Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1305 Everything that needs to be done is done

Akira Hanomiya quietly went down the stairs, turned all the way to the elevator, removed several key parts of the sniper rifle, and placed it together with the main body of the gun at the elevator door.

The floor displayed on the elevator indicator board has reached 29, and the elevator will reach here in less than ten seconds.

For such a short period of time, putting the gun here will not cause any accidents, and it can also make the arriving police more vigilant.

Putting down the gun, Yu Gongming immediately left the elevator, came to the window, turned over and jumped out of the window.

Then he pressed his hands toward the wall, and the adsorption gloves were firmly attached to the outer wall of the building.

During the whole process, no one noticed.

It's not that Yu Gongming is lucky, it's just that because this floor is too close to the top floor, ordinary shopping mall stores are not willing to rent it. It's not easy for a company to rent this floor.

At this point, the company had already finished get off work, and except for the necessary lighting, the entire floor was completely dark, not to mention people, not even a ghost.

Of course, many people must have heard the burst of gunshots just now, but if they can distinguish the gunshots, they generally won't risk their lives to come to check.

Getting back to the topic, Yu Gongming's entire body pressed against the outer wall of the building and began to move slowly downward.

He didn't want to just climb down. This was more than thirty floors. Climbing up so high would not only be time-consuming and laborious, but also easily attract attention.

It's okay on the higher floors, but once the floors are lower, it's almost certain that he will be discovered.

Yu Gongming's destination was a diagonally opposite window on the two floors below.

Inside the window is an empty hotel room.

The room needs to be opened from the outside with a door card. Of course, it doesn't have to be so troublesome to open from the inside. Just turn the doorknob.

It was convenient to have a hacker help. He easily found the hotel's check-in records and selected this empty room as a temporary base for the operation.

After entering the room through the window, Yu Gongming immediately found the backpack hidden in the room, took out a white jacket and put it on, and put the LOGO of a well-known clothing brand on the black pants.

Then, he gently tore the pure black shoes, and the original pure black shoes instantly turned into trendy black and white sports shoes.

He also put on a wig that was obviously different from his own hair style but did not look unconventional, and put on a pair of rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose.

When he came to the bathroom mirror and looked at it, Yu Gongming nodded with satisfaction.

Not to mention strangers, even he himself almost didn't recognize him at first glance.

After confirming that the disguise is complete. Yu Gongming put on his backpack and came to the door of the room.

He looked out through the peephole and listened attentively.

After confirming that there was no one in the corridor outside, Akira Yumiya opened the door and walked out.

After closing the door with a bang, Yu Gongming walked to the elevator with calm steps and a natural expression.

At this time, there were also people waiting for the elevator in the elevator room, and the arrival of Yu Gongming did not attract any attention.

After a while, the elevator stopped at this floor, and Akira Hanomiya and other people waiting for the elevator stepped into the elevator.

Taking the elevator, Yu Gongming went all the way down to the first floor.

During this period, people kept coming in and out, but as the floors lowered, the number of people in the elevator tended to increase overall.

So, Akira Hanomiya followed the flow of people who were almost crowded in the elevator to the first floor of the building.

At this time, a text message was sent.

Yu Gongming took out his mobile phone and took a look.

[The police car arrives at the main entrance, take the west exit]

Yu Gongming understood clearly and immediately headed towards the west exit of the building.

Although there are many shops on the first floor of the building and there are many forked roads, there are arrows on the ground to guide him. He Miyazaki easily found the right direction and arrived at the west exit in a short time.

Many people were coming in and out from the west exit, and Yu Gongming's departure did not cause any waves.

Arriving outside the building, Yu Gongming quickly moved away from the building.

After walking about a few hundred meters, Akira Hanamiya entered a parking lot and got into a black Mazda parked here.

Slowly leaning on the driver's seat, Yu Gongming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He put on the communicator again and said, "Evacuation successful! How is the situation over there?"

"The police did not enter the rooftop, but they should have blocked the outside of the rooftop." Mengyu replied.

"Are Hunter and his accomplices still there?" Yu Gongming asked.

"It's still there. Although the rooftop is dark, I'm sure no one has been near the entrance." Meng Yu said.

Yu Gongming felt slightly relieved. As long as the police could be more stable, there should be no problem in arresting those two people.

With a flash of thought in his mind, Yu Gongming continued: "You shouldn't have been discovered over there, right?"

"No, I moved immediately after shooting to alert Officer Chiba." Meng Yu said.

"What about Mr. Subaru?"

"No one is disturbing him so far. After all, it is a building under construction and there are no people there at night. However, the sound of the shot was not small after all. We cannot rule out the possibility that someone heard the gunshot and called the police."

After hearing Meng Yu's narration, Yu Gongming understood in his heart that it seemed that Okiya Subaru couldn't stay long.

"I hope everything goes well with the police..." Akira Hanamiya muttered, started the Mazda and drove out of the parking lot.

He needs to pick up Meng Yu and Okiya Subaru.

As for the department store, they have already reached this point. If the police still can't figure it out, they can't be blamed.


Time goes back to about ten minutes ago, the department store.


There was a soft sound, and the elevator door slowly opened.

A police officer from the First Search Section led several police officers out of the elevator and said: "Everyone, be careful, the prisoner is probably still on the rooftop... Oops!"

The police officer was explaining to his subordinates when he suddenly tripped over something and staggered slightly.

"What?" Wait for him to look at the ground.

"Is this!?" The police officer's eyes widened.

A sniper rifle was lying quietly on the ground.

"It's MK11!" The police officer was also a good person and instantly recognized the model of the gun.

The other police officers were also shocked when they saw this sniper rifle!

"Everyone, calm down! Don't make any sound!" The police officer comforted his subordinates and immediately contacted the headquarters.

"Report! A MK11 sniper rifle was found at the elevator entrance near the rooftop!"

"What? Are you sure?" Officer Megure's voice came from the other side.

"Yes! But several parts were removed from the gun. The parts were placed on the ground together with the gun." The police officer further added.

"Oh?" Officer Memu was a little surprised and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The police suddenly received a call just now. The caller said that he saw a suspected sniper on the roof of a department store in Sumida District!

After that, police calls were received one after another. Some people claimed to have heard a burst of gunfire coming from the rooftop of the department store.

"Could it be that..." Officer Mu Mu had a guess in his mind and immediately ordered: "You immediately block the entrance to the rooftop and wait for support! Be careful! The suspect Hunter is probably still in Tiantian!"

"Yes!" The police officer promised, his expression immediately became extremely solemn, and he led his colleagues to the entrance of the rooftop.

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