Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1378 Doubts and Hints

"Mr. Ashizawa, it's your turn." Kuroda Hei looked at Ashizawa who looked slightly uneasy.

Ashizawa said: "When I went to the Urushihara tent, no matter what I said, he ignored me. I thought he was ignoring me on purpose. After listening to Mitori's words, I thought he was probably drunk and fell asleep. Are you ready?"

"Once that guy falls asleep drunk, he can't wake up no matter how hard he screams. When he went to training camps before, he even got graffiti painted on him because of it!"

"Was the tent lit at that time?" Kurodabei asked.

"I remember that the tent was not lit at that time." Ashizawa showed a look of reminiscence, paused, seemed to have thought of something, and continued:

"That's right! After I left Urushihara's tent, the lights in his tent turned on, and then he started doing squats."

"Squats..." Kuroda Hei muttered, recalling in his mind the doubts that Akira Hanomiya told him just now.

"Yes!" Ashizawa nodded: "I heard him say that he does squats before going to bed every day."

"We've seen this too!" Yuantai nearby also echoed.

"Oh?" Kuroda Bingwei looked at the three little ones: "Then what did he do at that time?"

"He's like this..." Mitsuhiko crossed his hands and put them behind his head: "He did it many times in a row!"

"We also saw his shadow moving up and down!" Ayumi added.

Police Yumaga touched his chin: "If what they said is true, then Mr. Urushihara should have been awake at that time."

"The third person approaching the tent, Mr. Danno, is more suspicious." Kuroda Hei said calmly.

Duan Ye's expression suddenly changed!

"I don't think so." Yu Gongming walked over and said calmly: "First of all, when Mr. Duan Ye passed by, I paid attention to the tent because I felt something was wrong."

"At that time, Mr. Danno was just holding the curry, patting the tent with his other hand and calling Mr. Urushihara, and did nothing else."

"In addition, if Mr. Urushihara was awake, he would have immediately tried to save himself after the fire broke out. But when I cut open the tent and rushed in, Mr. Urushihara was still near the center of the tent."

"Mr. Urushihara can't fall asleep while doing squats, right?"

"I've seen this too." Meng Yu agreed.

"Me too!" Conan also followed up: "At that time, Brother Hanomiya rushed to the center of the tent and dragged Brother Urushihara out!"

After what Akira Hanomiya and others said, the Yumaga Police Department and Kuroda Heiwei all looked thoughtful.

"In this case, Mr. Urushihara may have lost consciousness at the time, but someone used some method to let everyone see Urushihara's shadow moving up and down, creating the illusion that he was still awake." Kuroda Hei speculated.

"In this way, based on Detective Hanomiya's testimony, Mr. Duan Ye's suspicion becomes smaller." Police Chief Gongchang said.

Duan Yeqiang himself had hope of being cleared of suspicion, so he hurriedly said: "That's right! I just held the curry and wanted to use the smell of curry to lure Urushihara out, because Urushihara likes curry very much!"

"Ashizawa and I were in the same situation. We didn't talk to Urushihara at all! When I went to talk to him, he kept doing squats in the tent."

"So I think he was doing squats and listening to music with headphones on."

"But now that I listen to you, maybe he couldn't hear it at that time?" At this point, he showed a trace of doubt: "But if he was already asleep at that time, what mechanism could control him to do deep sleep?" Squat, and do it faster and faster? ’

"Do it faster and faster..." Conan and Yu Gongming both felt something in their hearts.

"Then, why is Urushihara alone in the tent?" Kurodabei asked again.

"Oh! It's because he and I had some quarrels before, because of some festivals in the past." Duan Ye replied.

"Celebrating the holidays? Can you elaborate?" Kuroda Biewei asked.

"Yeah!" Duan Ye seemed to have nothing to shy away from and began to narrate.

Yu Gongming and Conan already knew about this matter, so they paid no more attention to it.

Yu Gongming came to Meng Yu and whispered: "Show me the photos taken at that time."

"Okay!" Mengyu nodded, took out his cell phone, operated it, and handed it to Yu Gongming.

A photo of Urushihara lying on the ground was displayed on the phone screen.

It was taken after Akira Hanomiya and others extinguished the fire on Urushihara's body. Because Urushihara would be sent to the hospital later, in order to record the original state of the victim, Mengyu took the photo.

Akira Hanomiya stared at the photo of Urushihara lying on the ground, his eyes scanning every detail.

Suddenly, his eyes paused on Urushihara's left hand.

He put the phone screen in front of Mengyu: "Look, Urushihara's left hand is wrapped with tape. I remember that he only has tape on the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, right?"

Meng Yu glanced at the photo and recalled: "I remember that his left hand did not have any tape wrapped around it."

Yu Gongming nodded slightly when he heard the words, already having some guesses in his mind.

On the other side, the three boys from the Junior Detective Team were tinkering with something and burst into laughter.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?" Conan, who had just finished talking to Mitori and Ashizawa, asked speechlessly when he saw the three little ones looking like they had lost interest in the case.

Ayumi turned her head and introduced enthusiastically: "Conan, look, this is a small puppet made of acorns that Mr. Wakasa gave us!"

Ayumi showed a villain to Conan.

The torso of the villain is an acorn, with bamboo sticks fixed on both sides, and two acorns are fixed on both sides of the bamboo sticks as hands.

And as Ayumi shook her fingers, the acorns on both sides swayed gently up and down.

"Huh?" Conan, Akira Hanomiya and Kuroda Hei's expressions changed at the same time.

"I said, this matter has nothing to do with us, right?" Three people from the basketball club came over.

"We were just talking to Urushihara outside the tent, and the tent was zipped up and locked. It was equivalent to a secret room. We had no chance to create a fire!"

"Really? But, I don't think so!" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Eh?" The three people in the basketball club looked at him in surprise.

"Indeed." Conan also showed a confident expression: "As long as you use some techniques, one of you can do all of this!"

"That's true." Kuroda Biewei seemed to understand everything and said calmly: "All it takes is an automatic fire device."

"Automatic fire device?" The three members of the basketball club asked in unison.

"Is this... really possible?" Duan Ye didn't believe it.

"Whether it can be done or not, you will know if you try it?" Yu Gongming said with a smile.

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