Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1308 It’s rare to be confused

Hearing James' inquiry, Officer Memu looked at Officer Shiratori. After all, he was the officer who came to the scene to direct the arrest.

Officer Shiratiao understood, stood up and said, "Yes! According to the on-site investigation, the direction the two Hunters are facing is facing the door of Mr. Anyuan's house."

James nodded slightly: "I remember that in the information sent by the police, Mr. Anyuan would drive to pick up his wife after class at a similar time every day."

"From the internal structure diagram of Mr. Anyuan's house and the nearby topographic map sent by the police, it can be seen that if Mr. Anyuan wants to go to the parking lot, it will be faster to go through the back door than through the front door."

"Yes!" Officer Chiba echoed, "When I was chatting with Mr. Anyuan, he also said that he usually goes to the parking lot through the back door."

"That's why I arranged to park the car at the main entrance, just to avoid possible snipers."

Officer Sato immediately realized the problem: "It turns out that Hunter and the others seemed to have known this for a long time, and instead they lurked in the direction of the main entrance?"

"Did Hunter have insight into the police's plan?" Officer Shiratiao's expression changed slightly.

Officer Megure also had a solemn expression: "But, how did he know? Chiba only went to contact Mr. Anyuan at noon, and his transfer arrangements were also made with Mr. Anyuan in the house."

"Even if Hunter is watching nearby, he shouldn't... wait!"

Officer Mumu seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes widened slightly: "Did Hunter install a bug or other equipment in Mr. Anyuan's house?"

"It's very possible!" Officer Sato also responded: "If it is a bug, then everything will make sense."

Officer Megure immediately looked at Officer Chiba: "Contact Mr. Anyuan and say that you hope he will allow us to search his home!"

"Okay! I'll contact you now!" Officer Chiba walked out of the conference room quickly and took out his mobile phone as he walked.

Everyone in the conference room fell into silence for a while.

After a while, Police Officer Chiba walked in and said, 'Mr. Anyuan agreed, then I will arrange for a search immediately? Or should we wait for the search warrant? ’

Officer Memu said: "I will submit the application immediately. It will be done soon. You can arrange for someone to go there."

"Yes!" Officer Chiba took the order again and left.

Everyone waited silently in the conference room.

About half an hour later.

Officer Chiba opened the door and walked in, reporting: "Officer! Bugs were found under the sofa in Mr. An Yuan's home, behind the TV, and on the wall behind the shoe cabinet in the entrance hall!"

"As expected! Then all the clues can be connected together." James nodded lightly.

Officer Memu also nodded solemnly: "Indeed, Hunter probably heard the message that Mr. Anyuan was preparing to leave Tokyo, and then decided to carry out a sniper attack tonight."

"Then, there is only one problem left. Kevin Yoshino, a suspected associate of Hunter, is missing. If he cannot be caught, there may still be new victims."

"Indeed, since Yoshino can get one MK11, and maybe a second one, Yoshino must be arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible!" Judy agreed.

"Yoshino is likely to continue to complete Hunter's unfinished revenge. In addition to Mr. Anyuan, Waltz and Murphy also need to pay attention." Kamel reminded.

"Our police will join in the search!" Officer Megure replied in a deep voice.

James nodded lightly: "Okay! If you have any news, please contact us immediately."

Officer Megure naturally agreed immediately.

Then, the meeting came to an end.


A group of police officers who conducted a search returned to the office with tired faces.

Officer Megure looked around and said, "Everyone has worked hard today!"

"The same goes for Officer Megure!"

"These are what we should do!"

All the police officers echoed.

"However, we finally caught Hunter without any danger. The hard work this day was not in vain!" Officer Takagi said with a smile.

"Yes! I thought there would be no progress for several days!" Officer Sato said with a smile: "Speaking of which, it's also thanks to Detective Hanomiya that he found Mr. Anyuan and allowed our police to contact him in advance."

"I guess if we hadn't arranged for Mr. Anyuan to be transferred, Hunter and the others might not have chosen to take action tonight."

"Speaking of this, Chiba, you have to be careful in the future!" Officer Shiratori looked at Officer Chiba: "You have stayed at Mr. Anyuan's house for so long and you didn't even find the bug!"

"If you weren't lucky this time, your life might have been sealed!"

Hearing this, Officer Chiba looked a little scared: "That's true, but who would have thought that Hunter would actually install a bug?"

"It's actually not surprising if you think about it carefully." Officer Sato said: "Mr. Fujinami, who was killed by a sniper, was working as a tour guide at the [BELL TREE Tower] at the time."

"Hunter and the others were able to predict his whereabouts and carry out accurate sniping. They should have learned about Mr. Fujinami's itinerary in advance through some kind of monitoring method."

"Sure enough, I'm still too slow!" Officer Chiba scratched his head in embarrassment: "Listening to what you said, there were actually some abnormalities before, but I ignored them."

"Oh? What's abnormal?" Officer Megure asked curiously.

Officer Chiba said: "In the afternoon, Detective Hanomiya called me to learn about some situations. There were occasional noises during the call. I thought it was because the signal was not good, but now that I think about it, it must have been bugged. influence."

"Then you have to be more vigilant next time!" Officer Takagi smiled.

When Officer Mu Mu heard this, his heart moved.

Since even Police Officer Chiba could notice the noise on the phone, wouldn't it be possible that Akira Hanamiya didn't notice it?

He knew that Yu Gongming's ears were unusually sensitive.

If he noticed it, with his detective wisdom, would he not be able to guess the bug?

Officer Megure didn't believe it.

But judging from Chiba's reaction, it was obvious that Yu Gongming didn't tell him about this.

why is that?

Thinking of tonight's events, a bold guess flashed through Officer Memu's mind!

Those unknown people are not related to Yu Gongming, right?

The moment this speculation came about, even Officer Memu himself was startled and shook his head instinctively.

How is this possible?

Although Akira Hanomiya is a famous detective, in the end he is just a high school graduate.

His resume from childhood to adulthood is even clearer.

For a while, Officer Megure couldn't connect the confident and gentle young man with the unknown people who almost led the operation to capture Hunter.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it, right?" Officer Memu pondered, burying this guess in his heart.

It's not that he completely gave up his suspicion, but in his heart he resisted the possibility that this matter was related to Yu Gongming.

Instead of continuing to explore, it's better to be confused.

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