Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1368 Unexpected Visitor

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu looked at each other for a while.

Meng Yu raised her eyebrows slightly and said nothing, just looking at Yu Gongming with a half-smile.

There was a hint of embarrassment on Yu Gongming's face, and he coughed lightly and said, "Come on! Let's try the new desserts first!"

Mengyu winked at him playfully again, and after saying "Okay", she started to move on her own initiative.

Yu Gongming touched his nose and joined in the process of destroying food.

Meng Yu just seemed to be teasing Yu Gongming for having such a fan.

In Yu Gongming's perception, a vague line of sight quietly retracted.

About half an hour later.

Wakita’s newly developed desserts also show their true colors.

"It turns out to be a nutty chocolate cake!" Mengyu suddenly said.

"Yes!" Wakita nodded and introduced enthusiastically: "But I have improved the types of nuts and the ratio of each raw material. Whether it is taste or texture, it is not comparable to ordinary nut chocolate cake! "

"Then let's have a good look at it!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Afterwards, the two began to taste the nutty chocolate cake in front of them.

I have to say that the taste is indeed quite good. At least in the opinion of Akira Hanamiya, this cake is better than the previous chef's set meal and mango pudding.

This does seem to be Wakita's work.

For this taste, Yu Gongming naturally did not hesitate to praise him.

Mengyu was also quite satisfied, but compared to Yu Gongming's praise from a simple diner's point of view, Mengyu praised this dessert from a chef's point of view.

When Wakita heard Meng Yu's comment, he seemed to understand that the person in front of him was indeed knowledgeable, and immediately exchanged his cooking experience with him.

However, after a short exchange, Miss Azusa ran over and said somewhat complainingly: "Mr. Wakita, please stop talking now! Other guests are still waiting!"

Wakida Kan heard this and slapped his head: "Oh! I was so absorbed in chatting that I forgot I was still working!"

"But I didn't expect that Miss Mengyu would have such unique insights into dessert making. I really benefited a lot today. If I have time another day, if you don't mind, I would like to come and ask for advice!"

He looked at Akira Hanomiya again: "Of course! I also hope that Detective Hanomiya can share some of your experience as a detective. I hope to learn knowledge about reasoning from you!"

Meng Yu smiled: "I don't mind if you come to visit me, but it is A Ming's house after all. He has the final say whether you agree or not."

Wakida suddenly looked at Hanomiya Akira with a hopeful look on his face.

Yu Gongming touched his chin, thought about it for two seconds, and nodded slightly: "Yes, but because Mengyu usually has to go to school, and I also need to handle commissions, sometimes no one is there at the office."

"If Mr. Wakita wants to visit us, please call us in advance."

"Of course!" Wakita agreed: "Of course you have to notify us in advance when you come to visit, otherwise it would be too rude!"

Yu Gongming immediately took out his mobile phone: "Then if it's convenient, let's exchange contact information!"

Wakita also quickly took out his mobile phone, and the two quickly exchanged contact information with each other.

Wakida took back his phone with a satisfied look on his face, then greeted the two of them and hurried back to the kitchen.

Miss Azusa smiled apologetically at Yu Gongming and the others: "I'm sorry! Mr. Wakida is indeed a little too enthusiastic sometimes, which caused trouble for you two!"

"It doesn't matter." Yu Gongming looked unconcerned.

"After chatting with Mr. Wakita for a while, I also feel that I have benefited a lot!" Meng Yu also smiled.

"As long as you two don't mind." After a pause, Miss Zi continued: "You two should have almost eaten, right?"

"Well! We are indeed almost done eating. Could you please help us pack a piece of the nutty chocolate cake just now?" Akira Hanamiya asked.

"This is Mr. Wakita's newly developed dessert. It has not been officially launched in the store yet. If you want to package it, you may have to wait a while." Miss Azusa replied.

"It's okay, we are not short of time." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Okay! Those two, please wait patiently for a while!" Miss Zi said and walked towards the kitchen.

About forty minutes later.

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu left Poirot Cafe.

The two of them didn't stay outside any longer and went straight back to Yu Gong's house with the desserts in hand.

However, at the door of the living room on the third floor, they met two special guests.

A seven-year-old boy wearing glasses, and an older man who looked a little lazy with his hands in his pockets.

It's Conan and Mouri Kogoro!

"Why are you here?" Meng Yu looked at the two of them in surprise.

"You just came back from Café Poirot?" Conan asked.

Yu Gongming's eyes flashed slightly: "You are also here because of Wakita's matter?"

"That's right!" Mouri Kogoro replied calmly.

When Hanemiya Akira saw Mouri Kogoro's attitude, he suddenly had some guesses in his mind.

He didn't waste any time, opened the door directly, and entered the living room with everyone.

After a while, several people gathered at the sofa and sat down.

"Anything gained?" Conan asked.

Akira Hanomiya then picked out the key points and shared his experience of going to the coffee shop with the two of them.

"If I guess correctly, the fact that Miss Azusa asked me for my autograph was not the so-called [cousin's] request, but Wakita's instruction."

"Wakita should have used some kind of rhetoric to instigate Miss Azusa to ask for my signature to test my attitude. At that time, when Miss Azusa was asking for my signature, I felt the gaze coming from the direction of the kitchen."

"Afterwards, seeing that I did not refuse to sign, Wakita took the initiative to talk to me and actively established contact with me."

He looked at Mouri Kogoro and Conan: "My visit this time seems to be within his expectation?"

Conan nodded: "When he handed me the coupons, he did do some suspected inducement. He gave two to my uncle and two to me."

"At that time, Wakita kept saying how interested he was in reasoning and how much he admired famous detectives."

"Maybe he knows that I am your [apprentice]. At that time, he was talking about detectives and reasoning like crazy, just to guide me to hand over the coupons to you."

Yu Gongming's eyes flashed: "Interesting, it is not a 100% successful method, but once successful, it will be quite natural and will not arouse suspicion."

"He seems to be following this logic today, right?" Meng Yu said thoughtfully: "It's hard to predict A Ming's attitude by asking Miss Zi to ask for an autograph."

"And he is also using Miss Zi to let us know that he is a person who loves [reasoning] and [cooking] very much, so that his enthusiasm for us will not appear abrupt later."

Yu Gongming nodded in agreement: "Judging from the current situation, he is pursuing the most natural way to approach us!"

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