Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1349 Weird alarm call

Night gradually fell.

James still stayed in the living room, Judy went to the bedroom to take a nap, and was now full of energy. Kamal had returned from traffic class an hour ago.

The FBI, who was out for a stroll, also returned to the villa and bought dinner for his companions staying in the villa.

"Haha! It's quite rich!" Kamel smiled as he looked at the food on the table.

Judy picked up a hamburger and took a bite, then said: "According to the arrangement, after dinner, it will be my turn to guard, right?" "

"It's me after twelve o'clock in the morning, right?" Kamel confirmed.

"Yeah!" James nodded.

Afterwards, the FBI team began to clear out the dinner, and soon they were full of wine and food.

Judy and two other FBI colleagues replaced the first group of people guarding the suspect, and the people who were rotated went to the next room to rest after dinner.

There were not enough beds for three people in the room, but three FBI agents were not pretentious. Three people could still fit in a two-meter-wide bed.

James rarely stood up from the sofa and said to his other companions who were watching TV: "I'm going out for a walk."

"OK!" The companions waved their hands and didn't pay much attention. They were just taking a walk. Didn't they also go out for a walk in the afternoon?

After James said hello to his companions, he went out.

After leaving the villa, James wandered around the villa.

He has a leisurely demeanor and a leisurely pace. People who don't know him would just think that he is an old man out for a walk.

Under his leisurely appearance, James' eyes were scanning the surroundings without leaving a trace.

After all, he couldn't ignore the uneasiness in his heart.

Although the source of this uneasiness makes no sense.

But decades of career as an agent still make James choose to be cautious.

James walked and looked around. This area was a residential area, but there were also some small shops selling daily necessities and late-night snack spots such as izakayas.

The office worker who had just gotten off work walked up the stairs of the apartment with a tired look on his face. It seemed that a child who had just finished dinner was holding his mother's hand, looking around curiously and a little shyly.

What a warm and simple picture of life!

Looking at the scenes full of life around him, James' originally tense heart relaxed a lot.

"Am I...too sensitive?" He couldn't help but ask himself.

Sighing slightly, James continued to move forward aimlessly, his eyes instinctively observing the surroundings, but he no longer had the same concentration as when he first went out.

And on the rooftop of an apartment a few hundred meters away from him.

Toru Amuro put down the telescope, blinked his tired eyes, and thought to himself: "Okay, okay, this guy is not so perverted that he can feel his gaze from hundreds of meters away..."

"But this old man is really cautious! It's really not easy to be that guy's boss..."

With a murmur in his heart, Amuro Toru rolled his eyes slightly, turned on the communicator, and said, "Are you all ready?"

"Yes! Lord Bourbon! You can take action at any time!" A report from a subordinate of the black organization came from the other side.

"Very good!" Amuro's eyes flashed, and he said solemnly: "The plan is ahead of schedule, let's start taking action now!"

"Yes!" His subordinates did not question Amuro Tohru's early execution of the plan.


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

The responding police officer from the Search Section 1 was standing by the phone as usual.

At this time, the phone suddenly rang.


The originally listless police officer cheered up a little and answered the phone: "Hello! This is the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Section 1..."

"Help! Come and save me!" A rapid and suppressed female voice came.

When the police officer heard the voice, his expression suddenly became stern, but he was quite experienced. He slightly sped up his speech but kept his tone calm: "Miss, please calm down! What happened? Where are you now?"

"I... I'm in Cupido Town..." The woman reported an address intermittently, and then said with fear in her tone: "He... is about to find me... Come quickly... ah!"

The woman opposite suddenly let out a scream, and then there was a burst of noise in the ears of the police officer.

"Hey! Miss! Miss, how are you?" the police officer called out quickly.

There was a whimpering sound that seemed to come from a woman on the other end of the phone, and then the call was hung up, leaving only a busy tone in the answering officer's ears.

The expression on the receiving officer's face suddenly turned ugly, and he immediately contacted the Office of the First Search Section.

The two police officers Takagi and Sato who were on duty were shocked when they heard the situation.

"The feeling at the end of the phone call was not good!" Officer Takagi said worriedly.

Officer Sato tore off a piece of note paper from his notepad and said, "I wrote down the address Morita mentioned just now. Anyway, it may be related to a life. Let's go and take a look first!"

"Okay!" Officer Takagi also felt that it made sense and immediately started preparing to leave.

A few minutes later, Officer Sato drove Officer Takagi out of the Metropolitan Police Department in a red Mazda. They also contacted the nearest police station to that address and asked them to dispatch police immediately and rush to the target location.


James suddenly stopped.

He looked around, a trace of trance flashing in his eyes.

"Have you actually come this far..."

Unconsciously, he had walked nearly two kilometers.

"You're really old!" Sighing helplessly in his heart, James immediately turned around and returned along the original path.

He returned much faster than when he came, and he was back near the villa in about fifteen minutes.

James looked around again, and after seeing nothing unusual, he prepared to open the door and enter the villa.

At this moment, a piercing siren sounded in his ears!

James looked around and saw two police cars roaring towards them.


After screeching brakes, two police cars stopped in front of the villa.

The car door opened, and two police officers, Sato and Takagi, and several police officers got out of the car.

They raised their heads, and their eyes met James's.

"Mr. James?" Officer Sato asked in surprise.

"Is it you?" James also recognized the two police officers, then frowned and asked in confusion: "Why are you two here?"

Officer Sato took a look at James and saw that he was well dressed and had a key in his hand, obviously ready to open the door.

Officer Sato's eyes flashed, and he faintly realized that something was wrong, so he did not hide it and informed James of the situation.

After hearing the situation, James frowned even more tightly.

emergency call? It seems like a woman whose life is in danger?

But how could it be here? There is no one else here except the FBI!

While James was thinking about it, the door of the villa was opened, and several FBI agents came out, looking at the police officers with slightly doubtful and wary eyes.

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