Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 1400 Connecting Clues

After the teams were divided, everyone sat around the fire and were speechless for a while.

After a moment, Fujide spoke weakly: "Ha...Detective Hanomiya, do you already know who the murderer is?"

Yu Gongming shook his head slightly: "It's not clear yet. Before the incident, everyone was looking for eulogies separately. Theoretically, anyone present can take advantage of this time to go to the toilet and set up the trap."

"This..." All the high school classmates looked at each other for a while, their faces a little ugly.

"Anyway, it's better for everyone not to leave here unless necessary." Toru Amuro said.

"Yes! It's safest for everyone to be together!" Yu Hui quickly agreed.

"Then just in case, let's take turns keeping vigil later." Meng Yu suggested.

Everyone agreed after hearing this. After all, there was a murderer hidden in the church. It was too risky not to arrange for people to keep watch at night.

Afterwards, everyone briefly assigned the order of the vigil, and the atmosphere became dull again.

Wakita turned his head and looked out the window. The howling wind slapped the dilapidated windows of the church wantonly, making an unsettling scraping sound.

Seeing this, Wakida sighed softly: "The snow is getting heavier and heavier. If this continues, I don't know if the police will be able to come here tomorrow."

Fujide's eyes widened: "Wouldn't it be bad if the police didn't send it tomorrow?"

"I don't have much water left!" Kawasaki also showed obvious anxiety on his face.

"You still love drinking water so much!" Yu Hui sighed.

"Fujiide, can I order something to drink?" Nishino asked.

"Uh, no problem." Fujide nodded.

So Nishino reached into Fujide's bag to get some water.


A sudden sound came from somewhere in the church.

"That voice just now!?" Wakita's expression changed!

"It seems to be the sound of broken glass..." Meng Yu frowned slightly.

"It seems to be coming from the building next door," Kawasaki's tone gradually became awkward.

Yu Hui couldn't help but shrink back: "Could it be that someone is really lurking in the church!?"

Toru Amuro shook his head slightly: "It's also possible that the wind and snow accidentally scratched it, or that the murderer deliberately brought us there. Let's not act rashly for the time being."

"But, if we leave it alone, we won't be able to sleep peacefully!" Nishino expressed a different opinion.

"I also think it's better not to act alone." Fujide said.

Nishino rolled his eyes and said, "Otherwise, we can send two people over to take a look, so that we can take care of each other."

"I still think it's better not to act without permission." Wakita said calmly.

Mengyu nodded: "Yeah! The sound just now might just be accidental..."


The same strange sound as before made Mengyu's words come to an abrupt end.

"But... maybe it's better to go and take a look..." Tengide changed his attitude instantly.

"But who should be sent better?" Kawasaki asked.

"How about guessing and deciding?" Nishino suggested.

"I don't want it!" Yu Hui immediately objected: "I am the one who loses every time in the guessing game!"

Nishino glanced at Yue and suddenly smiled: "By the way! Yue, didn't you bring a lot of mints? Can you give me a few boxes?"

"Of course, what's wrong?" Yu Hui was a little confused, but she still took out a few boxes of mints from her bag and handed them to Nishino.

Nishino selected three boxes of mint candies and said: "First we select three boxes of mint candies, and then pour out all the candies in two boxes..."

"After that, I will randomly draw a box from each group. If you draw an empty box, you don't have to go. On the contrary, if you draw the box with a sound, it will be regarded as out, and you have to check the situation."

He shook a box in his hand and made a rustling sound.

Then, while he began to shuffle the order of the three boxes, he said: "Because it is the method I proposed, you can choose first, and we will choose the remaining box as a team."

After saying this, Nishino placed three boxes on the ground in completely disordered order.

"Teacher Hanomiya, are you coming?" Wakita looked at Akira Hanomiya.

"Okay." Yu Gongming nodded, glanced at the three boxes casually, and then reached out and picked up one.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if he draws the out box, he is confident that he can cope with any situation.

Picking up the box and shaking it slightly, Yu Gongming nodded slightly: "The box is empty."

"As expected of Mr. Hanomiya!" Wakida said with a smile.

Next it was Fujide's turn to draw the group.

Fujide picked up a box, shook it slightly, and suddenly showed a look of surprise: "We are also empty boxes!"

Nishino picked up the third box and shook it slightly.


He looked helpless and looked at Kawasaki: "It seems we can only go."

"Okay." Kawasaki nodded and didn't say much. After all, it was just bad luck, and Nishino couldn't be blamed.

Afterwards, the two stood up and left the chapel.

Yu Gongming looked at the two people leaving with a gleam in his eyes.

He closed his eyes slightly and thought about the clues he had received from the beginning to now.

"Four people must come here...nine people in total...the pseudonyms on the passwords and the squares framed in the middle...these people are all members of the baseball team...something not to be mentioned to outsiders..."

As clues passed by one after another, Yu Gongming's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He took out his cell phone from his pocket and checked the few passwords he had obtained so far.

After a moment, he suddenly stood up: "I understand!"

Everyone looked at him.

Wakida's eyes lit up: "Ms. Hanomiya already knows who the murderer is?"

Yu Gongming nodded, "I guess I understand, Meng Yu, you and I come here, the rest of the people stay here, and I will send a message to let you come over after the matter is resolved."

Afterwards, Yu Gongming greeted Meng Yu and left the chapel as well.

The rest of the people looked at each other for a while.

"Are we... just waiting here?" Fujide asked weakly.

Toru Amuro smiled: "Since Detective Hanomiya said so, let's just do it."

After everyone heard this, they could only continue to stay in the chapel.

On the other side, Yu Gongming and Meng Yu hurriedly and slowly arrived at the bathroom.

Mengyu looked around for a while, wondering: "Is there any problem here?"

Yu Gongming shook his head: "It's not clear yet. Let's look around first and be careful."

Mengyu nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Then, the two began to check the bathroom to see if there was anything abnormal.

Suddenly, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded.

The two of them stopped at the same time and looked at the bathroom door.

The next moment, a figure rushed into the bathroom!

Akira Hanomiya recognized the person instantly, it was Kawasaki!

Akira Hanamiya's figure flashed and stopped him immediately: "Mr. Kawasaki, why are you here?"

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