Although he had doubts about his superior's order, Toru Amuro decided to carry it out.

On the one hand, this does not conflict with Rum's order, and killing Gin is an acceptable result for Rum.

On the other hand, he had no psychological burden at all about killing Gin.

Gin is an out-and-out executioner, his hands are stained with the blood of innocent people. Such a person can die a hundred times without any injustice.

Toru Amuro doesn't feel any guilt for killing such a person.

However, he still felt a little guilty about this instruction.

Just then, the phone vibrated again.

Toru Amuro slowed down the car, took out his phone and looked at the screen.

Another message came from the superior.

This time the message is quite long.

Seeing this, Toru Amuro simply found a place to stop the car and began to read the message carefully.

As he read, his eyes gradually opened wide, revealing unconcealable surprise in his eyes.

After a while, he read all the information, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his lips: "I see, that's what happened..."

Afterwards, he deleted this message and the messages he had received before, then took out another mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hey! It's me. I've found traces of gin and vodka... Well, from now on you follow my instructions!"

After making this call, Toru Amuro restarted the car and drove towards the distance.


On a certain road, a 7-seater SUV was caught in the middle of heavy traffic.

In the car, sitting in the front two rows were the FBI trio and Yoshino, who was completely under control.

The back row has been modified, and there are two stretchers on which gin and vodka are lying quietly.

They were all injected with powerful anesthetics before leaving the hospital, and they would not be able to wake up for a while.

Judy glanced at her watch irritably: "Damn it! If the traffic continues like this, we will miss our flight! Why don't we just let the police clear the way for us!"

"Isn't this not good?" Kamel hesitated: "I heard that there was a small traffic accident. The people from the traffic department are handling it. It shouldn't take much time."

"Although it is very slow, our car is still moving forward, right? It means that the matter is not serious and normal traffic should be restored soon."

"But we still have three suspects with us!" Judy frowned: "Even if there are colleagues from the airport to help, Yoshino can still say that it is not so convenient to transport the next two lying on stretchers!"

James looked at his watch and said, "Contact the police. It's best to get the three suspects on the flight today."

"Yes!" Seeing that James agreed with her proposal, Judy was unambiguous and immediately contacted the police.

"Hey! Is this Officer Megure? I'm Judy, this is it..."

He described the situation the three of them encountered.

"Oh? Got stuck on the road? Okay! I'll go and ask for you right away!" Officer Memu said simply.

"That's troublesome." Judy thanked her and hung up the phone.

About three minutes later, Officer Megure called over and said, "I asked, and the traffic department said it's almost done. It'll be done in about five minutes."

"Five minutes?" Judy looked at her watch and estimated the time.

It should be in time!

"Okay! Let's continue to wait!" After asking Officer Memu for help, Judy hung up the phone and talked about the situation with two colleagues.

"Then we have to wait." James could only nod when he saw this.

Gu Hao

Then, the three of them began to wait.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Seven minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Judy's face became increasingly impatient: "What's going on? Didn't you say it would be fine in five minutes?"

As a result, before she finished speaking, the car in front of her that was originally traveling at a slow speed suddenly sped up.

"Okay?" Judy cheered up.

"I think it took a little longer to collect the traffic class, right? That's why it took two minutes longer than expected." Kamel guessed.

"Now that traffic has resumed, Kamel, hurry over as soon as possible. Even if you are speeding, it doesn't matter. The ticket will be reimbursed later." James said.

"Okay!" Kamel did not raise any objection to James' order. He also knew that time was running out now and some extraordinary measures had to be taken.

"Judy, notify the police and say that because the matter is urgent, we have to speed and rush to the airport." James said to Judy again.

"Yes! I'll contact you immediately!" Judy nodded.

Although there is a suspicion of killing them first and telling them later, at least they said hello, so the police should not embarrass them too much.

The SUV followed the flow of traffic for a certain distance. After passing an intersection, the traffic situation became much better due to the diversion of vehicles.

"Okay! Then I'll speed up!" Kamel reminded and stepped on the accelerator!


The speed of the SUV suddenly increased and soon exceeded the speed limit on urban roads.

Kamel's driving skills are not limited. Although there is a constant flow of traffic in the city, he drives this SUV, which cannot be called compact, but moves through the traffic like a fish.

As expected, a patrol car quickly appeared behind them.

However, the patrol car did not shout anything, nor did it mean to force them to stop. It just followed them at a short distance.

The three FBI people understood it at first glance. They figured that the police already knew about the situation, but they couldn't just ignore it completely, so they asked a patrol car to keep an eye on it.

When we get to the place and the three of us work together to admit our mistakes and accept the punishments, the matter will be settled.

Judy stared at the time while paying attention to the surrounding scenery, estimating how far it was from Narita Airport.

However, due to the time wasted before, even if you are speeding, the time is still quite tight, and there is a risk of being delayed at any time.

Suddenly, the speed of the SUV suddenly dropped.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Judy looked at Kamel in confusion.

"Ahead is the last intersection before Narita Airport, and it happens to be a red light now." Kamel explained.

Judy took a look, and sure enough, there was a bright red light ahead, and many vehicles had stopped.

If that was the case, Kamel wouldn't be able to pass these vehicles with his excellent driving skills.

But because it is near the airport, the flow of people is quite large. As soon as the red light turns on, quite a few people have already begun to cross the road.

If Kamel charged hard, he might injure one or two people.

Seeing this, Judy could only sigh: "Okay, we really have to stop."

They are the FBI, and speeding is just to catch a flight, but because they have to injure ordinary citizens to catch a flight, their moral level is not so low.

However, precisely because of the large flow of people, the red light is not short, a full 90 seconds!

When the red light ended, Kamel restarted the car and drove into Narita International Airport as quickly as possible to hand over to other FBI agents waiting there.

Unfortunately, they were still a step too late.

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