Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1313 Speculation

"Well..." Mengyu glanced at the information on the screen, considered the words, and said:

"In the week before Yoshino's first sniper attack, there were a total of seven calls to apparently disguised numbers."

"Two of them were hung up in less than five seconds after being connected. It is speculated that they should be similar to sales or scam calls. The other six calls, four of which came from numbers, although the numbers were arranged differently, after my further indexing , it can be seen that the numbers are selected from the same lottery pool."

"So, I guess maybe these four calls to Yoshino might come from the same person."

"When Yoshino first received a call from a fake number, the call lasted about five minutes. After hanging up, he immediately used another mobile phone to call another fake number."

"After the call lasted for two minutes, Yoshino hung up the phone. About ten minutes later, another disguised number called the previous mobile phone. The call lasted less than a minute."

"The next day, the fake number from the same lottery pool called Yoshino twice more. The third call lasted less than half a minute, and the fourth call didn't even last ten seconds."

Meng Yu stopped talking here, as if giving Yu Gongming time to digest the information.

Haremiya Akira looked thoughtful as he listened to Meng Yu's narration: "It seems that the first call that came in was negotiating something with Yoshino, but Yoshino seemed to be unable to make the decision. He dialed immediately after hanging up the phone. Another phone call was made for comment.”

"The third phone call after that should be from the same person as the first phone call, probably asking about Yoshino's attitude. Judging from the increasingly shorter call times of the two calls the next day, I'm afraid Yoshino's answer did not satisfy the other party. .”

"That should be the case." Meng Yu nodded in agreement.

Akira Hanomiya's eyes flashed: "What's the number of the other mobile phone used by Yoshino?"

"It's xxxx..." Mengyu reported a series of numbers, and then added: "I also checked this number. It seems that it is just a temporary number used by Yoshino. It has not appeared before or since."

"That's it..." Yu Gongming was a little disappointed. He originally wanted to use this number to trace further!

Mengyu slid the mouse randomly and said: "However, it seems that Yoshino is doing some dirty things secretly."

"Let the police and FBI investigate." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

As a former Marine Corps sergeant, Yoshino's identity is somewhat sensitive, and since he may now be involved in a black organization, it is not suitable for Hanemiya Akira and others to directly investigate.

As for the source of the intelligence, it is easy to explain. After all, Yoshino can get the MK11 rifle, so it is definitely not clean. It is reasonable for Yumiya Akira to speculate that he may be doing some illegal activities behind the scenes.

As for what kind of activities, it depends on the capabilities of the police and FBI.

The plan was decided, and Akira Hanomiya called Police Officer Megure, and he suspected that Yoshino was secretly doing some illegal things, and that he suspected that Yoshino was secretly doing some illegal things, and that he might be connected with some people in the underground world. Officer Megure was informed of his speculation.

Officer Megure takes this very seriously and hopes that Akira Hanomiya can send the clearer video to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Yu Gongming naturally agreed wholeheartedly.

Afterwards, after a few brief greetings, Officer Memu hurriedly hung up the phone, obviously busy informing the others of the news.

Mengyu also quickly packaged the video and sent it to the mailbox designated by Officer Memu.

After doing all this, Mengyu stretched out a little tiredly: "Our work has come to an end for the time being, right?"

Yu Gongming smiled slightly: "If you are tired, you can take a good rest. I have to continue to be busy!"

"Oh? What are you going to do?" Meng Yu asked curiously.

"Go and talk to Mr. Amuro." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, Gin's status in the organization is not that high now. I don't believe that he would be good at sniping a former navy sergeant. Claim.”

Meng Yu's eyes lit up: "So you want to talk to Mr. Amuro to see if he knows anything?"

"Yeah!" Yu Gongming nodded.

"Then let's chat in the office on the second floor! I'll just let Mr. Amuro bring me some desserts!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

Yu Gongming nodded and said with a smile: "Okay! You can order any dessert you like. This time it's mine. You've been busy for a long time, thank you for your hard work!"

Meng Yu's eyes brightened, and she suddenly stood up, raised her head, pecked the side of Yu Gongming's face, and said with a smile, "Thank you!"

Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment, touched the cheek that had just been kissed, and then curled up the corner of his mouth: "You're welcome! I'm obviously the one who made a lot of money!"

Mengyu rolled her eyes at him cutely and spat: "Glib tongue!"

"How can you make someone innocent out of thin air? How could I be so glib?" Akira Hanamiya looked innocent: "As the old saying goes! Practice is the only criterion for testing truth, come on! Let's practice it and see if I am glib? "

Meng Yu naturally understood what he meant, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she glared at him: "Don't come! It's important to do business!"

"Oh? Can you practice it after finishing the business?" Yu Gongming joked in his heart.

He did not say this out loud, but regained his seriousness and said with a smile: "Okay! Then let's get down to business!"


"Detective Hanomiya! Your desserts are here!" Toru Amuro carried a large tray and placed it on the coffee table of the office. The tray was filled with a wide variety of exquisite desserts, and the tempting aroma of custard filled his nostrils.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Amuro!" Mengyu poured a cup of freshly brewed black tea for Toru Amuro and said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Toru Amuro was not polite, sat down, picked up the black tea and took a sip.

"Miss Mengyu's craftsmanship really gets better the more tired you get!" He praised with a smile.

"Thank you, practice makes perfect." Meng Yu said with a smile.

Putting down the black tea, Toru Amuro looked at Akira and Hanomiya, and asked with a smile: "What does Detective Hanomiya want from me this time?"

"I want to ask you about Gin's recent movements." Akira Hanomiya said straight to the point.

When Toru Amuro heard this, his eyes flashed slightly, and the smile on his face faded slightly: "Why did Detective Hanomiya suddenly ask this? Did you encounter another incident related to the organization?"

"It's just suspicion at the moment." Yu Gongming didn't hide anything, and recounted the sniper incident and "that bunch of silver hair".

Toru Amuro listened intently to Akira Hanomiya's narration. When Akira Hanomiya stopped talking, Toru Amuro gently tapped the coffee table with her fingers, her expression a little subtle: "Silver-haired sniper... No wonder you think of Gin. "

"So does Mr. Amuro have any clues?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"This..." Toru Amuro thought about it for a while, and then said: "I know a little bit about Gin's current situation, but I don't know if it will be helpful to you."

"Please tell me." Yu Gongming made a listening gesture.

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