Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1319 A confrontation between snipers!

On the rooftop.

Gin took out the sniper rifle from the long and narrow gun bag and skillfully installed the scope.

Next to him, Tequila looked a little nervous and swallowed: " it really okay?"

Gin's expression was cold and he said coldly: "This operation must not fail again! Even if we have to take some risks!"

"Okay... okay." Tequila moved her lips, but didn't say anything more.

Gin's eyes were cold, and his body slowly tensed up unnoticeably. He picked up the sniper rifle and took a stance, as if he was about to start sniping.

Tequila, on the other hand, was standing behind him, holding a mobile phone in her hand and pointing it in a certain direction.

Gin set up the sniper rifle and put his left eye in front of the scope.


"Now!" the brown-haired woman shouted quickly.

In another building, Carlos, who had been hiding himself, suddenly appeared. The sniper scope instantly came to his right eye. The crosshair in his field of vision moved slightly. In less than a second, it was aimed at the man holding the sniper rifle who was preparing to snipe Waltz. guy!

Just one more second to calibrate and he could pull the trigger!

In order not to be discovered by the other party before, he could only hide himself and observe the other party's movements through the airport's eyes. Only when the other party turned away from him could he stick his head out to observe.

Things went quite smoothly, and the other party never noticed his existence.

Colleagues at the airport will guide the other party to the appropriate area.

The young man sitting next to Waltz playing with his mobile phone, seemingly unintentionally blocking Waltz's head, plays a similar role.

When the opponent's sniping position can be predicted, then even if you did not have enough time to aim because you were hiding yourself, you can quickly find the opponent's position and snipe after suddenly revealing your body.

And he believed that in such a short period of time, the sniper would never be able to shoot!

It's very simple, because the opponent's goal is to kill with one hit, and there is no room for any mistakes, while on our side we only need to injure the opponent, and our error tolerance is much greater than the opponent's. We only need to avoid the opponent's fatal points.

One second passes in the blink of an eye.

Carlos had further targeted the other man's arm.

Just when he was about to pull the trigger, in the sight of the scope, the man wearing an old-fashioned black coat suddenly rolled to the side and was out of sight of the scope in an instant!

Carlos's pupils shrank immediately, and the scope immediately followed the direction of the opponent's rolling.

However, before he could find the other party, a burst of smoke suddenly appeared in his field of vision!

"Smoke bomb!" Carlos's expression changed, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

On the other side, Gin rolled again, and in a crouching position pointed his sniper rifle at one of the windows of a building about 400 meters away from him!

In his field of vision, he saw a man with a Western face pointing his sniper rifle at him!

With a cold flash in his eyes, but an extremely calm heart, he aimed at the Western man's left chest with lightning speed, without any hesitation, pulled the trigger!


Almost at the same time as the gunfire sounded, in Gin's field of vision, a hole suddenly appeared in the white shirt on the chest of the man with a Western face. In the hole, a bright red color could be faintly seen.

Gin was not in a hurry to appreciate his victory, but moved his body again! Quickly returned to the original location where the sniper waltz was prepared!

Lifting the sniper rifle and pointing it at the waiting room, Gin saw that Waltz in the waiting room had stood up like a spring and quickly moved irregularly towards the entrance of the waiting room. From time to time, he would bypass other people and give Provide your own cover.

At a critical moment of life and death, he has no intention of caring about other people's lives!

A cruel smile appeared on Gin's lips.

He was in better shape than ever before, and he had just killed a sniper, which completely aroused his ferocity!

Waltz's irregular movements did not cause much disturbance to him, and the crosshairs quickly aimed at Waltz's head!

Gin can't wait to see Waltz's brains explode!

next moment……


The sound of bullets entering flesh was heard.

However, this does not come from Waltz.

"Uh!" Gin suddenly covered his wrist!

The sniper rifle originally held in his hand fell to the ground on the rooftop with the flick of his wrist.

"Brother Gin!" Tequila suddenly exclaimed!

Gin endured the pain, while lowering his body, his eyes suddenly looked in a certain direction!

In a different direction from the previous Western-faced sniper, but only three hundred meters away on the rooftop of another building.

A figure who put away his sniper rifle and prepared to walk to the rooftop exit came into view.

The figure from behind was a man, wearing an ordinary casual suit, with short curly black hair, held down by a peaked cap that was worn backwards.

Gin Jiu stared at the figure from behind, watching the other person leave the rooftop.

"Who!? Who again!?" Gin roared in his heart!

Why? Why do some people always ruin their own good things! ?

No matter how furious he was, Gin still didn't lose his cool completely.

After imprinting that back figure firmly in his mind, he took a deep breath, turned to Tequila and said: "Retreat!"

Tequila finally came to her senses after hearing this, and after agreeing, she quickly came over to help Gin.

Gin shook him off roughly: "No need!"

Seeing this, Tequila naturally stopped asking for trouble and hurriedly followed Gin and left the rooftop as quickly as possible.

On the other side, Narita International Airport, waiting room.

The brown-haired woman's face was already dripping with gloom at this time!

I was just slightly nervous before, but after hearing the screams belonging to Carlos in the communicator, I almost lost control!

what happened? Isn't it Mr. Carlos who is sniping at the other party? Why did Mr. Carlos scream!

After all, the brown-haired woman's psychological quality was quite good. After being stunned for less than two seconds, she quickly shouted to Waltz: "Run!"

Waltz had been in a tense state before. Hearing the sound of "run", he immediately stood up and rushed towards the exit of the waiting room!

The brown-haired woman was looking for cover while calling Carlos's name loudly.

However, there was no response from the other side of the communicator.

The brown-haired woman's heart became heavier and heavier. She gritted her teeth, adjusted the channel of the communicator, and said quickly: "Go to the rooftop immediately! Even if you pay a certain price, we must catch those two guys!"

"Yes! Sir!" Several responses came from the communication.

The brown-haired woman clenched her fists and prayed silently in her heart, praying that Carlos was only injured, praying that the two guys could be caught in the end.

If Carlos wasn't injured, but...if those two guys ran away in the end.

So as the nominal person in charge of this operation, she will face the wrath of consultant Spencer!

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