Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1376 Wakasa and Kuroda’s [First Meeting]


As another bucket of water was poured down, the last trace of fire finally extinguished unwillingly.

On Urushihara's side, with the efforts of Hanomiya Akira and others, the flames on his body were also dissipated.

But even though Hanomiya Akira's rescue was quick enough, Urushihara had been staying in the tent before, and there were many flammable objects inside, which caused the situation to quickly become turbulent in a short period of time.

Under the influence of various factors, Urushihara still suffered very serious burns and fell into a coma.

Everyone looked at Urushihara who was burned completely black and lying on the ground in a twisted posture, with very ugly expressions.

Xiao Ai and Conan stood in front of the three little ones. Xiao Ai turned to the three little ones and said calmly: "These are not things you can see."

"Oh~" No matter how stupid the three little ones are, they can still realize what the scene is that is being blocked, and they responded very obediently.

" could this happen?" Mitori looked at the scene in front of her with a panicked expression, and there were already tears in her eyes.

"What...what is going on? Why did a good tent catch on fire?" Ashizawa also said with a shocked look on his face.

"Hey! Look! There is a tent next door to Urushihara's brother!" Mitsuhiko pointed at another tent about two meters away from Urushihara's tent and shouted: "Maybe the people in the tent know something?"

Everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes over.

At this moment, the zipper of the tent was opened, and a shadow of a person emerged from the tent.

"Wow!" The three little ones exclaimed instantly.

Gein's appearance was far from amiable, and the black eyepatch on his right eye added to his sinister temperament.

Conan was a little surprised when he saw this man, and couldn't help but said: "You...are you the Kuroda manager?"

"Oh? Manager Kuroda?" Yu Gongming lowered his head and looked at him.

Conan came back to his senses and nodded: "Yes! He is the newly transferred manager of the First Investigation Section from the Metropolitan Police Department. The former manager, Matsumoto Kiyonaga, has been promoted to the Chief of the First Investigation Section."

"I also met him once when I went to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes."

"That's it." Yu Gong understood clearly, and his guess was indeed correct.

Kuroda Bie looked around, paused for a moment on Rumi Wakasa, and finally turned to Akira Hanomiya.

"Detective Hanomiya, I have admired your name for a long time." He said softly.

"It turns out to be Manager Kuroda. Nice to meet you." Akira Hanomiya said with a smile.

After a pause, he went straight to the point and said: 'Manager Kuroda should have seen the current situation. Did you find anything suspicious near the burning tent? ’

Kuroda Bingwei shook his head and straightened his pajamas: "Sorry, I have been sleeping with earplugs before, so I'm afraid I can't answer your question."

"That's right..." Yu Gongming nodded noncommittally.

Kuroda Biewei glanced at the surrounding situation again and said calmly: "It seems that you rescued the person in time. The ambulance and the police should have been called, right?"

"The ambulance has been called." Meng Yu said: "As for the police, we are not sure whether to call the force department or the fire department."

Hearing this, Kuroda Bingwei pondered for two seconds: "After all, it was a fire. It's better to call the people from the fire department to come over. What do you think?"

His eyes were fixed on someone, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Teacher Rumi Wakasa?"

Akira Hanomiya instantly heard the abnormality in Kuroda's tone, and his eyes also turned to Rumi Wakasa.

At this time, Wakasa Rumei's entire expression became extremely stiff, showing a ferocious appearance, the pupils in his eyes shrank violently, and his eyes were fixed on Kuroda Bei.

And her figure was vaguely assuming a very aggressive posture.

"Interesting..." Yu Gongming curled his lips.

"Teacher Wakasa...Teacher Wakasa?"

Ayumi shouted, tugging at Wakasa Rumi's clothes.

"Um...Eh?" Wakasa Rumi finally got out of that state, looked at Ayumi with a somewhat confused expression, and said with a smile: "What's wrong, Yoshida-san?"

"The Kuroda administrator asked the teacher if you wanted to call the police from the fire department!" Ayumi recounted.

"So, what's your opinion? Mr. Wakasa?" Kuroda Hei came to Wakasa Rumi and continued to ask.

Rumi Wakasa looked at Kuroda Hei and replied with hesitation: "The tent suddenly burned down just now. It seems like it was an accident, right?"

"It should be no problem to call the Fire Department to come over and deal with it!"

After a pause, she looked a little confused and asked, "But why do you ask me? And how do you know my name?"

"It's nothing," Kuroda Hei said calmly: "I just noticed that you have been staring at me hard since just now. I thought you had something against me."

"After all, my face often scares others to the point of diverting their attention. Most people rarely stare at me for a long time."

"That's it!" Wakasa Rumei smiled suddenly.

Kuroda Hei continued: "As for your name, I saw it from the news, [Elementary school teacher Rumi Wakasa made great achievements and bravely fought against the murderer of the scumbag golfer]."

"Ah! Have you read that report too?" Rumi Wakasa said in surprise, and then laughed a little embarrassedly: "I'm really... I'm really embarrassed, haha..."

"Haha, really?" Kuroda Biewei replied meaningfully, then ended the topic and turned around to leave.

Rumi Wakasa's expression was gloomy for a moment after Kuroda turned around, but the next moment it returned to its usual dazed look.


In the blink of an eye, more than two hours passed.

During this time, ambulances and police arrived one after another. Urushihara had been carried into the ambulance and rushed to the nearest hospital for rescue. The police, led by Police Chief Yumashi of the Fire Department, began to investigate the scene.

Police Chief Gong squatted in front of the ruins, observing the entire ruins intently.

"I'm so sorry, Gongshang." Kuroda Heiwei came over at some point: "Originally, I also considered calling the rapists Megure and the others to come over, but after all, the situation is still unclear, so..."

When the Yumaga police officer saw that it was the Kuroda manager, he quickly waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's nothing! Since there was a fire, we should have called our fire department!"

"So, how is the situation?" Kuroda Biewei put the topic on the right track after being polite.

Police Gongchang turned his attention back to the ruins and solemnly introduced: "The source of the fire should be the candle lit in the lamp. That candle melted with other candles on the ground, eventually causing the fire."

"After the candle in the lamp fell, it ignited nearby comic books and clothing. The fire spread quickly and eventually engulfed the deceased who was sleeping on the chair."

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