Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1335 Checks and Balances

Hearing James' request, Officer Memu suddenly looked embarrassed: "In fact, our first class has also negotiated with the team. After all, Gin was the murderer who attacked Waltz before. This case was also our first class. Following up."

"But the proposal was rejected over there, and our section chief went to negotiate personally but failed."

"This..." James frowned immediately.

After pondering for a while, he spoke again: "Then can you take us to negotiate with the relevant person in charge of your organization's crime countermeasures department?"

"That's no problem!" Officer Memu agreed readily this time.

"Thank you very much." James thanked him sincerely.

"You're welcome, please wait a moment." Officer Megure said, then came to the side and started making calls.

The three FBI people also roughly guessed that they were communicating with them, so naturally they wouldn't bother.

"Hello! I am Megure from the Investigation Section 1 of the Criminal Department..." Officer Megure chatted with the other person and explained the situation here to the other person.

After a while, he hung up the phone and returned to the FBI trio, saying, "They said they could meet and talk with a few people over there, but I'm afraid I can't spare the time tonight. We'll meet at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Is it convenient for you guys? ?”

After hearing this, James was silent for two seconds and said: "We have no problem, we will arrive on time tomorrow."

"Okay, I will take you there when the time comes." Officer Megure nodded.

"So, about the extradition of Yoshino and Hunter..." James brought up what Officer Megure originally left them talking about.

Officer Megure smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem with this. From now on, just follow the normal procedures."

"That's good." James nodded lightly, making sure that Yoshino and Hunter could be extradited smoothly, and their trip this time was not in vain.

Afterwards, the FBI trio said goodbye.

Officer Megure had no intention of staying. This was the Metropolitan Police Department, not a good place to entertain guests.


Metropolitan Police Parking Lot.

Kamel drove James and Judy out of the parking lot entrance.

After the Metropolitan Police Department was completely out of sight, Judy looked at James: "Isn't it just an excuse not to meet tonight?"

James chuckled: "Maybe? However, after all, people fall into the opponent's hands first, so they have to squeeze some value out of Gin."

Judy was a little puzzled: "Gin is not a weak-willed guy. Ordinary interrogation methods have extremely limited effect on him. It is not realistic to try to pry information out of his mouth in one night, right?"

"Could they want to take advantage of tonight to do something?"

James shook his head slightly: "No, if you want to do anything, Officer Memu will not tell us about Gin from the beginning."

Judy was right. If the police officer didn't tell them the news, by the time they received it, the day lily would be cold.

James's eyes flashed with wisdom and he said calmly: "Let the Japanese police hand over the gin to us. The difficulty is not with the Metropolitan Police."

Judy and Kamel were both stunned.

"After you go back, contact the headquarters and report the situation." James said.

Kamel was still a little confused after hearing this, and didn't understand the connection between James's words before and after.

But Judy seemed to realize something, and her face changed slightly.

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

James glanced at her, smiled slightly, and said no more.


Gu Lin

The next day, at 9:30 a.m., Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

The FBI trio arrived here half an hour early, and Officer Megure received the notice and came to receive them.

"Please come with me." Officer Megure raised his hand to lead the way.

After a while, the three of them followed Officer Megure to a conference room.

There were already two people waiting in the conference room.

One of them is a man in his thirties, with a thin build and a featureless face.

From the cherry blossom badge on his chest, it can be inferred that he should be a police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department.

On the other side was a rather young brown-haired woman.

The faces of the three FBI people changed at the same time.

The brown-haired woman who was stamped was wearing a U.S. Marine Corps uniform!

James glanced at the epaulettes the other party was wearing and instantly judged that the other party was a second lieutenant!

Her military rank is not high, but since she appears here, it means that the US military stationed in Japan will also get involved in this matter!

James's expression instantly became solemn.

His guess was indeed correct. The reason why the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department chose this time to meet was to give the matter time to ferment!

Although Japan is an "ally" of the United States, the impact on public opinion of such unannounced armed activities and injuries to ordinary people cannot be ignored.

Moreover, this unannounced operation ended in failure. Not only did no one be arrested, but a sniper was killed.

Although Mark Spencer is a former rear admiral and currently serves as an adviser to the US military in Japan, and has considerable influence in US military bases, he must be held accountable for such serious mistakes.

What's even more disturbing is that the murderer who killed Carlos was finally caught by the Japanese police.

It can be said that Spencer's operation caused a huge loss of face for the US military!

How to save the face of the US military has become Spencer's top priority.

At least, the US military needs to give a reasonable explanation for this operation.

It is obviously a good reason to secretly prevent KB activities and arrest KB elements.

But in the face of a serious situation where a gun battle breaks out in the building and affects civilians, if no one is caught in the end, then this explanation may arouse greater doubts.

Therefore, they have to get the person from the Metropolitan Police Department. Even if they cannot come, they must let the Metropolitan Police Department cooperate with them and make it look like "our US military has arrested the person and handed it over to the Metropolitan Police Department."

So, the second lieutenant of the Marine Corps came.

Officer Megure specifically informed them that the FBI also had a reasonable explanation.

Although it is the US military who is at fault, the premise of being reasonable is that the status of both sides is basically equal.

Unfortunately, it is difficult for the Japanese police to be on an "equal" footing with the US military.

Even if it is reasonable, if the US military is really determined to do something, the police cannot go against its will.

So, the police found them FBI.

Although they are both from the United States, the FBI and the US military stationed in Japan are not of the same mind. Even in this matter, there is a considerable degree of conflict of interest between them and the US military stationed in Japan.

In other words, this is to use their FBI to impose certain checks and balances on the US military.

With many thoughts running through their minds in an instant, James and Judy Kammer came to the ordinary-looking police officer and U.S. Army second lieutenant and said, "Who are these two?"

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