The next morning, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

James and Kamel of the FBI walked out of the Metropolitan Police Department building, returned to their car, and drove away from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Judy did not come today. During the firefight with the raiders the night before, she and the other two FBI guards were hit by bullets and were unable to move.

James was sitting in the passenger seat, looking relatively calm, while Kamel, who was driving, looked obviously depressed.

After being silent for a long time, Kamel couldn't help but speak: "It was only one night, but the guys in the organization still seized the opportunity! In the end, Gin was silenced by them!"

James looked far ahead and replied calmly: "This time, the opponent made a better move, so we can only admit defeat. However, the organization was forced by the police to silence Gin in the end, so that's not the case. A total winner.”

Kamel suddenly looked a little sad when he heard this: "Given how difficult Gin is, I am afraid that only Mr. Akai can defeat him. I originally thought that Gin would only fall in front of Mr. Akai in the end, but now both of them are already……"

When James heard this, his expression also changed a little, and he said with a little emotion: "Both Akai and Gin are people who are always dancing between life and death. Countless crises have made them strong, but no matter how strong they are, in real life Even in the face of crises, we are still vulnerable.”

Kamel's expression suddenly darkened when he heard this.

Seeing this, James patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, just concentrate on driving. We will stop at the Western restaurant we ate at yesterday. Judy said she quite liked the taste of that restaurant."

"Okay!" Kamel knew that the other party was deliberately changing the topic, so he cheered up a little and turned his attention to driving.

After comforting Kamel, James turned to look out the window, seemingly admiring the urban scene with tall buildings.

However, his heart was not as peaceful as it seemed.

They have just learned the current investigation results from the police.

As expected, those who attacked were indeed members of the organization, and the mastermind behind the attack was Rum, the top executive of the organization.

In the end, despite the police's full pursuit, the commander of the operation, the man in black who took Gin away, found the opportunity to silence Gin and leave safely.

And Gin's identity has been confirmed many times, and it is indeed him.

Yesterday, Yoshino and Vodka were escorted by FBI colleagues and boarded a plane to the United States. By calculation, they should have arrived at the FBI branch in New York.

Today, Gin's death is confirmed, and this matter should be settled.

Their temporary mission this time has been completed and they can return to "vacation" status.

However, although there was no basis for it, James always felt that the whole thing was weird.

"What the hell..." James murmured in his heart, unable to tell for a moment whether this was due to his own paranoia again?


Inside a white Mercedes Benz that is driving in Cupido Town, Tokyo.

In the driver's seat, a lean man dressed in black was driving the car intently.

Even though he doesn't look tall, his cold expression and extremely sharp eyes tell everyone who sees him that he is not easy to mess with.

In the back row, a bald middle-aged man with a broad jaw and gloomy eyes was sitting on the sofa in a very relaxed posture.

If you observe carefully, you can find that his left eye is a little less energetic than his right eye. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as dull.

Obviously, this is a prosthetic eye.

His clothes could not be called luxurious, and his appearance could not be called handsome, but even though he was sitting there so relaxedly, he still exuded an aura of calmness and authority.

Grain meat

He knew a lot of people, and a lot of people knew him.

But most people only know a part of him, or in other words, only the side he wants others to know.

And the identity he plays now belongs to the one that only a very few people are qualified to know.

The second-in-command of the black organization and one of BOSS’s confidants—Rum.

He is also the current person in charge of all affairs of the organization in Tokyo.

A cell phone rang in the car.

Rum took out his cell phone from his pocket leisurely and answered the sudden call.

"Lord Rum! The investigation you asked me to investigate has come to a conclusion!" A respectful male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Say." Rum said calmly, his voice low and oppressive.

To the other person, the tone of this sentence seemed to have been mechanically synthesized without any personal characteristics, but the pressure in the tone was still conveyed without any discount.

The person on the other side hurriedly said: "We compared Gin's fingerprints with the corpse that was killed in the bombing. The fingerprints are a perfect match. The internal police files also support this. The corpse should be Gin."

"Oh? That corpse actually retained complete fingerprints?" Rum asked.

"No, it's not." The other person replied: "In fact, due to the explosion, Gin's fingerprints were more or less mutilated, but some valid fingerprints were still retained. We compared these fingerprints one by one. In the end, the error was eliminated and it was confirmed that it was the same person."

When Rum heard this, he rolled his right eye slightly and replied: "Okay, I understand. I will contact you if there are any tasks in the future."

Then he hung up the phone.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, the doubts in his heart still did not dissipate.

Yes, doubts.

Although this operation failed to successfully rescue Gin, silencing Gin also achieved the goal of preventing the organization's secrets from being leaked. Although it was not the best result, it was still acceptable.

Now after feedback from his subordinates, it was indeed Gin who was killed in the explosion, and this matter should be over.

But Rum still felt something was wrong.

He carefully read the action report submitted by Bourbon. Bourbon expressed deep introspection that the operation did not successfully complete the mission.

In that report, he reviewed that he had underestimated the police's response capabilities. Originally, he wanted to use the police to increase the probability of the FBI's attention being diverted. Unexpectedly, the police officers who arrived at the scene responded very quickly, making the personnel responsible for the rearguard unable to fully recover. retreat.

In the end, the police pursuit came very quickly, and he was forced to implement the silence plan.

In the entire report, Bourbon listed his thoughts on actions and omissions in his considerations. His attitude was quite correct, and there were no major problems in the entire report based on the facts.

But Rum always felt something was strange.

Although the FBI was alert, it was not easy to attract the FBI's attention at that time. Using the police was indeed a good idea.

But having the police arrive at the scene will also allow them to respond faster after taking action.

Bourbon stated in the report that he believed that they acted quickly enough. The FBI and the police were not of the same mind. When the police and FBI explained the matter clearly, and then notified the Metropolitan Police Headquarters, he had already evacuated to an unknown place with Gin. Got it!

However, the fact is that the police responded extremely quickly, which caused great obstacles to Bourbon's retreat.

Is this really just a mistake caused by Bourbon's carelessness in underestimating the enemy?

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