Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 132 Another Story

"Another story?"

"Yes, another story." Yu Gongming smiled and said:

"The story started twenty years ago. At that time, a serious fire broke out in a nearby hotel, causing a lot of casualties."

"And unfortunately, Miss Sachiko, you and your parents live in this hotel."

When Hinata Sachiko heard this, her body trembled slightly, her lips tightened, and she said nothing.

"Originally, Miss Sachiko should have perished in the fire like your parents, but the appearance of a young man pulled you back from the door of hell."

"And that young man is none other than Mr. Nagato Hidetomi!" Hattori Heiji took over the conversation:

"After that, maybe Mr. Hidetomi and Miss Sachiko experienced some things that we don't know about. In short, Miss Sachiko probably fell in love with Mr. Hidetomi and decided to marry Mr. Hidetomi."

"Hmm..." Perhaps because she had fallen into memories, Hinata Sachiko actually confirmed Hattori Heiji's guess.

"Originally, everything was going in a good direction, but just the day before yesterday, the day before the crime, an accident happened!" Hattori Heiji said:

"Miss Sachiko, when you went to see Mr. Hidetomi one time, you were shocked to find that Mr. Hidetomi committed suicide by taking poison in his room..."

"Wait a minute! Didn't the police say that Hidetomi's death was last night?" Hinata Sachiko interrupted.

"Be patient, we will explain this later..." Yu Gongming explained and took over the conversation:

"Beside Mr. Hidetomi's body, there was a suicide note written by Mr. Hidetomi himself. The piece of paper in Mr. Hidetomi's jacket pocket was part of that suicide note."

"One... part?" Hinata Sachiko's expression changed slightly.

"Yes." Yu Gongming nodded and said:

"According to our reasoning, the other part we didn't see probably describes how Mr. Hidetomi and Mr. Guangming set fire to the hotel twenty years ago!"

"This is also what the suicide note said [the crime committed on you]. In other words, Mr. Hidetomi and Mr. Guangming are the culprits who killed your parents!"

Hinata Sachiko's body trembled again, and she lowered her head slightly to prevent Hanemiya Akira and others from seeing her expression clearly.

"It was at that time that after you learned the truth, your murderous intention towards Mr. Guangming could not be suppressed, and a murder plan gradually took shape in your mind." Conan said:

"You found Mr. Guangming, told him the news of Mr. Hidetomi's death, and claimed that you were willing to help him kill President Nagato and let him sit on the throne of the president."

"In order to win his trust, you should have put forward conditions such as [I will be reused after becoming the president]. At the same time, you proposed that you formulate the murder plan and personally participate in the implementation, so that the interests of you and Mr. Guangming are completely tied up. Together."

"Mr. Guangming, who has long coveted the position of president, quickly agreed to conspire with you."

"So, you first wrapped Mr. Hidetomi's body in a sheet and buried it in the land near the pond. Because the pond will be planted with trees in the near future, even if there are traces of soil turning, it will not be noticed."

"By the way, after the body was buried in the soil, because it was rarely exposed to air, the decomposition rate was one-eighth of the normal rate. This is also the reason why the police's estimated time of death is different from the actual time."

"I think your original plan was for Mr. Guangming to pretend to be Mr. Hidetomi, injure himself with a knife in advance, then make a phone call to create the illusion of being attacked, and then appear on the balcony in a high-profile manner as Mr. Hidetomi, and steal us. Seduced down."

"After showing his face on the balcony, Mr. Guangming would take off his disguise and throw bandages, hats, knives and other disguised items into the backyard, creating the illusion that the murderer had escaped to the backyard."

"Then, he will use the rope prepared in advance to climb up to the president's room."

"After arriving at the balcony of the president's room, he pulled the rope up and re-hooked it to the balcony below. He used the weight tied to the other end of the rope to fix the rope hook to the balcony below."

"After doing this, he will use the kite string in his pocket to kill the president, and sneak back to his room while we are all led to that room."

"When we use the master key to enter the room, all we see is nothing."

"Then, you who come with us will remind us of the rope on the balcony. Of course, it is best for us to notice it ourselves. In short, we will definitely come to the balcony and find the hanging rope hooks and the camouflage scattered in the backyard. .”

"After that, Mr. Guangming, who has secretly returned to his room, only needs to come to his balcony and shout to us, lying that he locked [Mr. Hidetomi] in that room, and everything will be done."

Conan said this, paused, and looked at Hattori Heiji:

"Hey! Why didn't you answer after I talked for so long? Hattori, you talk next, I'll take a break."

"Okay." Hattori Heiji shrugged:

"This plan is quite clever. No wonder Mr. Guangming is willing to implement it. It's just a pity that Mr. Guangming doesn't know that this plan is not aimed at the president, but himself!"

"When Mr. Guangming climbed up to the balcony of the president's room as planned, Miss Sachiko, who was supposed to take us away as planned, ended up staying in the president's bedroom!"

"Then, before Mr. Guangming got on the balcony, you pushed Mr. Guangming down!"

"This also perfectly explains all the weirdness at the crime scene."

"By the way, Mr. Hidetomi's body was finally found in the pond. Mr. Guangming probably did it while he was looking for Mr. Hidetomi."

Hattori Heiji looked at Hinata Sachiko: "Miss Sachiko, do you have anything to say about our story?"

Hinata Sachiko lowered her head and was silent for a while, then raised her head and said calmly:

"The story is very exciting, but unfortunately, most of it is just your guess. First of all, you said that Hidechen died the day before the incident. However, many people saw Hidechen on the day of the incident. You yourself have not seen Hidechen. ?"

"Correction..." Yu Gongming said:

"What we saw was just a man wrapped in bandages. That man just bowed to us the whole time and didn't say anything. This may not be Mr. Hidetomi!"

"We believe that Mr. Hidechen died the day before the incident, and that Mr. Hidechen was disguised later. There are three bases." Meng Yu said:

"First, I learned from the maid of the mansion that two days before the incident, Miss Kang Jiang had just changed the bandage on Mr. Hidetomi's face. In other words, Mr. Hidetomi was still alive until that time."

"Second, the day before and on the day of the crime, [Mr. Hidetomi]'s appetite suddenly increased greatly, and he even ate snacks that he had not eaten before."

"Third, Mr. Hidetomi's novel editor left a message on the phone at 1:28 pm the day before the incident, asking Mr. Hidetomi to submit the manuscript on the day of the incident."

"However, according to the editor's message, he waited for six hours at the agreed time and place, but there was still no sign of Mr. Hidetomi."

"Based on the above information, we can easily conclude that Mr. Hidetomi committed suicide by taking poison the day before the incident!"

Hearing this, Hinata Sachiko was silent for a moment and then spoke again.

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