Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1318 Cautious Gin

At 4:50, near Narita International Airport, a white Porsche 356A was in the car.

"Brother! There seems to be someone protecting the area near Waltz, and our people can't get close." Vodka Hui reported.

Gin's face was calm and he said calmly: "It's expected."

He held the communicator in his ear and said, "Tequila, how are you doing there?"

"We've found a suitable sniper spot! It's diagonally opposite the waiting room where Waltz is, on the rooftop of a building." Tequila's deep voice came.

Tequila is the helper Gin found this time. Although Gin is just an ordinary operations captain now, Tequila is still in awe of Gin.

As a former subordinate, he knew very well what kind of terrible person Gin was. Even if he was temporarily frustrated, judging from the previous tolerance towards him, he would probably return to his high position soon.

Therefore, although Tequila and Gin are now on the same level, after Gin offered to assist in the operation, he did not refuse, but actively cooperated with Gin's operation, and even obeyed Gin's blending during the operation as before. .

He hopes to sell Gin as a favor in this way, so that when Gin becomes prosperous again, he will be remembered for his kindness.

Gin also had some guesses about this. Although he was indifferent and cruel by nature, he was not ignorant of the ways of the world, and he secretly remembered Tequila's advances in his heart.

Back to business, after listening to Tequila's report, Gin showed satisfaction and said: "Very good, send me your location."


Not long after, the tablet in Gin's hand received a positioning coordinate.

Gin watched for a few seconds, silently planning the optimal route, then turned to Vodka and said: "You stay here, ready to respond at any time."

"Okay, big brother!" Vodka nodded immediately.

Afterwards, Gin took off his communicator and put on some disguise to make himself look less conspicuous, and then got out of the white Porsche.

After avoiding all surveillance along the way, Gin successfully arrived at the building where Tequila was located.

Inside the building, in an area near the entrance, Tequila, who had also been camouflaged, stood silently in an inconspicuous place.

Gin, who had always been wary of his surroundings, spotted the other party as soon as he entered the building.

The two people's eyes met briefly for a second, and then naturally separated.

Afterwards, Tequila left the place and walked silently towards the inside of the building.

Gin was hanging behind him not far away.

Soon, the two of them stepped into the elevator like unrelated strangers.

Tequila pressed the button for the 15th floor.

This is not the highest floor. Of course, for a 20-story building, this number is not low.

Gin glanced at it and pressed the button for the 17th floor without any strange expression.

After a while, the elevator reached the 17th floor, and Gin walked out leisurely, just like any other guest.

When he was on the first floor, he had already learned about the general situation of each floor through the signboards. He understood that this floor belonged to a commercial area with a large number of shops and a very dense flow of people. His arrival would not cause any disturbance.

This is indeed the case. It is holiday time and there is still some time before dinner, so there are many people coming to shop.

Gin walked through the crowd, and soon turned into the safety staircase. He stood in a position where he could not see outside the safety staircase, and waited silently.

In less than a minute, a burst of footsteps came from below.

Tequila's figure caught Gin's eyes.

At this time, a long and narrow bag appeared in his hand.

The two exchanged glances, and Tequila quickened her pace and walked ahead carrying the long and narrow bag.

The two of them walked in tandem and quickly reached the 20th floor.

Up another flight of stairs is the entrance to the rooftop.

Tequila handed the long and narrow bag to Gin and said, "Brother, let me go up and take a look!"

"Yeah!" Ginjiu nodded slightly.

Before selecting a sniper location, it is natural to confirm the safety of the location.

Tequila quickly climbed up the stairs and entered the rooftop.

A moment later, Gin's cell phone received a message from Tequila.


After hearing this, Gin's eyes flickered for a while, and then he also came to the rooftop.

The rooftop is quite open and there are no blind spots. You can see everything around the rooftop if you want.

Gin secretly nodded, came to Tequila, and took the telescope in Tequila's hand.

He took the telescope and began to walk around the rooftop, observing the situation one by one, even 1,500 meters away.

He obtained the specific details of Yoshino's injury from some sources and learned that a top sniper was involved.

Although it is unlikely that the sniper knew what he was doing, it was always right to be careful.

After circling the rooftop and finding nothing unusual, Gin pointed the telescope at the terminal building.

The camera moved, and Jack Waltz soon appeared in his field of vision.

Looking from this angle, one can see Waltz's profile.

At this moment, a young man with a Western face and a suit suddenly sat next to Waltz, with his back slightly bent and operating a mobile phone.

The young man's head blocked the side of Waltz's face.

Gin immediately frowned, moved his steps, and readjusted his angle.

Finally, Waltz's head came back into view.

"Right here..." This thought flashed through Gin's mind, and he was about to put away the telescope.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed in his field of vision!

Gin stopped for a moment and looked in the direction of the light.

However, there was only the back of a fashionably dressed brown-haired Western woman in sight. The woman seemed to be combing her hair.

Gin's eyes flickered slightly, and he moved some distance again to adjust the field of view of the telescope.

Finally, he saw the front of the brown-haired Western woman.

The woman was holding a makeup mirror in her hand. After combing her hair, she took out some foundation from her handbag and seemed to be touching up her makeup.

The light just now seemed to come from the reflection of this makeup mirror.

Gin watched this scene, and a gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes!

Something's wrong!

It's not unusual for a Western woman to touch up her make-up before boarding a plane, but the way she holds her makeup mirror is quite odd.

For women who normally touch up makeup, the makeup mirror should be aimed at their front face, so that the entire face enters the mirror, so that facial flaws can be more comprehensively observed and modified.

However, the angle in which the Western woman held the makeup mirror was different.

Gin simulated it and found that that angle could only illuminate most of the face.

Gin put down the telescope, squinted his eyes slightly, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and adjusted the angle of the mobile phone to the same angle as the female makeup mirror.

On the reflective screen, he saw another building not far behind him.

Gin was slightly startled.

The next moment, a cold smile appeared on his lips.

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