Noon, Kudo's house.

After lunch, Akira Hanamiya and Mengyu came to visit Subaru Okiya.

Okiya Subaru took a sip of black coffee and narrowed his eyes slightly: "A former SEAL sniper, right?"

"Yes." Yu Gongming further introduced: "According to known information, the other party has served in the Middle East and is considered a good player even among the SEALs."

"In addition, among the people he may have contacted, former SEAL sniper school instructor Scott Green and Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Kevin Yoshino also have strong sniper skills."

"The FBI headquarters issued an order to Teacher Judy and others to arrest Hunter and bring him to justice as soon as possible."

Okiya Subaru looked thoughtful, and tapped the coffee table with his fingers: "That's why you came to me, are you going to let me help?"

"Yes!" Hanemiya Akira said with a smile: "Not only Teacher Judy and the others, but also Sera are involved."

Okiya Subaru suddenly frowned: "What does it have to do with her?"

Akira Hanomiya briefly told Sera about how he accepted the commission to investigate Fujinami and pursued the gangster after the sniper attack.

Okiya Subaru understood: "So that's it. With her character, I'm afraid she won't let it go."

"I think so too." Yu Gongming nodded: "So, I have no intention of hiding the information we have from Sera."

"Okay, if we act with you, it's better than her running around alone." Okiya Subaru agreed.

"Then Mr. Subaru means that you are willing to help?" Yumiya Akira confirmed.

Okiya Subaru shrugged: "You've already reached this point, even if I want to stay out of it, it's impossible, right?"

Yu Gongming suddenly smiled: "Okay! Then I'll trouble Mr. Subaru."

Okiya Subaru nodded slightly: "So, what exactly do you need me to do?"

Akira Hanomiya rubbed his chin: "Well... I need to hear your professional opinion, Mr. Subaru."


Around two o'clock in the afternoon, Hanomiya Detective Agency.

"Amin! Officer Memu has sent over the audio of questioning Scott and the other three!" Mengyu opened the door and entered the office, greeting him.

"Oh! Come right away!" Yu Gongming immediately put down what he was doing and followed Meng Yu to her room.

The computer in the room has been turned on, and the player on the screen has also been turned on, ready to start playing at any time.

Yu Gongming came behind Meng Yu, glanced at the screen, and said: "Then start playing."

"OK!" Mengyu, who sat back in front of the computer, immediately clicked the play button and said, "First, it's Kevin Yoshino's."

After Meng Yu finished speaking, the recording officially started.

Kevin: Are you saying that Tim... no, Mr. Hunter was the sniper killer?

Police Officer Takagi: It’s not certain yet.

Kamel: I heard that Mr. Hunter once saved your life on the battlefield in the Middle East, right?

Kevin: Yes, that’s right, if it wasn’t for him, I would have died a long time ago.

Kamel: So, what if the savior needs your help?

Kevin: Huh?

Kamel: For example, I want you to provide the MK11 gun used in this sniper attack...

Kevin: I don’t have that kind of guy in my store. Do you think those over there are real guns? If you don't believe me, I can sell them to you so you can check them out.

Kamel: What about Hunter violating the rules of engagement...

Kevin (suddenly emotional): Mr. Hunter would never do that kind of thing! That's all fabricated!

Officer Takagi: Fabrication?

Kevin: As a former sniper, Jack Waltz has always been jealous of Mr. Hunter. He was the one who took the Silver Star Medal from Mr. Hunter! And then... alas!

Officer Takagi: You mean, he didn’t violate the rules of engagement?

Kevin: Yes! Mr. Hunter is a hero who saved me and many comrades! If he really asked me for help, I think I would lend a hand.

Officer Takagi: Okay, sorry to bother you.

The first recording ends.

Dreamspeak clicked on another sound screen file: "Next is Scott Green."

Officer Sato: I heard that you have met Hunter before, right?

Scott: Yeah! He said he had just arrived in Japan.

Officer Sato: So now he...

Scott (interrupting): I don't know, I don't know where he is now.

Judy: The prisoner escaped on a motorcycle.

Scott: Oh?

Judy: It's a used car that has been repaired and has a forged license plate.

Scott: You want to say I provided the car? Unfortunately, my store only sells new cars!

Judy: What do you think about Hunter violating the rules of engagement?

Scott (silent for two seconds): That must be true... In order to protect his comrades, he accidentally crossed the line... He thought the opponent had a weapon and shot him by mistake.

Judy: That's right...I understand.

The second recording ends.

"The last one is the former commander Mark Spencer." Dream Whisper clicked on the last recording.

Officer Shiratori: Do you have any impression of Timothy Hunter?

Mark: I don’t know. I haven’t seen this guy named Hunter, and I haven’t gotten any relevant information.

Officer Shiratori: What do you think of Hunter's violation of the rules of engagement?

Mark: I think the problem is not the authenticity of that incident. Assuming that Hunter is really the culprit in this shooting, as a former member of the Navy, I will never forgive him. Once he is found, please shoot him!

Police Officer Shiratori: Shoot to kill... no matter what?

Mark: But with all due respect, the police snipers may not be able to deal with Hunter, so I’ll lend you my driver... Carlos!

(a sound of footsteps)

Carlos: Yes!

Mark: This is Carlos Lee, a former Marine Corps sniper who shot and killed 36 enemy soldiers in the Middle East.

Carlos: Those are the confirmed results. Counting the unconfirmed results, there are 78 in total.

Mark: Indeed, but it is still slightly lower than Hunter’s 79 enemy lives. The only one who can defeat a sniper is a sniper. How about it? Do you need it?

Officer Shiratori: Well...that's not necessary.

The third recording ends.

Akira Hanomiya looked thoughtful: "Judging from the recording, the former commander really didn't know about this. On the contrary, Scott and Kevin's attitudes were quite strange."

Mengyu nodded in agreement: "I think so too. As the former commander, no matter from the perspective of emotions or interests, he will not help Hunter carry out criminal activities in other countries... No, it can even be defined For the sake of terrorism!”

"Even with the delicate relationship between the United States and Japan, once this incident breaks out, it will be a huge scandal. A former Navy commander who is now an advisor to the US military in Japan simply cannot take such a big risk to help someone like Hunter. Veteran.”

"If he really wanted to help Hunter, he should have rehabilitated Hunter back then."

"Indeed!" Yu Gongming's eyes flashed: "So, Kevin and Scott really have a problem..."

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