Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1388 Toru Amuro’s brainstorming

That night.

Amuro Toru opened the door and walked into the apartment where she was currently renting.

He has changed his address since the last time someone delivered his late friend's cell phone to his door.

Although he didn't think this actually meant much, as long as he was still working in the dessert shop and had a fixed place to go to, no matter how he changed his residence, he would definitely be able to find out if he really wanted to.

Who let the other party already know his identity, and the organization's tasks cannot be dismissed casually?

But he still decided to change his residence, just to give himself some peace of mind.

But in his opinion, those guys may no longer need to "deliver goods to your doorstep" like this.

Because if his reasoning was correct, the person living above Brown's Dessert Shop should have a direct connection with that mysterious force.

This is actually not difficult to guess, after all, he first heard the news that Akai Shuichi was not dead from the man in black robe.

Later, when he invaded Hanomiya's residence through a power outage, he saw with his own eyes the transformed "Okiya Subaru".

It can be seen that Akai's fake death is indeed true.

But even the organizations directly involved were kept in the dark about this matter. How did the man in black robe know about it?

In addition, the other party also revealed the news about Shirley, and Akira Hanomiya had almost made it clear that Shirley was on their side.

Everything is pointing to one conclusion - Yu Gongming is the companion of the mysterious man in black robe!

And he didn't seem to shy away from this, otherwise with his demonstrated ability, he could have completely concealed this matter.

After all, there were really too many choices to deal with when trying to deal with the blackout, and there was no need to have a showdown with myself.

Even the so-called contact information left by the man in black robe has not been used even once...

Obviously, the other party has already acquiesced that Yu Gongming will be the contact person there, and he will be the contact person of the public security.

Perhaps this is a reflection of the other party's sincerity, but it also reveals the confidence the other party has.

Even Tohru Amuro was suspicious. In fact, Akira Hanamiya and he were similar people, except that Akira Hanamiya was an informant affiliated with other departments of the Metropolitan Police Department.

As for his suspected cooperation with the FBI, this doesn't mean anything. Doesn't he, a public security officer, also have a Bourbon organization code name?

Actions for a certain purpose may not necessarily be related to one's own position.

Of course, if this guess is true, then the superior level of the leader Yu Gongming is probably very high, and he himself also has high authority, otherwise it is impossible to know his true identity from the inside.

But when thinking about Akira Hanomiya's age, Toru Amuro felt it was outrageous.

Anyone who has the authority to know his identity must at least be a police officer, right?

Various information shows that Akira Hanamiya has just graduated from high school.

Even Toru Amuro, who has reached this police rank at such a young age, feels that a police officer at this age is a bit subversive of perception.

"Is it possible that he is similar to that woman from Belmod, who looks young but is actually an uncle in his thirties or forties?" Toru Amuro couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

However, he later asked his superiors to investigate, but so far there are no results to support this.

All information shows that Akira Hanamiya's life trajectory is extremely clear. From elementary school, to junior high school, and finally to high school graduation, both the information on paper and the actual relationship circle can prove that he has indeed grown up to this point bit by bit. Big, I haven't experienced any unusual events.

In view of this, Toru Amuro gradually suppressed the speculation that Akira Hanomiya was an informant from other police departments.

Then another reasonable explanation is that the power behind Yu Miyazaki is large enough to support a network that masters all kinds of secret intelligence.

This is also the possibility that the superiors prefer.

In view of this, his superiors instructed him not to deliberately explore the other party's background. As long as the purpose is consistent and there is no conflict of fundamental interests or principles, he can continue to cooperate with the other party.

Toru Amuro had no objections to this decision.

The undercover organization is tiring enough, how can he have the leisure to provoke such an unknown and powerful force?

Facts have proved that the cooperation up to now has been quite pleasant.

Except that "Okiya Subaru" in the opponent's camp is very annoying.

Time returned to the present. After Amuro opened the door, another cardboard box was brought in from the outside.

After closing the door, Toru Amuro carried the cardboard box into the bedroom.

Opening the carton, he neatly took out the contents.

It was a desktop computer host that he borrowed from a friend's store after get off work.

The models of various computer hardware are no longer the current mainstream, but there is no problem in normal operation, and the hard drive inside has been formatted, leaving no mess.

This was specially prepared by him in order to check the USB flash drive given by Yu Gongming.

He didn't dare to insert an obviously complicated USB flash drive into his computer.

Anyway, viewing the contents of the USB flash drive shouldn’t require such high configuration.

At that time, even if there is something fishy in this USB flash drive and this second-hand machine is unfortunately scrapped, I don't have to feel bad.

Toru Amuro skillfully connected the host to the display screen at home, plugged in the power, and pressed the power button.

There were no bugs, the system started very smoothly and entered the desktop.

As expected, the desktop is very clean. Apart from shortcuts like [This PC], there is only one browser.

Toru Amuro didn't pay attention to the simple interface and inserted the USB flash drive into the interface.

The computer pops up a prompt that the USB disk is successfully connected.

Toru Amuro clicked the mouse and opened the USB drive.

There is only one folder in the USB flash drive.

Toru Amuro glanced at the name of the folder, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

[Kuroda Bei Investigation Report]

Just one file name, but Toru Amuro couldn't help but feel shocked!

Kuroda Bingwei, of course he knows.

He is currently the manager of the Investigation Section 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department, and he was even mentioned in the report about an arson case at a campground two days ago.

For Toru Amuro, the name Kurodabei has a different meaning.

That was his only contact person for information exchange with the police as an undercover agent, that is, his superior!

And the name of this file turned out to be an investigation report against his superior! ?

And it was specially given to him by Yu Gongming!

What do they mean?

Is it some kind of demonstration?

Toru Amuro shook his head, instinctively thinking it was impossible.

With their current relationship, there is no need to do such a thing.

Even if they really found out about his superiors, they would probably only hold the information in their hands instead of handing it over to him like this, with such an "arrogant" file name.

Amuro Toru's eyes flashed slightly, and a guess flashed in his mind.

"Is it possible that this is not their investigation report, and that someone else actually started the investigation? Are they... a reminder?"

Toru Amuro's hand holding the mouse tightened slightly, and then slowly moved the cursor to the folder.

Press the left button to open the file.

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