Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1370 Camping again?

In the blink of an eye, another week has passed.

This week, the "holiday" is finally over. Both Mengyu Xiaolan and Conan have resumed normal schooling. Without his assistant, Yu Gongming can only entertain visiting clients by himself.

There are not many commissions this week, and Yu Gongming's work is still relatively free.

As a famous detective, the bottom line of commission fees is there, so although the commissions are not many, the earnings are not much at all.

It is worth mentioning that Wakita Kanori has visited once this week.

As he said before, he was simply asking for some reasoning questions and discussing cases he had been involved with in the past with Akira Hanamiya.

Regarding reasoning issues, Akira Hanomiya has experienced so many cases and is considered a senior detective. Some theoretical things can be said to be at his fingertips, which is more than enough to deal with Wakida Kanori.

As for the previous cases, Yu Gongming was cautious. After all, some cases would involve organizations to some extent, so Yu Gongming would have some reservations when talking.

After a conversation, at least on the surface it seemed like the host and guest were enjoying themselves.

Akira Hanomiya originally wanted to test the other person during the conversation, but unfortunately Wakita played the role of a "good student" very faithfully, spending most of his time asking questions and rarely expressing his own opinions.

After the whole process, Yu Gongming didn't find a good opportunity.

Wakita would probably visit from time to time in the future. Akira Hanamiya believed that Wakida, who approached him with a certain purpose, would eventually show his fox tail.

That evening, Yu Gongming saw that the business hours had arrived, so he prepared to close the business.

"Dream Whisper should be back soon... I wonder what will be for dinner tonight?"

With this thought in his mind, Yu Gongming closed the door of the office and put up a sign saying it was closed.

At this time, the sound of footsteps going upstairs reached his ears.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Mengyu and Conan walking up together.

"Huh? Conan, why are you here again?" Yu Gongming asked doubtfully.

Conan rolled his eyes: "What are you talking about? It's like I'm disturbing you by coming here!"

Yu Gongming curled his lips: "Isn't this nonsense? You disturbed the world between me and Mengyu!"

"Tch~" Conan suddenly showed a look of displeasure: "It's as if no one has a girlfriend. If there wasn't something important, I wouldn't come over!"

Yumiya Ming laughed and said: "So reluctant? It's better to leave without seeing him off!"

He raised his hand slightly, as if seeing off guests.

Conan choked for a moment, then turned his head to the side: "I told you that there is something important!"

"Okay!" Seeing this, Yu Gongming stopped teasing him, and his expression returned to seriousness: "Then come up."

After a while, several people sat on the sofa in the living room on the third floor.

"What's going on? Tell me." Yu Gongming said.

"Did you read yesterday's news?" Conan asked.

"I saw it." Yu Gongming recalled the contents of the newspaper he saw yesterday, and his expression changed: "Is it the news about [Elementary School Teacher Fights a Murderer] that you want to talk about?"

"That's right!" Conan nodded: "At that time, Haibara, Ayumi and I, the tiger screen used to rehearse the stage play was broken, and the tiger photo used as a template was taken home by Mr. Wakasa."

"In order to ensure that the redrawn tiger matched my size, a few of us came to Teacher Wakasa's house, and then we encountered a murder case at a neighbor's house."

"Originally I thought we just met by chance, but I found her shopping invoice that morning at Teacher Ruoxia's house. The invoice recorded the five plates and cups she used to entertain us."

"So, I suspect that she may have been aware of her neighbor's murderous plan, but she didn't stop it. Instead, she led us to her house, where we encountered the murder."

After hearing the narrative, Yu Gongming narrowed his eyes: "Is she targeting you?"

"I'm afraid so." Conan nodded solemnly: "As you said, she is a master. At that time, the prisoner wanted to wait for an opportunity to escape and rushed towards us."

"Then Mr. Wakasa stood in front of us. The man fell down after bumping into Mr. Wakasa, and the teacher was staggered by the impact."

"The fallen prisoner was trying to get up, but was hit squarely on the temple by the fallen teacher Wakasa's elbow, and he soon lost consciousness."

When Conan said this, he couldn't help but laugh: "Since she is a master recognized by Yumiya, I don't believe that her subduing the prisoner was just a [coincidence]."

"That Wakasa is indeed a master. I am very sure of this. Such a master would have no difficulty in dealing with ordinary prisoners." Akira Hanomiya said calmly.

"Hit the temple..." Mengyu frowned: "This is much more dangerous than hitting the neck or chin normally. A little carelessness can lead to death."

"Is she very confident in her own strength? Or does she not care about the prisoner's life or death at all?"

"I'm afraid the latter is more likely." Yu Gongming said solemnly: "Facing an ordinary person who has fallen, a person with considerable force value has too many choices to subdue him."

"Even if she wanted to hide her clumsiness, she could hit the other person in the face hard with her elbow. This would be enough to make the other person temporarily lose the ability to stand up, and it would be enough for the police present to react."

Conan's expression became more solemn: "This guy is indeed very dangerous. Regardless of whether she has anything to do with the organization or not, her behavior alone is enough to make people vigilant."

Yu Gongming nodded: "Indeed, so you came here specifically to talk to me about this matter?"

"Not exactly." Conan shook his head: "I am here this time to invite you and Mengyu to go camping with our young detective team."

Yu Gongming was stunned: "Camping? Isn't this kind of thing usually the responsibility of doctors? What's wrong with him?"

"An experiment accident, my right hand was injured." Conan said helplessly.


Yu Gongming and Meng Yu were speechless for a moment.

After a few seconds of silence, Mengyu spoke first: "Is it serious?"

"Fortunately, it's just a little burn, but it's definitely inconvenient to drive." Conan replied.

"That's good. We'll go over to express our condolences after dinner later." Yu Gongming said immediately.

After a pause, his expression changed: "However, it shouldn't be that simple, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't need to come all the way."

"Yes!" Conan nodded: "I told Ayumi and the others this morning about the doctor's injury. At that time, they were very worried about the doctor and the camping matter."

"While we were discussing, Teacher Wakasa happened to be passing by and heard us. Then she showed that she was very interested in camping and offered to take us camping instead of the doctor."

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