said this, she lowered her head and looked at the members of the Young Detective Team: "Especially you, you have to thank me very much! Except for relevant people, there is absolutely no way for the casual staff to come in and participate in the opening ceremony!"

"Wow! That's really great!" Yuantai cheered immediately.

"Thank you very much!" Mitsuhiko also expressed his sincere gratitude.

Conan curled his lips secretly and thought to himself: "It's obviously you who invited us here. If Xiaolan hadn't already agreed, I wouldn't be interested in this kind of place!"

"Hey! It's almost time for us to go back, right?" Obviously, there is more than one person who is not interested in this place.

Xiaolan looked at Mouri Kogoro with some dissatisfaction: "Dad, what are you talking about? We have only been here for less than five minutes!"

Mouri Kogoro stood far away from the guardrail, with a very ugly expression on his face: "Damn it! Why should I ask for trouble and come to such a high place with you!"

"Dad! Come here too! The scenery here is really great!" Xiaolan greeted warmly.

"Hmph! I'm not going!" Mouri Kogoro turned his back and crossed his arms, looking impatient: "Okay! I'm going back first, you can play by yourself!"

With that said, he walked towards the elevator.

Xiaolan rolled her eyes and suddenly smiled: "I think you are scared, right?"

When Mouri Kogoro heard this, he suddenly became excited and turned to glare at Xiaolan: "I'm not afraid! This height is nothing at all!"

"Oh? Really?" A narrow smile appeared on Xiaolan's face: "Then you should dare to look at the ground, right?"

"Huh? Ground?" Mouri Kogoro lowered his head subconsciously.

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