Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1298 Investigation

"It should be this person!" Meng Yu called Yu Gongming over.

Yu Gongming came over to take a look and saw a wedding photo on the computer screen.

And the male party among them is none other than Jin Morisugi who was shown in the First Search Section meeting!

Yu Gongming glanced at the photo and looked at the information attached to the photo.

"Huh? An Yuanren?" Yu Gongming raised his eyebrows.

"Yes!" Meng Yu replied: "He married his wife four years ago, and then he took her surname and changed it to Anyuan."

"He started his personal import business four years ago and has done quite well. He has appeared in some magazines. His wife is a cooking researcher and currently runs a cooking class at the Sumida Ward Honjo."

"That's it!" Yu Gongming nodded lightly: "Then I will notify the police of this information immediately."

Then, he immediately dialed Officer Megure's phone number.

"Hello! Brother Hanomiya?" Officer Megure's confused voice came from the other side.

"Officer, I already have an idea about the whereabouts of Mori Shiro!" Akira Yumiya said straight to the point.

"What? Brother Hanomiya, do you know where Morishiro is?" Officer Megure's voice suddenly became louder.

"Yes." Yu Gongming replied calmly: "I thought I had seen Senshan somewhere before, and then I happened to see his photo in a magazine at home."

"He got married four years ago. He took his wife's surname and is now called An Yuanren. He started his personal import business four years ago. As for other more detailed information, we can only leave it to the police for investigation."

"Having this information has been of great help!" Officer Megure's tone was full of excitement.

"I wish I could help!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Oh, by the way!" Officer Megure seemed to have thought of something: "We will have a meeting on this case at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Brother Hanomiya will also come to participate then!"

"No problem, I will be there on time!" Yu Gongming said cheerfully.

He didn't ask himself whether it was appropriate for a detective to participate in the police meeting. Since Officer Megure had extended the invitation, it meant that everything had been arranged and he didn't need to worry about anything.


The next morning.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu came to the Metropolitan Police Department on time to search the first class.

Surprisingly, it was Officer Megure who came to greet him personally. In the past, he was greeted by lower-level police officers such as Takagi and Sato.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Yu Gongming realized that Officer Takagi and the others had probably been sent out to investigate.

Under the guidance of Officer Megure, he came to the conference room.

The conference room was much deserted compared to yesterday. Apart from the three FBI personnel, there was only one police officer, Officer Megure.

Seeing Yu Gongming and the two come in, the three FBI men nodded slightly, which was regarded as saying hello.

They were not surprised by the arrival of Akira Hanamong and the others. After all, they knew the relationship between Akira Hanamong and the police. The gangsters also left dice that seemed to be passwords at the scene.

It's not surprising that the police invited famous detectives to help handle the case.

Akira Hanamiya seemed to be the last to arrive. After they sat down, James gestured to Judy.

Judy understood and started operating the projector.

Not long after, pictures of three men appeared on the projection screen.

James introduced: "After screening by the FBI headquarters, Hunter may contact these people when he comes to Japan."

He first pointed to the bearded middle-aged man on the far right and said, "First of all, there is Scott Green, a former Navy chief petty officer. Currently, he balances his interests and income and runs a motorcycle shop in Machida."

"I was an instructor at the sniper school during the Navy SEAL days, and Hunter was his favorite student."

"Then there is Kevin Yoshino, a former Marine Corps sergeant who currently runs a military supplies store in Fusheng. It is said that he purchased discarded products from the US military through private channels and sold them."

"Finally, there is Mark Spencer. He has no direct relationship with Hunter. He is a consultant to the US military living in Japan. He is a former commander. Hunter does not have many friends. It is not surprising that he relies on such a person."

"It makes sense!" Officer Megure nodded slightly: "Considering the channels for obtaining the rifle, it is speculated that someone is assisting Hunter in the right direction... Okay! I will contact Takagi Sato and the others immediately to investigate!"

James nodded lightly and looked at Judy and Kamel: "Judy, Kamel, you should also go with us to assist in the investigation!"

"Yes!" The two FBI agents nodded.

"By the way, brother Hanomiya!" Police Officer Megure looked at Yumiya Akira: "As for the message about the dice left by the prisoner at the scene, please help me decipher it."

Yu Gongming was not surprised by this request and nodded slightly: "This is no problem, but the other party has only left one dice so far. It may be difficult to guess the message."

"Brother Hanomiya, just do your best!" Officer Megure patted him on the shoulder: "You have already provided us with information about Morishiro, we will not put too much pressure on you!"

"It's best if you can crack it. It doesn't matter if you can't crack it."

"Okay!" Officer Megure said so, and Yu Gongming no longer worried about anything.

Rolling his eyes slightly, Yu Gongming asked: "By the way, how is the investigation on Mori Shirt?"

"His current address has been found." Officer Megure replied: "He currently lives with his wife at Sumida Ward Headquarters. Well, that's this address."

Officer Megure handed a piece of paper to Akira Hanomiya as if he was prepared.

Yu Gongming glanced at the address and nodded slightly: "Okay, thank you, police officer!"

"It's okay! But if Brother Hanomiya wants to investigate something, you must pay attention to safety! The other party is a well-trained sniper!" Officer Megure reminded.

Hanamiya Akira naturally felt the concern in Officer Megure's tone, and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, officer! You know, I'm not the impulsive type!"

"Yes!" Officer Megure nodded slightly. Akira Hanomiya was indeed not that reckless in his behavior.

Afterwards, Officer Megure announced that the meeting was over.

"By the way, can you tell me about the police's subsequent interviews with those three people? Maybe from the relationship between Hunter and them, clues to the code can be deduced."

"That's no problem!" Officer Megure agreed without much hesitation.

After getting satisfactory results, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu left.

Except for the Metropolitan Police Department, Mengyu finally couldn't help but ask: "Do you have any ideas about that code?"

"There are some." Yu Gongming nodded: "Since this is revenge, then the focus of hatred-the Silver Star Medal is probably a very key clue. However, based on the dice left so far, I can't deduce an effective clue. information."

"But if we can't deduce the next sniper location, it might not be that easy for us to stop Hunter!"

Yu Gongming shook his head: "It's not like there are no clues at all."

"Oh?" Meng Yu showed curiosity.

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