Without stopping all the way, Yu Gongming and Conan soon arrived downstairs.

Conan immediately rushed to the doctor's Beetle to get the skateboard, while Akira Hanomiya ran to his motorcycle.

The group of them came to the [BELL TREE Tower] and divided into three groups. The doctor took Xiao Ai and the three little ones, the Maori family went with Yuanzi, and Yu Gongming went with Meng Yu.

Since there were only two people traveling and the distance wasn't too far, Yu Miyazaki only rented a motorcycle.

Facts have proved that this decision is quite wise. If you come by public transportation or rent a car, it will be troublesome when faced with the traffic congestion nearby because the [BELL TREE Tower] is about to open.

Soon, both of them found their own transportation, and based on their memories, immediately rushed to the building where the sniper was.

Within two minutes, the two arrived near the building, and with a tacit understanding, they split into two groups, riding motorcycles. The faster Akira Hanomiya went around to the back door of the building, while Conan, who was a little slower, was responsible for searching the front door.

Yu Gongming came to the back door and immediately observed the surrounding situation: "In such a short time, if you want to escape in such congested traffic conditions, you have to either walk or take a motorcycle..."

Yu Gongming quickly scanned the surrounding pedestrians to see if there was anyone carrying a long and narrow backpack.

After a short time, he finished checking the pedestrians and found no suspicious persons.

He started looking for the motorcycle again.

But as far as the eye could see, there were all cars moving slowly, and there was not even a trace of a motorcycle.

"Not here?" Yu Gongming murmured and immediately contacted Conan. "How are you doing there?"

"We found a motorcycle, and the driver was carrying a rifle bag on his back!" Conan replied quickly.

Hearing this, Yu Gongming knew that Conan had found the target and immediately drove over.

Not long after, he caught up with Conan on his skateboard.

About twenty meters in front of Conan, a motorcycle was weaving through the traffic.

Yu Gongming glanced at the driver's back, his eyes slightly focused.

It is indeed a rifle bag!

Yu Gongming pressed the communicator worn in his ear: "Dream Whisper! Can you hear it?"

"It's very clear! How are you doing there?" Meng Yu's voice came.

Akira Hanomiya stared at the motorcycle in front of him: "Remember the license plate, it's Shinjuku se3317 motorcycle!"

"Okay! I have asked Xiaolan to notify the police and report the situation immediately. Where are you now?" Mengyu asked.

"We are heading north through Sanmu...wait a minute, the other party turned left!"

Yu Gongming's face changed slightly, and he and Conan immediately followed.

Staring at the road ahead, Akira Hanomiya said: "Now we are going to cross the Sumida River from Komon Bridge!"

"Received!" Mengyu immediately relayed the news to Xiaolan.

Soon, Akira and Hanomiya followed each other through the Sumida River.

Suddenly, the other party made a 180-degree turn and entered a one-way street going in the opposite direction.

Yu Gongming suddenly narrowed his eyes.

The other party suddenly changed lanes. Was it discovered that he was being followed?

He turned to look at Conan who was following closely: "Conan, get in the car and leave the skateboard where you are!"

"Okay!" Conan nodded immediately. He understood that in this situation, chasing two people would not bring much help, but would affect the progress.

So, after turning into the one-way street, Akira Hanamiya directly pulled Conan up from the skateboard, and Conan stepped on the brake pedal of the skateboard, jumped up, and sat directly on the back seat of Akira Hanamiya's motorcycle. on the board, and threw a transmitter on the skateboard.

The skateboard that braked was quickly left behind by Akira Hanomiya and the others.

"Dream Whisper! Help me recycle Conan's skateboard later. Conan put a transmitter on it, so it's easy to find!" Yu Gongming informed Meng Wu of the new situation.

"Okay! After all, the other party has a gun, so be careful!" Meng Yu warned.

"I understand!" Yu Gongming replied solemnly.

After ending the communication, Akira Hanomiya completely focused on the motorcycle in front of him.

The other party has entered a one-way road going in the opposite direction. Following the other party will undoubtedly look very conspicuous, and the road conditions of reverse driving are much more complicated than normal driving.

But knowing this, Akira Hanomiya had to continue to follow, at least report the other party's movements in real time and give the police time to establish a blockade.

With a flash of thought in his mind, he said to Conan in the back seat: "Conan, you must sit tight! Since the other party has discovered us and is a sniper, I am afraid he will take some very dangerous actions."

Conan's face changed slightly when he heard this: "You mean...he will shoot at us!?"

"Yeah!" Yu Gongming responded in a deep voice, staring at the motorcycle in front of him, especially the other person's hands holding the handle of the motorcycle.

Once the opponent's hand leaves the grip, Akira Hanamiya has to be ready for the shot.


Two motorcycles, one behind the other, roared through the reverse one-way street.

Then, the other party suddenly drifted and turned into an alley.

Yu Gongming looked slightly stern, and immediately accelerated and rushed into the alleyway.

The alley was not long, and Akira Hanamiya's movements were fast enough, but after rushing into the alley, he only saw the rear of the other car turning again.

"...I remember that there is a long straight road outside. Although there are many vehicles, it should be enough for him to turn around and shoot while ensuring driving..."

After thinking about it, Yu Gongming quickly came to the conclusion that the other party was about to launch an attack on the two people he was following!

"Sit tight! The other side is preparing to shoot at us!" Akira Hanomiya reminded Conan.

Conan suddenly looked shocked: "What!? Are you okay then?"

"It shouldn't hurt." Yu Gongming replied.

After all, the opponent was driving a car, and he was prepared. It would not be that easy to hit him who was also riding a motorcycle and had no weak mobility!

Yu Gongming was on full alert, and the motorcycle rushed out of the alleyway in an instant!

At this time, a car happened to be passing by on the straight road, and Akira Hanamiya's motorcycle happened to fall behind the car.

"You're lucky! You're not directly exposed to the other party's sight!" Hanemiya Akira thought to himself, twisting the handlebars and changing lanes slightly, so that the line of sight blocked by the car could be clear again.

Right in front of the car, the motorcycle appeared.

Yu Gongming's pupils shrank slightly!

One of the opponent's hands has left the grip, and that hand is holding a pistol!

Although they were still driving at a high speed, the opponent's hand holding the gun was very steady, which fully demonstrated the sophistication of a sniper!

Yu Gongming has no doubt that if he chases after him unprepared, he will definitely be hit!

"What a troublesome guy!" The thoughts in his mind were racing. Akira Hanamiya maintained his current speed for the time being and hung silently on the left rear of the car, while his eyes were fixed unblinkingly on the gun-holding hand of the suspect in front of him.

Finally, he saw the other party's gun muzzle deflect slightly, heading towards him!

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