Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1321 Gin’s Preparatory Plan

Vodka was speeding down the road in his white Porsche, not noticing the other car parked on the side of the road, and several people had already looked at it.

inside the car.

"Did you really escape?" Conan said with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"This is what we expected." Yu Gongming's voice was a little serious: "I just didn't expect that the US military would be so reckless in doing things."

"Surveillance shows that someone has called an ambulance. The poor office worker who was hit did not suffer any vital injuries. His life should not be in danger." Meng Yu glanced at the phone and said.

Yu Gongming's expression softened slightly: "That's good."

Sure enough, he still overestimated the moral level of the US military.

In other words, after all, you are not a citizen of your own country, so you don’t care so much?

If it were Officer Megure and the others, when they saw Gin and the others rushing into a crowded place, they would basically choose to slow down the pursuit, or even give up the pursuit directly, so as not to cause the other party to overreact and hurt innocent people.

All I can say is that the life of the person who was hit this time was not in danger, which is really lucky.

Yu Gongming recovered his thoughts, his expression returned to seriousness, and he started the car.

They still need to pick up Mr. Subaru.

After a while, Okiya Subaru returned to the car.

Yu Gongming looked at Conan and said, "Lead the way."

"Yes!" Conan nodded, and then began to give directions.

While Gin and Tequila were messing around in the building, Conan had secretly installed a transmitter under the car while Vodka wasn't paying attention.

Conan was short in stature, and because he was busy smoking vodka, Conan easily found the blind spot in his sight and installed the transmitter.

I originally wanted to install a bug, but gave up after thinking about it.

The interference to the signal caused by the operation of the eavesdropper is much stronger than that of the transmitter, and it is easy to be detected.

However, in addition to the transmitter, he also placed one more small thing.

This is a small invention that Mengyu recently came up with.

As for the effect... I will tell you later.

Now that the task of preventing Gin from assassinating Waltz has been completed, the next step is to see if there are other gains.


On a main road in Tokyo.

"Brother! A police officer is catching up with me!" Vodka said.

Behind the white Porsche, two patrol cars sounded their sirens and hung up behind the white Porsche.

"Get rid of them." Gin said coldly.

"Yes!" Vodka responded and immediately stepped on the accelerator. After a moment, he suddenly turned the steering wheel and the car made a 90-degree turn and entered an alley.

Amidst a squeaking sound, the white Porsche successfully passed the alley and turned into another street, at the expense of its rearview mirror being knocked off and the paint on its body being severely worn.

The police car behind him was obviously not prepared for the change of direction of the white Porsche, and it took a long time to catch up.

"Humph! These notes are still so useless!" Vodka couldn't help but sneer.

"Don't be careless. Although they are useless, there are many of them. We can easily be blocked by them in the city." Tequila analyzed calmly.

"We have a plan for this a long time ago, just follow the plan." Gin said calmly.

"Understood!" Vodka nodded.

Gin has already formulated a series of complete evacuation plans. In a situation like this, it is not difficult to escape safely.

He only needed to drive the white Porsche to a pre-selected place, and then transfer to another car that came to pick him up. With his familiarity with Tokyo roads, it was easy to escape the police's sight.

Gin was more concerned about another problem than escaping.

This time the sniper failed again.

Waltz is already at the airport and is likely to fly back to the United States immediately after the assassination attempt fails.

It will be troublesome to assassinate him then.

The power that Gin can call upon in the United States is very limited. If he wants to ensure that everything is foolproof, he may need the help of other code members.

At that time, let alone whether the organization can agree to his mobilization of forces, even if he succeeds in assassinating Waltz and obtaining the arms channel in Yoshino's hands, he will not have much credit left.

Gin's eyes flashed slightly: "It seems that we can only implement the preliminary plan..."

He took out his cell phone and started dialing.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Hello!" A male voice came from the other end of the phone. ,

Gin adjusted his state and said with a sneer: "Yoshino, I have successfully killed Waltz as promised!"

"What? You succeeded?" Yoshino said in surprise.

"Yes, although there were some twists and turns, we still succeeded in killing Waltz." Gin said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Evidence." Yoshino said concisely.

"We took the photos and can send them to you now." Gin smiled.

"Okay! Send it to my email and I'll take a look." Yoshino replied.

"No problem!" Gin said cheerfully.

Then, Yoshino sent an email.

Seeing this, Gin found a photo and sent it to this mailbox.

On the other side, Yoshino, who was hiding in the basement, turned on his computer, logged into one of the many mailboxes he registered, and received the photo.

Yoshino took a closer look and saw that the background of the photo seemed to be a marble floor, and on the ground was a body dripping with blood.

The neck of the body was penetrated, and a large amount of blood spurted out, infecting the clothes of the body and the surrounding ground.

Yoshino looked at the face of the body.

This was consistent with the photo of Waltz that Hunter had shown him.

In the photo, Waltz stares with an expression of pain mixed with a hint of disbelief.

"Did they really kill Waltz..." Although judging from the photos, Waltz was indeed dead, but Yoshino still felt a little uneasy.

At this moment, Gin called again.

"How's it going? It's really a waltz, right?" Gin said with a smile.

Yoshino frowned slightly and replied in a deep voice: "Based on just one photo, I still can't confirm that Waltz is really dead."

"Oh? Then how do you want to prove it?" Gin asked leisurely without any hint of impatience.

"At least let me see the news, or you can provide more convincing evidence!" Yoshino said lightly.

"Oh? Waiting for the news? It will take some time until the news comes out... Yoshino, are you trying to take the opportunity to escape and not admit your guilt?" Gin's voice suddenly turned cold.

Hearing this, Yoshino snorted with some displeasure: "Humph! Each other! I am also afraid that you will use fake photos to fool me. Either wait for the news report, or you will give me further evidence now!"

Gin was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about it.

About ten seconds later, he spoke: "Okay! You can wait for the news report, but I want to remind you not to play tricks, otherwise not only will you not be able to escape, but Hunter will also have to pay the price!"

Yoshino's face darkened: "Don't worry! As long as you really kill Waltz, I won't break my promise!"

"That's best." Gin said coldly and hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Gin raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "You're pretty good at's a pity that I still found him!"

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