Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 14 Yu Gongming’s debut (Part 1)

Soon, police officer Megure from the First Search Section arrived at the scene with his team.

"You guys are the ones who found the body, right?" Officer Megure looked at Hanomiya Akira and others.

"Yes, it's me, Kogoro Mouri. I haven't seen you for a long time, Officer Megure. I really miss the days when we solved crimes together!" Maori greeted Officer Megure enthusiastically.

"It's you..." Officer Megure looked at Mouri Kogoro with some disgust: "The previous cases in which you were involved led us into the maze."

Mouri Kogoro laughed dryly and did not answer.

"So, Brother Maori, do you have any clues?" Officer Megure became serious.

"Well, I'm sure that Ms. Okino Yoko will never be the murderer!" Mouri Kogoro said firmly.

"Oh? Why?" Officer Megure asked.

"How could someone as cute as Ms. Yoko be a murderer, ah, hahahaha!" Detective Mori put a hand on Okino Yoko's shoulder with a lewd smile on his face.

Okino Yoko was very embarrassed.

Officer Megure was speechless.

"As expected of Senior Maori." A voice came, attracting everyone's attention.

"Who are you?" Officer Memu looked at the handsome young man in front of him.

Akira Hanomiya smiled slightly: "Hello, Officer Megure, my name is Akira Hanomiya. I am a new detective who has just become a detective for less than a month. I am here to learn detective skills from Senior Mori."

"Oh? Detective? You look like you're still in high school, right?" Officer Megure looked at Akira Hanomiya and asked.

"I just finished taking the college entrance examination, but I gave up the opportunity to go to college and decided to inherit my father's detective agency. Now I am half a member of the society." Hanemiya Ming said.

"I see... Listening to what you just said, it seems that you agree with Brother Maori's views?" Officer Megure changed the topic back to the case.

"Yes." Yumiya Akira said with a slight smile: "I agree with Senior Maori's point of view, based on the following reasons."

"First of all, Detective Maori was entrusted by Miss Yoko to investigate Miss Yoko's surveillance and harassment. Then, if Miss Yoko killed someone, why did she bring her agent to Detective Maori after the murder? The office visited and agreed to take us..."

Yu Gongming looked around: "Including the child, a total of six people came to the murder scene?"

"Could it be that she did that on purpose to lower the suspicion?" Officer Megure asked.

"It's not impossible, but if Miss Yoko can really be calm enough to take us to the murder scene to reduce the suspicion after killing someone, then..."

Yu Gongming suddenly pulled a tissue from the tissue box next to him, squatted down, and pinched the tissue between the palms of the corpse. A long hair wrapped in the tissue appeared in Yu Gongming's hand:

"Why would Ms. Yoko leave such important evidence pointing to her being the murderer at the scene?"

"Ah! This is my hair, how come?" Okino Yoko looked surprised.

"Could this... be a coincidence?" Officer Megure questioned again.

"Well, I think you should have noticed that the air conditioner in this room is very hot, and..." Akira Yumiya pointed to the ground: "There are obvious water stains around the body."

"If it is assumed that Ms. Yoko is the murderer, then the water stains on the ground and the air conditioner that was turned on mean that Ms. Yoko used water to clean the scene and used the heat of the air conditioner to cover up this."

"So, since Miss Yang was able to clean the scene with water, how could she miss this hair? This hair was not intentionally hidden by the deceased. I just discovered it all at once. If Miss Yoko really took action to clean up the scene, , it’s impossible to miss this hair.”

"So, Ms. Yoko's series of actions, combined with the clues at the scene, tell me that Ms. Yoko is not the murderer. Senior Mouri must have reasoned the same way, right?" Akira Hanomiya concluded with the last sentence, looking at Kogoro Mouri.

"Yes...that's right! That's what I thought, boy, you are good, hahahaha!" Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment, then he stuck out his tongue and laughed.

Officer Megure looked at Mouri Kogoro suspiciously.

Xiaolan silently moved a little farther away from Mouri Kogoro.

Mengyu stood quietly aside, moving quietly, intentionally or unintentionally blocking Conan who was investigating everywhere.

Fortunately, Yu Gongming's reasoning attracted most people's attention. Coupled with the cover-up of sleep speech, no one noticed the child running around at the crime scene.

Conan looked around for clues while secretly nodding at Hanomiya's reasoning: "Hambiya's thoughts are the same as mine. Miss Yoko shouldn't be the murderer, but this is strange. As Hanomiya said, the air conditioner was turned on too hot. Yes, the water stains on the ground are also very suspicious..."

Conan couldn't find a clue for a while. Officer Megure on the other side had completely turned his questions to Akira Hanomiya:

"Then Brother Hanomiya, if the murderer is not Ms. Yoko, then where is the manager Mr. Yamagishi?"

As we all know, when Officer Megure starts calling "so-and-so brother", it means that he has initial trust in this person.

"'s not me!" Yamagishi Rong suddenly looked panicked.

"To determine whether Mr. Yamagishi is a suspect, we need to confirm several things. First, is the time of death of the body roughly determined?"

"Inspector!" Officer Memu greeted.

"Yes, according to the preliminary autopsy, the time of death is roughly estimated to be about two hours. This is the final time of death after taking into account the factor that air conditioning will accelerate the decomposition of the body." the forensic officer replied.

"So Mr. Yamagishi, can you tell me your whereabouts during the past two hours?" Akira Hanomiya asked.

"Of course. I have been rehearsing the show with Yoko at the TV station today. Many people at the TV station can testify. After the rehearsal, I went to visit Mr. Mori with Yoko, and then we came here together." Yamagishi Eiichi said.

"Yes, Mr. Yamagishi has indeed been staying with me, and there are many staff members beside me who can testify." Yoko Okino also added on the side.

"Then this way, the suspicions of Miss Yoko and Mr. Yamagishi will be completely eliminated." Hanemiya Ming said.

"That's indeed the case so far... Then if it's not Miss Yoko and Mr. Yamagishi, let alone those of you who came here temporarily, then who is the murderer?" Officer Megure touched his broad chin and fell into confusion. meditation.

"Eh? How strange. What is this thing under the sofa?" A milky voice suddenly came.

When Kogoro Mouri saw that it was Conan who was staying in his own home, he was furious and immediately picked up Conan: "Children, don't hinder the adults' work!"

He said that he wanted to throw Conan out.

"Senior Maori, don't be angry. We don't have a clue right now. Maybe Conan's discovery can bring us new inspiration?" Akira Hanamiya said, naturally reaching out to pick up Conan and put him on the ground.

Then he touched Conan's head with a smile, and asked Conan's helpless look: "Little brother Conan just discovered something, can you tell me?"

"This guy..." Conan cursed in his heart, but he could only pretend to be a child and replied with a cute expression and tone: "I found something strange under the sofa."

"Oh? Let me take a look." Hanamiya Akira naturally knew what it was. This episode was the first appearance of the sleeping Kogoro, and Hanamiya Akira was still very impressed.

But now that Akira Hanomiya has become the main force of reasoning, the appearance of the sleeping Kogoro can only be postponed.

Yu Gongming still used the tissue to find something under the sofa.

"This...this is Miss Yuko's earrings!" Okino Yoko exclaimed.

"Miss Yuko?" Officer Megure suddenly became energetic when he saw that he had a new clue.

"Well, Ikezawa Yuko is an artist who debuted with Yoko. Yoko stole the heroine in a very popular TV series, and she has always held a grudge." Yamagishi Ei said.

"So far, it seems that Miss Yuko is suspected of committing a major crime. Quick, summon her directly here!" Officer Megure said excitedly.

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