Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1333 Another meeting

Half an hour later.

Yu Gongming and Mengyu got out of the car and handed the car over to Okiya Subaru.

And a series of suspicious equipment on them were also left in the car, and Okiya Subaru would help them get it back later.

Meng Yu stretched out, exhaled, and said with a smile: "Mr. Subaru was a big help this time!"

"Mr. Subaru is indeed reliable." Yu Gongming nodded in agreement.

After the two sighed for a moment, they set off back to Miwa Town according to their previous plan.

About an hour later, the two returned to the Hanomiya Detective Agency.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual in the office, Mengyu dialed Conan's phone number.

"Hey! Conan? Have you returned to the office safely?" Mengyu asked.

"Well, I came back an hour ago. Where are you? Is everything going well?" Conan responded and asked.

"The result is not bad, Yoshino was caught, and nearly ten members of the organization, including Gin, were also arrested!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

"What? Gin..." Conan's voice suddenly rose, and he finally restrained his urge to say "Gin was caught."

"Well, Gin and Vodka were both caught. The other party promised to inform us of the subsequent handling of Gin." Mengyu replied.

"Great!" Conan couldn't hide his excitement in his tone: "Finally, we caught this guy!"

"Well, if nothing else, as the guy who directly attacked you, being caught is a big threat!" Meng Yu said with a smile.

After a pause, she continued: "By the way, is uncle at home now?"

"Not here." Conan replied: "Xiao Lan said that his uncle suddenly went out around five o'clock. He said that a friend invited him to dinner and he would not come back for dinner."

Meng Yu nodded secretly in her heart, which further supported Okiya Subaru's speculation that the man in black robe leading the team was probably Uncle Maori!

Later, after briefly chatting with Conan about some details of the operation at that time, the call ended.

Mengyu roughly recounted the content of the call to Yu Gongming. After listening to it, Yu Gongming smiled and said: "Our work is completed. Next, we will see how things will ferment."

"Yeah!" Mengyu nodded.


There was a noise.

Yu Gongming was stunned for a moment, then touched his belly helplessly: "I almost forgot that I haven't had dinner yet!"

Meng Yu chuckled: "There are still some ingredients at home, I will prepare dinner right now!"

Yu Gongming chuckled: "Thank you for your hard work! I'm looking forward to it!"


Here, Akira Hanomiya and his wife have returned to their daily routine, but the Metropolitan Police Department on the other side has become extremely busy.

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Search Section 1 meeting room.

A group of police officers from the Search Section 1 and the FBI trio who had been notified gathered in the conference room.

"I heard that Yoshino has been caught? What is going on?" Judy asked eagerly.

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Officer Megure, who was in charge of presiding over the meeting, resisted the urge to rub his temples and steeled himself to say, "We did catch him, but the one who caught Yoshino was not our Section 1, but the one handed over from Section 4."

"Lesson 4?" Judy was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Officer Mumu was talking about Lesson 4.

"Isn't this a case of searching the first class? Why did the fourth class get involved?" James asked puzzledly.

Officer Megure replied: "According to them, their informant accidentally obtained the whereabouts of Yoshino while investigating an underground organization, so he was captured and handed over to us."

"Underground organization?" Judy looked slightly moved: "What kind of underground organization is it?"

Officer Memu shook his head slightly: "Sorry, things about this organization are confidential. Please forgive me for not being able to tell you."

"Is that so?" Judy frowned slightly, but didn't say anything more.

"Ahem!" Officer Megure coughed twice and continued seriously: "Now let me briefly explain the circumstances of the shooting incident that occurred near Narita Airport today."

"This afternoon's shooting was the result of a sniper attack on Jack Waltz."

"Jack Waltz disclosed information about his stay in the hotel to the police, which caused our police to send a large number of police officers there for protection, but in fact, he never checked into that hotel from the beginning."

"He wanted to attract the sniper's attention in this way, and then secretly take a plane back to China."

Hearing this, the police officers present at the meeting all had unhappy expressions.

"Are you actually treating our police like monkeys?" Officer Shiratiao looked a little gloomy. Fortunately, he was so attentive in surveying the environment around the hotel!

Officer Sato also looked quite unhappy: "In other words, he spent so much effort to secretly go to the airport, but in the end he was discovered by the murderer, right?"

"That's true." Officer Megure nodded: "However, the complexity of the matter is still beyond imagination."

"Huh?" Everyone looked at him at the same time.

Officer Megure did not explain immediately, but operated the projection screen.

After a moment, a satellite image appeared on the projection screen.

On the image, four red dots are marked, numbered A, B, C, and D respectively.

Officer Megure first pointed to point A and said: "This is Narita International Airport. Before the incident, Waltz had already arrived at the airport's departure lounge and seemed to be preparing to board the plane."

He pointed to point B again and said: "The murderer who saw through his plan came to Building B and prepared to sniper Waltz."

Officer Sato raised his hand: "I remember there was no chaos at the airport, right?"

"Well! Because the murderer did not fire that shot." Officer Megure pointed at point C and said: "Because he was stopped by another sniper in building C, the attempt to attack Waltz was not completed, but... …”

Officer Megure was silent for two seconds, pointed at point D and said: "In Building D, the body of another sniper was found. After confirmation, the sniper's identity is that of Mr. Mark Spencer, a consultant to the US military in Japan. Bodyguard, Carlos Lee.”

"What!?" The expressions of the three FBI agents changed at the same time after hearing this!

"Yes." Officer Megure nodded: "According to the ballistic analysis of the shot, the bullet should have been fired from Building B, which means..."

Officer Memu didn't say any more, but everyone understood what he meant.

"So, Waltz sneaking to the airport itself is also a bait." James analyzed calmly: "This was probably planned by Mr. Spencer, who wanted to catch the sniper hired by Yoshino, but the result was..."

"Judging from the situation at the scene, it is correct." Officer Memu nodded and said: "Mr. Carlos was shot by a counter-sniper and unfortunately died."

Officer Takagi touched his chin: "So, after killing Mr. Carlos, the murderer was stopped by another sniper? Who was that sniper?"

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