Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1393 Pave the road to [cleanse]

"Since everyone has no objections, the next step is to choose the candidate." Yu Gongming said with a smile.

Wakada and Toru Amuro took up two places, leaving two places. Even if Mori and his daughter were excluded, there would still not be enough points.

"Conan, you don't need to go. Those two guys are not easy to do, and Wakita has already noticed you. If you go again, it will be bad if you reveal something." Mouri Kogoro said.

Conan showed a trace of hesitation. With his character, he did not want to be absent from matters related to the organization.

But as Kogoro Mouri said, there will indeed be certain risks if he goes.

It's okay if he has no choice. Even if he doesn't go now, with Akira Hanomiya, Meng Yu, and Mr. Amuro here, even if there are any difficult cases, they can definitely solve them.

And Yu Gongming and others will definitely tell themselves the details of the journey afterwards, and there will be no loss in reporting it.

Choosing not to go is the safest thing to do.

After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, the hesitation on Conan's face faded and he nodded lightly: "I understand, I won't go this time."

"That's me, Mengyu, Mr. Amuro, and Wakida." Akira Hanomiya finally confirmed.

"Well! Be careful when you come into contact with them!" Mouri Kogoro reminded,

Yu Gongming and Meng Yu nodded solemnly to express their understanding.

Afterwards, several people discussed the details of the trial, and Mouri Kogoro prepared to say goodbye and leave.

At this moment, Yu Gongming's cell phone suddenly rang.

Everyone was stunned, and Yu Gongming took out his cell phone with some doubts.

"Huh? It was Consultant Suzuki who called." Akira Hanomiya said in surprise.

"Consultant Suzuki?" Mouri Kogoro thought for a moment before reacting: "Oh! He's the old man whose life goal is to catch Kidd!"

Meng Yu blinked: "He usually won't contact A Ming unless..."

"It has something to do with that guy!" Conan said lightly.

While everyone was talking, Akira Hanomiya had already answered the phone: "Hello! This is Hanomiya... Oh! It's Consultant Suzuki! What can I do?"

"Well...I see, the time is...ah! That's really unlucky. I happened to have to go out of town to handle the commission that day, but if you don't mind, I can ask Uncle Maori and Conan to come over and provide support to you. You also You know, Conan is also very good at dealing with Kidd...Okay, bye!"

Akira Hanomiya put down the phone and said under the curious eyes of everyone: "Counselor Suzuki plans to challenge Kidd again this time and invites me to serve as a consultant to capture Kidd."

"Unfortunately, the time for the fight with Kidd happened to conflict with my uncle's commission. Compared to Kidd, things here are more important, so I declined the invitation from Suzuki Consultant."

The corner of his mouth curled up: "I recommended my uncle and Conan to him. Conan who stays in Tokyo can play with Kidd, and Uncle Maori can also get a generous commission fee from Suzuki Consultants."

Meng Yu heard this and immediately looked at Mouri Kogoro with a narrow look on his face; "Speaking of which, old man Jiroji has always been generous in his dealings. If uncle accepts this commission, he will make a lot of money!"

"Well! Consultant Suzuki is indeed generous!" Mouri Kogoro also showed a clear expression of emotion, and then turned to look at Conan: "Boy, I have been busy working for you, and it is time for you to repay me. Alright?"

Conan's mouth twitched. Hearing what Uncle Maori meant, he would be responsible for paddling, protecting the treasure, and catching Kidd in this showdown with Kidd.

But there was no other way. After the showdown, his uncle was really worried about his affairs, and with Xiaolan's relationship, it was really hard for him to refuse.

Besides, he was still very interested in the competition with Kidd. If he couldn't follow up on the organization's affairs, it would be nice to play with Kidd.

So he said: "Okay! Then let's go meet the thief for a while!"

"I'll go with you too. Yuanzi will probably call me later." Xiaolan also said.

"It doesn't matter!" Mouri Kogoro waved his hand nonchalantly: "Anyway, it's Conan who's doing the hard work. We can just watch the fun, but Xiaolan, you have to protect yourself and don't get knocked unconscious by Kidd again!"

"Don't worry! He won't dare!" Yu Gongming smiled and said: "If he still dares to use Xiaolan as a disguised target, I will teach him a profound lesson!"

When Conan and Mouri Kogoro heard this, they couldn't help but glance at Hanomiya Akira.

Akira Hanomiya is not the type to say harsh words out of thin air.

But Kaitou Kidd has always been elusive. Unless he shows up on his own initiative, it's not that easy to find him.

Where did Yu Gongming get the confidence to teach him a lesson?

Some speculations flashed through the minds of the two of them.

But in the end, neither Conan nor Mouri Kogoro said anything about it.

Even if Yu Gongming really knows something, he will naturally tell them what he wants to say, and there is no need to ask so many questions.

After finalizing the matter, Conan and Maori and his daughter said goodbye and left.

Yu Gongming breathed out softly: "Very good! The set goal was successfully accomplished!"

"Thank you for thinking about it, how are you sure that your uncle knows Mr. Amuro's identity?" Meng Yu asked with a smile.

Hanamiya Akira smiled and explained: "Do you still remember that time we cooperated with Sera and the others to steal the organization's drug information?"

"Of course I remember!" Mengyu nodded.

Akira Hanomiya continued: "The leader of the organization at that time was Mr. Amuro, and according to Xiaolan's testimony, his uncle was not at home when the incident occurred."

"From the current perspective, it is easy to conclude that my uncle participated in the attack on the organization by the men in black robes."

"Mr. Amuro mentioned to us afterwards that the men in black robes seemed to have intentionally let him go. I speculated at that time that some of their attackers might have recognized his identity."

"That's it!" Meng Yu finally reacted: "And my uncle obviously has a high status in the black robe. Since the black robe chose to let Mr. Amuro go deliberately, my uncle must know the reason."

"That's it." Yu Gongming nodded.

"So, you took advantage of this and asked your uncle to reveal Mr. Amuro's identity as a police officer, and then pointed the finger at Wakita..."

Meng Yu's eyes flashed with admiration: "Awesome!"

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "In fact, this can only be hidden for a while."

"Mr. Amuro has some doubts about our relationship with [the mysterious force targeting the organization], and he has probably reported it to his superiors."

"But because they are public security police, even though they belong to the same police system, there is no need for the public security department to report to Director Baima."

"At least for now, the director doesn't know about our connection with the [mysterious force], but now Kuroda Hei has become the manager of the First Search Section, which shows that the public security may have reached a certain level with the director on organizational matters. Cooperation."

"Perhaps the director will know about this during a certain report or negotiation, so before that, we must pave the way for [cleansing]."

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