Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1326 Capture Yoshino!

Yoshino was frightened by the sudden movement.

He instinctively looked in the direction of the sound.

On the computer screen in front of him, the original surveillance screen had disappeared, replaced by a red color like blood.

Then, the bright red color rippled, and a black skull slowly emerged from the blood.


The siren became more shrill and shrill, as if something bad was about to happen.

Yoshino's expression changed drastically and he immediately tried to operate the computer.

But the computer was completely out of his control. No matter how he typed on the keyboard or clicked the mouse, it had no effect.

Obviously, Yoshino has no experience in facing this kind of situation. Otherwise, when he sees something abnormal on his computer, the more reliable operation would be to unplug the power supply as quickly as possible.

However, Yoshino's reaction was not too slow. After seeing that the operation was fruitless, he also thought of turning off the power.

However, just as he squatted down and was about to unplug the power cord plugged into the power strip, there was a sudden noise behind him.

Although the ear was still filled with the piercing whine of the alarm, the basement was not too big after all, and the sudden abnormal situation also made Yoshino somewhat vigilant.

So, Yoshino suddenly turned his head and looked behind him!


In his sight, a black figure jumped down from above and landed on the ground in the basement.

The black figure turned his head slightly and seemed to be scanning the place.

Soon, his eyes fell on Yoshino who turned his head.

The two people's eyes met, and they immediately understood that the other party was an enemy rather than a friend!

Yoshino's pupils shrank for a while, and his hand instantly reached for the pistol hanging on his waist!

Although he was surprised and wondering who this person was, what his purpose was, and how he sneaked in without telling him, Yoshino knew that there was no time for him to think about it so much now!

What he has to do now is to deal with this intruder as quickly as possible and then escape from here!

Since everyone has broken into this place, it means that this place has been exposed and he must leave!

Yoshino's thinking is very clear, but things never develop how you think.

How could the man in black robe who broke in not know what Yoshino knew?

Yoshino pulled out his pistol as quickly as he could and pointed the gun at the guy in black robes.

However, he is fast, but the man in black robe is not slow either!

The man in black robe had already made preparations to break in, and had corresponding plans in mind for various situations that would occur after entering the basement.

As soon as Yoshino raised the muzzle of his gun, the man in black robe had already pulled the trigger!




Yoshino covered his wrist and let out a scream.

The man in black robe's marksmanship was quite accurate. One blow hit Yoshino's gun hand and knocked the pistol away.

at the same time……



There was another muffled sound, and another man in black robe jumped down from the basement.

The man in black robe who fell behind quickly adjusted his posture, and then rushed towards Yoshino without hesitation!

At this time, Yoshino had just been injured in the palm, and before he could recover, he saw another man in black robes falling and rushing towards him!

His expression suddenly changed, and he moved around, subconsciously avoiding.

Gu Ga

However, the basement is only so big, and the computer desk was placed where he was originally. If he wanted to hide now, where could he hide?

After moving a few steps laterally along the computer desk, the man in black robe changed his direction and then headed straight towards him again.

In desperation, Yoshino glanced around, picked up the mouse from the table and threw it towards the opponent, intending to buy time.

However, one of his hands was injured, and although the other hand was fine, the shoulder injury he suffered a few days ago was still far from being healed.

Yoshino's wave of his hand immediately affected the injury on his shoulder, and his power and accuracy in throwing the mouse were immediately greatly affected.

The man in black robe just tilted his head and avoided the flying mouse without causing any hindrance to him.

But just after such a delay, the man in black robe had already rushed in front of Yoshino and punched Yoshino in front of his face!

The fist wind roared, and in a blink of an eye, Yoshino was in front of him.

Yoshino gritted his teeth and could only raise his arms to resist!


Huge force came from his arm, and pain accompanied by a push made Yoshino stagger.

Before Yoshino could re-adjust his balance, someone had already grabbed his shoulder.

Yoshino's face suddenly turned extremely pale!

Because what was being buckled was his injured shoulder!

The man in black robe exerted a little force, and Yoshino suddenly felt a sharp pain. He couldn't help but groaned, and the resistance he had originally raised was suddenly released.

The man in black robe naturally did not miss this opportunity. He reached out with his other hand and grabbed Yoshino's arm, then exerted force on both hands and waist at the same time.


There was a loud shout and a textbook over-the-shoulder throw, slamming Yoshino to the ground!


The sound of the body colliding with the ground resounded throughout the basement.

And what about Yoshino? After all, he was from the special forces and his physical fitness was quite good. An ordinary person would have been knocked unconscious long ago, but Yoshino could still maintain a certain level of sobriety.

Of course, it's just soberness.

Now he only felt pain everywhere in his body, as if he was falling apart, and he couldn't exert any strength.

And when he was sober, he already had a premonition that maybe he had no time to regain his mobility.

In his sight, men in black robes appeared one after another.

One of the men in black robes squatted down and gave him a hard blow on the side of his neck.

Yoshino's vision suddenly went black, his head tilted, and he quickly lost consciousness.


The men in black robes quickly searched the entire basement.

In addition to the pistol that Yoshino had used to fight back, they also found two grenades, a smoke grenade, and a blast grenade.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the two grenades and felt lucky in his heart. Fortunately, Yoshino did not carry these two grenades with him. Fortunately, he and others acted decisively. Otherwise, if Yoshino found an opportunity to use the grenades, the consequences would be unpredictable!

After searching the basement and finding nothing extra, the men in black robes returned to the room above.

At this time, Yoshino was tied up tightly after being simply bandaged.

Mouri Kogoro glanced at him, and then two men in black robes picked up Yoshino and walked quickly outside the house.

"A very neat action." Subaru Okiya praised in a strong and deep voice.

"Thank you." Mouri Kogoro replied lightly, and then asked: "Is there any news from you?"

Okiya Subaru replied: "The murderer who shot Waltz has escaped the police pursuit and should be here soon."

Mouri Kogoro was not surprised when he heard this and nodded gently: "In that case, we should move faster."

"This is natural." Okiya Subaru smiled.

Then, the remaining men in black robes and Okiya Subaru began to clean up the traces of their entry.

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