The reason why Akira Hanomiya dared to conclude that Wakida Kanori was not Belmod was not simply based on the plot of the original work.

After all, with the two butterflies he and Mengyu, the plot can be used as a reference, but it cannot be completely relied on.

The reason why I think Wakida is not Belmod is because it makes no sense for Belmod to do this.

They and Belmod are already on the bright side. With Belmod's protection of Xiaolan and Conan, even if they receive a similar investigation mission, they will probably fish as they can, or even directly inform them. impossible.

Don’t forget, she has already sneaked into Yu Gong’s house two or three times before...

Wakida showed great caution, trying not to let herself and others notice that it was unnatural. If this was really Belmod, then her efforts would be in vain.

Although Belmod's actions are mysterious and unpredictable, with a typical mysticism, he has a clear purpose no matter what he does.

And Akira Hanomiya really couldn't think of the point of her trying so hard to pretend to be Wakada Kannori to get close to herself and others.

She might know more about her situation than Toru Amuro.

Therefore, he believes that Wakita will not be Belmod, but a candidate for Rum just like the original novel... And now he is more than 90% suspected of being a candidate!

The three sentences that Toru Amuro just said revealed quite clear information.

The first sentence explains that Hanbei Fujita went to the United States as a public security policeman, and Toru Amuro said that "someone" asked him to bring these three sentences to him.

There is no doubt that this "person" is Toru Amuro's superior in the police department.

Then, it is not difficult to understand the meaning conveyed by specifically identifying Fujita Hanbei as a public security police officer.

Hanbei Fujita, currently the manager of the First Search Section, Kuroda Hebei, is still affiliated with the Public Security Police Department.

Select one of the three to successfully eliminate a suspect.

Then comes the second sentence.

There are two key points in the second sentence. The first is: Wakasa is an eyewitness to the Haneda Koji case. This means that if you want to find out the truth about the Haneda Koji case, Wakasa Rumi is an extremely key figure.

The second point: Wakasa stayed in the United States and was directly led by Rum.

This denies the possibility that Rumi Wakasa and Rum are the same person.

Although it is unclear how the person who asked Toru Amuro to speak determined this, but based on Akira Hanomiya's own contact with Wakasa and some clues from the original work, he believed that the other party's judgment should be correct.

Wakasa is indeed not Rum. As for whether he is led by Rum and what his current status is, more information is needed to determine.

Therefore, the only Rum suspect left is Wakida Kanori.

If Akira Hanomiya is just a reader of the original work, then he can type on the keyboard now and categorically say that Wakada is 100% Rum.

But being in it, even though he was almost certain in his heart, he still needed to be careful to verify.

Rum is the second in command of the organization, and his energy and intelligence are immeasurable.

Once you make a wrong judgment and alert the enemy, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Therefore, he needs more information.

It just so happened that there was a suitable person in front of him to inquire about information.

Yu Gongming looked at Toru Amuro calmly, waiting for his reaction.

After Toru Amuro heard Hanamiya Akira's inference about Wakida, a gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes.

His guess was indeed correct. What Hanemiya Akira told him about Wakida was definitely intentional!

It was precisely because he had the same thoughts as himself that he specifically helped himself rule out the possibility of Belmode.

"Hmph! You cunning guy..." Toru Amuro cursed in his heart, with a thoughtful look on his face.

After a moment, he said: "I understand. Thanks to Detective Hanomiya for the information, I will investigate Wakida carefully."

Yu Gongming smiled and nodded: "Then I wish Mr. Amuro all the best!"

"Well! I'd like to lend you some good words." Toru Amuro smiled, then stood up and said goodbye.

Akira Hanomiya didn't hold back, and watched Toru Amuro go downstairs and return to the dessert shop.

Returning to the house, Mengyu was already happily tasting the desserts brought by Toru Amuro.

Akira Hanomiya picked up a small cake and took a bite, while saying: "The information Mr. Amuro shared this time gave us a surprise!"

Meng Yu nodded in agreement when he heard this: "Indeed, now it is almost certain that Wakada is Rum."

After a pause, she looked at Akira Hanomiya hesitantly: "But if Wakita is Rum, is it really okay to let Mr. Amuro investigate?"

Yu Gongming shrugged: "It's not that we asked him to investigate, but that he had to investigate."

Akira Hanomiya briefly explained the risks to Tohru Amuro of Wakada approaching him.

"I see..." Meng Yu suddenly said, "Indeed, Mr. Amuro, as an undercover agent, cannot take any chances."

Yu Gongming nodded lightly: "So in this matter, we don't think we cheated him."

"Then leave Wakida to Mr. Amuro?" Mengyu asked.

Akira Hanomiya shook his head slightly: "It's definitely not possible to leave everything to him. We have to tell Uncle Mouri about this matter. After all, Wakita is downstairs and has become uncle's [apprentice]. It's impossible for him to stay out of the matter."

Meng Yu nodded, but seemed to have thought of something, and said: "But we can't directly tell him that Wakada is suspected of rum, right? The source of the intelligence is difficult to explain."

"Then tell him a little more cleverly..." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

"Clever?" Mengyu blinked.

"Look at me!" Yu Gongming said confidently.


eight pm.

At Conan's strong request, the Maori family decided to go out for a walk.

Then they wandered around and accidentally ended up at Sanchome, where they "accidentally met" Hanemiya Akira and Mengyu who were also out for a walk.

The two parties chatted for a while, and finally, under Yu Gongming's warm greeting, decided to visit Yu Gong's house.

Not long after, the group arrived at the Hanomiya Detective Agency and made their way to the living room on the third floor.

The door was closed, refreshments were served, everyone sat down, and everything was ready.

Mouri Kogoro took a sip of black tea and glanced at Xiaolan.

Xiaolan noticed his gaze and turned her head to look over.

The two people's eyes met, and after a moment they looked at each other again.

Mouri Kogoro drank the black tea in the cup like a beer, then straightened his expression and said, "Hanomiya boy, what happened this time?"

Akira Hanamiya didn't seem to notice the eye contact between father and daughter, and immediately said: "When we went to the dessert shop downstairs a few days ago, we accidentally talked about Wakita with Mr. Amuro."

"Mr. Amuro showed considerable interest in my new [apprentice], which aroused our suspicion."

"Later, using some small means, we monitored one of his phone calls. The person on the phone seemed to tell him to be careful of Wakita and instructed him to investigate Wakita."

After Akira Hanomiya finished speaking, he temporarily stopped talking and observed Mouri Kogoro's reaction.

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