Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 130 Analysis and Investigation

"No!!" Hinata Sachiko screamed with begging and despair, her body struggled even harder, and she was freed from Nagato Nobuko's grasp in an instant.

However, when she wanted to take further action, Nagato Nobuko's feet were very close to the pen!

Hinata Sachiko's eyes widened, mist rising slightly in her eyes.

Just at the critical moment...



Nagato Nobuko's foot hit the ground hard!

The pen rolled to the side just before it was stepped on.

Of course, the pen will not roll naturally on this uneven land.

Yu Gongming silently retracted his feet, leaned over and picked up the pen.

Just before Nagato Nobuko was about to step on the pen, Akira Hanomiya made a decisive move and swept the pen away from Nagato Nobuko's feet.

However, perhaps due to excessive force, the cap of the pen seems to be loose.

Akira Hanomiya opened the cap of the pen, then re-covered it and handed it to Hinata Sachiko.

"Thank you..." Hinata Sachiko choked with sobs.

"It takes a little effort." Yu Gongming said.

Hinata Sachiko silently put away the pen, lowered her head, and said in a low voice:

"I'll go to Xiu Chen's room and take a look. There should be something he wrote there. You can just compare the notes then."

With that said, she walked slowly towards the mansion like a zombie.

Akira Hanamiya looked at Hinata Sachiko walking away, frowning slightly, and then gradually relaxed.


Mansion hall.

Police officer Memu is listening to the report of the investigators:

"According to the inspection, the blood stains on Mr. Hidetomi's clothes are definitely those of Mr. Guangming. In addition, according to the identification of the notes, the notes in the suicide note also match Mr. Hidetomi's."

"Well, in this case, Mr. Hidetomi killed Mr. Guangming and then committed suicide, which is irrefutable evidence." Mouri Kogoro said.

"This case has finally come to light, right Where did Conan go?" Xiaolan couldn't find Conan again.


Mansion backyard.

"It seems that we really have a good understanding of each other!" Hattori Heiji looked at Akira Hanomiya and Conan who were walking towards them.

"Who knows something about you? We just thought that the crime occurred at night and we couldn't see many things clearly, so we came here to take a look during the day." Conan defended.

"Huh? Are you saying they are not connected? I think so too!" Hattori Heiji said with a smile.

"You..." Conan was speechless.

"Eh? By the way, where is Mengwu?" Hattori Heiji asked in confusion.

"I asked her to ask other people in the Nagato family about Mr. Hidetomi and whether there were any abnormalities before and after the incident." Hanemiya Akira said.

"Oh? This saves us a lot of time." Conan smiled.

"Well, Mengyu's ability is indeed worthy of trust." Hattori Heiji also said.

"Okay, let's talk about business." Yu Gongming said:

"In this current case, it seems that Mr. Hidetomi first killed Mr. Guangming and then committed suicide. However, the existence of that suicide note is too weird."

"If a person commits suicide and writes a suicide note, he must hope that someone will see it."

"However, this suicide note was hidden in Mr. Hidetomi's coat pocket and sank into the pond with Mr. Hidetomi. If the police were slightly negligent and failed to find Mr. Hidetomi in time, then according to the stone on Mr. Hidetomi's body, Due to the weight, the corpse would probably have to be highly decomposed to form a giant before it could float to the surface."

"By that time, the suicide note will probably be in ruins after being soaked in corpse liquid and pond water for a long time, right?"

"It is obviously unreasonable for a person who wrote a suicide note to sink the suicide note and himself into a pond that is likely to destroy the suicide note..."

"That's right, there's one more thing that's strange..." Hattori Heiji said:

"Judging from the content of this suicide note, it seems that it was written to Miss Sachiko. What does the [sin] mentioned in it refer to?"

"Based on the full text, this [crime]' does not seem to refer to killing Mr. Guangming, but something he has done that was sorry for Miss Sachiko."

"But in this case, what was his motive for killing Mr. Guangming? The suicide note was addressed to Miss Sachiko, but it was Mr. Guangming who was killed in the end. It is really inconsistent."

"In short, there must be something wrong with this suicide note. It may have been forged by someone. Even if it was written by Mr. Hidetomi himself, it is likely that it has been tampered with." Conan said solemnly.

"Look above!" Yu Gongming suddenly pointed upward and said.

Conan and Conan's eyes instinctively moved upward.

"Eh? There seems to be traces of being hit by something under the balcony of Mr. Guangming and Miss Kangjiang's room!" Conan said in surprise.

"Look, there are them over there too, and there seem to be more traces!" Hattori Heiji pointed in one direction.

Several people hurriedly went to check.

"It looks like this is the trace of a murder plan drill. Whose room is this balcony facing?" Conan asked

"It belongs to Miss Nobuko." Hattori Heiji said.

"Miss Nobuko happens to be someone who doesn't have a clear alibi, so we happened to go to her room to have a look." Hanemiya Ming said.


"Well, isn't it good for us to do this?" Hattori Heiji looked hesitantly at Conan who slowly opened the door to Nobuko Nagato's room.

"What does it matter? No one will find out that we have been here." Conan said, already starting to search the room.

"You look very skilled. You even went to get a pair of gloves..." Hattori Heiji looked at Conan, who had already put on disposable gloves, speechlessly.

"We are not investigating according to procedures, and we cannot leave fingerprints." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"You also know this is illegal!" Hattori Heiji shouted.

Ring ring ring!

The landline phone in the room suddenly rang!

"Wow! The phone is ringing... hello... what should I do!" Hattori Heiji, who was already unsure, panicked when he encountered an unexpected situation.

"Calm down, it's a small scene." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

I saw Conan calmly adjusting the bow tie voice changer, and then picked up the phone receiver:

"Hello, hello, I'm Nobuko...oh? What's the matter?"

Conan's voice at this time was exactly the same as Nagato Nobuko's!

And not only the voice, but also the slightly domineering tone, Conan also imitated it thoroughly.

Hattori Heiji was stunned.

"Oh, you called me several times last night and left several messages. Do you remember?" A male voice came from the phone.

"Oh? Call, when?" Conan's expression condensed and he asked in confusion.

"It was around ten o'clock last night. There were messages for half an hour!" said the other person on the phone.

"Oh... I drank some wine at the time, so I don't remember much." Conan responded.

"That's it... then if you don't remember, forget it." After the other party said that, he hung up the phone.

Conan put down the phone and said to the two of them: "It seems there is no need to continue the search."

"Yes, since Ms. Nobuko was on the phone for half an hour after the incident, the bandaged person who appeared on the balcony would not be her." Hattori Heiji nodded.

"Now let's go to Mr. Hidetomi's room and take a look. Maybe the answers to many puzzles can be found there." Conan said.

Several people left Nagato Nobuko's room.

All the way to the outside of Nagato Hideomi's room, he happened to meet Meng Yu who was opening the door.

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