Conan: Another Famous Detective

Chapter 140 Another bomb!

The flickering fire light rose into the sky along with the lake water, and the huge explosion caused Yu Miyazaki to have a brief tinnitus.

The strong impact caused the lake water to fly around, and Yu Gongming, who had only time to lie down on the spot, was suddenly splashed with water.

After a while, the smoke gradually dissipated, and the turbulent lake slowly returned to calm.

Yu Gongming stood up in embarrassment, shaking off the water drops on his body, with a lingering fear on his face:

"Damn it! The bomb was just about to explode in my hand... Fortunately, I reacted quickly."

At this time, many tourists seemed to be attracted by the explosion and looked here.

"What was that sound just now?"

" seems like something exploded in the lake..."

"It's not a bomb, is it?"

Whispers gradually spread among the tourists.

Yu Gongming's ears moved slightly, and he faintly heard a strange sound that was different from human voices.

call out--

The next moment, in the eyes of Yu Gongming, a child wearing glasses was riding a skateboard, rushing towards this direction at an incredible speed.


The skateboard braked suddenly and stopped firmly in front of Hanemiya Akira.

"Hanomiya! Are you okay?" Conan looked at Yumiya Akira with concern.

"Fortunately, except for the clothes being a little dirty, it's nothing serious." Yu Gongming shook his head.

"The explosion just now..." Conan's face was solemn.

"It's a time bomb. I threw the bomb into the artificial lake. No one should be injured." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Huh...that's good, thank you." Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as Yumiya Akira was about to reply, Conan's cell phone suddenly rang in his pocket.

"Damn, it must be that guy calling!" Conan said with an ugly face.

"Give me the phone and I'll answer it. There are so many people here now. It's not appropriate for you to use a voice changer to answer the phone." Hanemiya Ming said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Conan handed the phone to Akira Hanomiya.

Yu Gongming pressed the answer button and turned on the speakerphone at the same time.

"Hello! I'm Yumiya Akira."

"Hmph! Kudo Shinichi didn't come himself, but let you and this brat be my opponents?"

A voice disguised as a voice changer came from the other side of the phone.

Conan's face changed slightly when he heard this!

"Is this guy... looking at us somewhere?"

Conan thought of this and began to look around, especially the nearby commanding heights, which Conan focused on.

At a certain moment, Conan's eyes were fixed on the roof of a building in the distance!

Conan tugged on Yu Gongming's clothes and pointed at the building.

Hearing this, Yu Gongming turned his eyes and saw a vague figure standing on the roof of the building.

"So that's where it is..." Yu Gongming thought to himself, and at the same time began to respond to the other party:

"To be honest, I just happened to get it right, but now that I'm involved, I can't just sit back and watch this happen."

"Very good. As a famous detective, you are qualified to be my opponent." The man opposite said coldly:

"Listen up, I have placed another bomb in the square in front of Mihua Station. The explosion time is set at 1:10. You must hurry up, otherwise the bomb may be taken away by others! Haha Ha ha……"

Amidst a burst of laughter, the other party hung up the phone.

"Moritani Teiji, wait for me!" Akira Hanomiya cursed in his heart and returned the phone to Conan:

"Let's go to Mihua Station!"

"Okay, I'll leave first, and you should come over as soon as possible!" After Conan said that, he stepped onto the skateboard, accelerated, and was gone in an instant!

"Tch~ Fortunately, I was prepared..."

Akira Hanomiya found the motorcycle he had prepared in advance, got on the motorcycle, started the engine, turned the handle, and the motorcycle sped forward in an instant!

This motorcycle was borrowed by Akira Hamiya from a former friend. Of course, it was the original owner's friend, not his, but Akira Hamiya didn't mind treating them as [friends] when necessary.

In Japan, you can get a motorcycle driver's license at the age of sixteen, and the original owner had already obtained his driver's license at the age of 17.

As for driving skills, both Qin Ming in the previous life and Hanomiya Akira in this life are relatively proficient in driving motorcycles. The skills are not to the point of showing off tricks, but they can still do things like drifting.

After borrowing this car, Yu Gongming tried to drive it a few times before regaining the feeling.

Therefore, even though he was traveling through traffic at a very fast speed, Akira Hanamiya was still able to do so with ease.

Soon, Yu Gongming arrived at Mihua Station.

As soon as I parked my car, I heard the sound of the solar skateboard’s engine.

Conan also arrived.

Conan looked around for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, there are so many people in such a big place, how can we find it!?"

"Now we can only try our best to find clues." Yu Gongming said.

"I hope this time I follow the original work, otherwise it will be really bad!" Yu Gongming prayed in his heart.

"Okay! Let's look for it separately!" After Conan said that, he began to search everywhere anxiously.

Seeing this, Yu Gongming also joined the search for bombs.

"Look under the bench first. I remember that the bomb should be disguised as a containment box for cats..."

After a purposeful search, Yu Gongming soon made a discovery.

"Yes! This is it!"

Akira Hanomiya took out a pink storage box from under a bench.

There is also a note taped to one side of the storage box:

[Please kind-hearted people take it away]

Akira Yumiya placed the storage box on the bench, squatted down, and opened the box from the side with the note on it. A small white milk cat came out of the box.

The little cat glanced at Yu Gongming curiously, and poked Yu Gongming's cheek with its fleshy paws.


The kitten meowed softly and was about to crawl into Yu Gongming's arms.

Yu Gongming looked at this cute kitten, but his mood became more and more gloomy.

"When I watched the anime, I didn't feel that deeply. Only when I actually experienced it did I realize how bad Moritani Teiji's behavior was!"

"Not to mention using such a cute kitten to disguise the bomb. If Conan had not taken the bomb from the kind old woman in the original book, and the bomb exploded in the end, a kind old man would have paid with his life for her kind deed. !”

"And all of this is just a side result of Moritani Teiji's revenge on Kudo!"

Yu Gongming put the kitten back into the holding box, then turned the holding box to the other side and opened the other box lid.

An electronic timer with red numbers beating came into view instantly!

"Very good, there are still 10 minutes left, there's still enough time!"

Akira Hanomiya found Conan with the containment box in hand. Without any further ado, he showed the timer to Conan.

Akira Hanomiya carefully took the kitten out of the box and handed it to Conan:

"You take care of this cat, and I'll take the bomb to an uninhabited place and wait for it to detonate!"

"Well, you must be careful!" Conan said.


Yu Gongming recalled the surrounding terrain and thought of the route in an instant.

"Okay, let's go to the open space nearby!"

Yu Gongming got on his motorcycle and left Mihua Station with the bomb.

Not long after, Yu Gongming turned from a road into a large grassland.

Arriving in the middle of the grass, Yu Gongming looked around for a while, and after confirming that no one was there, he placed the bomb on the ground.

He checked the timer and saw there were two minutes left.

"Run away quickly!"

Yu Gongming got on the motorcycle again and returned to the road.

However, Yu Gongming didn't just walk away. He had to make sure that no idiot would get close to the bomb in these two minutes.

Yu Gongming silently counted the time in his mind, and estimated that there were less than ten seconds left before Yu Gongming could finally leave with peace of mind.

Just after walking a while, there was a loud bang from behind!

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