Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 135 Moritani Teiji’s Afternoon Tea Party

Kudo House.

"Where's that letter?" Yu Gongming looked at Meng Yu.

"Here, you can read it yourself." Meng Yu handed a letter to Yu Gongming.

Yu Gongming took the letter and browsed it quickly.

After a long time, Yu Gongming returned the letter to Meng Yu with a solemn expression: "Moritani Emperor's afternoon tea invitation?"

"Yes, as the letter said, on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 29, the famous architect Moritani Teiji invited my brother to attend a tea party held by him." Meng Yu said lightly.

"Where's the invitation?"

"It's at my brother's place. We can follow him together then."

Yu Gongming thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay, we will go meet that paranoid on April 29th."

"One more thing, Xiaolan made an appointment with my brother to go to a midnight movie on May 3rd. My brother is now very hesitant to agree." Mengyu added.

"Hesitation? Can he still go to the movies with Xiaolan in this condition? There is no one to help him make a temporary antidote." Yu Gongming was speechless.

"Xiaolan plans to give her carefully selected red casual shirt as a birthday gift to her brother at midnight on May 4th after watching the movie."

"The girl you like gives her a carefully selected gift on her birthday. If it were you, would you be moved?"

"Well, if this is the case, it's no wonder that your brother can't stay rational. After all, that's Xiaolan!" Yu Gongming suddenly felt thoughtful.

"So, now my brother is in endless tangles. I heard from him that he seems to want to find Dr. Ali and ask him to make him a bionic robot or something." Mengyu chuckled.

"...To be honest, I think if the doctor is given enough funding, he might actually be able to do it." Akira Hanomiya complained.

"However, as we all know, although the doctor's income has always been a mystery, but with his drive to come up with some weird but economically useless inventions from time to time, it is estimated that he will not have so much money to burn." Dream Whisper smiled.

"Forget it, let Conan worry about this kind of thing. We just need to deal with that paranoid old man Moritani Teiji." Akira Hanomiya shrugged.

"That's right. Stopping Moritani Teiji from detonating the popcorn municipal building will not only save many innocent people, but also because of the police search and the panic of the people, the movie will not be shown as scheduled, and there is no need for my brother to show up. See how my brother comforted Xiaolan." Meng Yu nodded in agreement.


April 29, in front of Moritani Residence.

The Maori family, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu stepped out of the taxi one after another.

After the security guard confirmed the invitation letter submitted by Xiaolan, he allowed several people to enter Moritani House.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" As soon as she arrived at the vestibule, Xiaolan was deeply attracted by the European classical atmosphere of the building.

"This is indeed a traditional British seventeenth-century, orthodox Stuart dynasty building." Mouri Kogoro said calmly.

"Huh? Dad, are you so knowledgeable about architecture?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

Even Conan couldn't help but look over.

"Haha, when your father and I were young, they were called mobile libraries. You guys are looking at both sides of these buildings." Mouri Kogoro said with a proud look on his face.

Several people couldn't help but look around.

"I see, is this the so-called symmetrical design?" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"That's right! Whether it's a garden or a building, if you take the pool in front as the center, it's symmetrical!" Xiaolan pointed to the pool in front of her that was spraying water and exclaimed.

"Haha, Professor Moritani spent his time in England until high school. Because of this, he is particularly fascinated by British architecture. His persistence in classical symmetrical architecture is not something that ordinary people can understand!" Moori Kogoro Talk freely.

However, Conan noticed that on Mouri Kogoro's hanging left hand, there was a piece of paper with densely written small characters.

"So he was carrying a cheat sheet..." Conan's mouth twitched and he turned his eyes slightly, just in time to see Yu Gongming and Meng Yu's eyes also falling on the cheat sheet.

The three of them looked at each other and immediately understood.

Mouri Kogoro suddenly didn't realize that his behavior had been seen by everyone except Xiaolan, and he continued to talk:

"It is said that Professor Moritani's real name was Sadaharu, but because of his obsession with symmetry, he later changed it to Teiji."

"Uncle Maori has done quite well in his homework..." Yu Gongming muttered in his heart.

In Mouri Kogoro's narration, Xiaolan looked around and admired the surrounding scenery, her eyes getting brighter and brighter:

"It's really beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful front yard!"

"It's an honor for me to be praised by you." came an old voice with a hint of elegance.

Several people heard the news and went away, only to see a man in his forties, wearing a green suit and slicked back hair, walking slowly.

"Hello everyone, I am Moritani Teiji." The man introduced himself with a smile.

"Ah! Hello, I am Mao Lilan, these are my father and Conan, and these two here are Kudo Mengyu and Yu Miyazaki."

"Because Shin... Kudo Shinichi really couldn't accept the invitation, so we came instead of him." Xiaolan apologized.

"Oh? Mr. Kudo didn't come?" Moritani Teiji seemed a little disappointed.

"Yes, my brother is too busy to come, please forgive me." Meng Yu said.

"Although Brother Shinichi didn't come, we do have two famous detectives here!" Conan said.

"Oh? Two famous detectives?"

"Ahem!" Mouri Kogoro coughed lightly, stepped forward, and stretched out his right hand.

"Hello, I am Kogoro Mori."

Originally, according to Japanese etiquette, one should bow to each other when meeting for the first time. However, because Moritani Teiji had lived in England for a long time, and the architectural style was mainly European, Kogoro Mouri used the Western handshake etiquette.

Moritani Teiji was stunned for a moment, and then he also stretched out his hand:

"So you are the famous Maori detective. I'm sorry. This must be Detective Hanomiya." Moriya Teiji looked at Hanomiya Akira.

"Hello, Professor Moritani, I've seen you for a long time." Akira Hanomiya nodded in greeting.

"Two famous detectives are here, and the humble abode is really full of splendor. So, please come with me, distinguished guests." Moritani Teiji said with a smile.


Moritani Teiji led several people to the backyard.

"Afternoon tea is held here." Moritani Teiji said with a smile.

There were already many guests in the backyard. Conan looked around for a while and couldn't help but secretly sighed:

"It's worthy of being an afternoon tea party at a famous building. The guests here are either musicians, models, famous entrepreneurs and critics. They are all familiar faces that can often be seen on TV..."

There is a long table placed in the center of the backyard. On the table are various tea snacks with exquisite shapes and attractive colors.

"Please don't be polite, just spend the afternoon here."

Xiaolan looked at the refreshments on the table with bright eyes and exclaimed: "Are these snacks all made by hand?"

"Formal afternoon tea, of course, guests must be served with handmade snacks. Please feel free to enjoy them." Moritani Teiji said with a smile.

Xiaolan picked up a biscuit with anticipation and took a small bite.

"How is it?" Moritani asked with a smile.

"It tastes really good!" Xiaolan laughed.

Yu Gongming also came to the long table, picked up a piece of snack and tasted it.

"It's indeed quite delicious...these snacks are all symmetrical from shape to presentation. Sure enough, Teiji Moritani's obsession with symmetry has reached a morbid level..." Akira Hanamiya muttered in his heart.

Of course, no matter how you feel about Moritani Teiji, the food is indeed delicious, and Hamamiya Akira also gave a heartfelt praise after tasting it.

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